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  Serebii said:
Did you talk to the last person in line?


Yeah, said they got the last one and was sold out, or something. It was at night incase it's only available during a certain time.


Even though the older Pokémon don't appear in Black and White, I love the little references to earlier games and Pokémon. The Charizard Bridge, a Pikachu called Gesundheit that some guy obtained from the GTS... my favourite one is when you talk to the fat guy in Game Freak who says "I'm Snorlax".


Ok, been playing solidly all afternoon and have just got the girl's Pokemon back/got the Heal Balls. My current team is:


Snivy - lvl.15

Lillipup - lvl. 14

Purrloin - Lvl. 13

Blitzle -Lvl. 14


And I've caught one of every pokemon I've encountered so far, just stored them. I'd rather NOT use them. Even though Panpour seems good (and I have no other water pokes), he reminds me of shit. Munna too stunned me, but I hate stone evolutions when I don't know when I'll find a moonstone.


Purrloin is literally bringing me down, but she's my cut-ter. I thought she'd be more jokey, but it turns out Lillipup is more so. I want her out - but don't want to waste one of Snivy's slots on Cut. *sigh*


But yes, really enjoying it. Not sure I'm "high enough" levelled atm, but I haven't lost a battle yet/have been taking time out to go up levels.

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  ReZourceman said:
I don't understand how my level 18 Vanillite I caught is on par/stronger than the level 18 Vanillite I've trained from Level 1 (started at the beginning, to get as many Pokes battling as possible)


SRSLY what. Have i wasted loadez of timez.


You're level 1 one probably has very bad IV's. I caught a level 18 one too which had IV's in the mid 20's for every stat; was stronger than a level 20 I also caught!


Also depends on nature.






Purrloin is a fucking douche Paj. Honestly just take it out of your team and catch the evolved form later if you're worried. And as Tellyn said, like...never need cut.


I've never needed to use strength or cut apart from once soon after I got it to go back and get an item. Same for surf. I just use other pokemon temporarily because I don't want my main pokemon HM whores.


I have a musharna, but it is pretty slow and no other ghost/psychic pokemon I've encountered seem worth it.


Where is everyone getting the pictures of these pokemon to post their squad?

  ReZourceman said:




Purrloin is a fucking douche Paj. Honestly just take it out of your team and catch the evolved form later if you're worried. And as Tellyn said, like...never need cut.


Wow, Purrlion's really gotten to you hasn't it!!


Haven't had any time to play for a while, tooo much uni work. Need a catch up sesh, I'm way behind everyone on here.


I'm not much of fan of my fire-monkey. Will probably replace him... yes/no answer - are there any stunning non-legendary fire pokes later in the game? Always has ben my fave type.


Does anyone else try to train their team to all the same levels? I always switch my first pokémon out as soon as it levels up. I had to stop with Gurdurr and Boldore though because I'm waiting to trade evolve them. The rest are all the same level and they're about 4/5 levels behind now.

  The Peeps said:
Does anyone else try to train their team to all the same levels? I always switch my first pokémon out as soon as it levels up. I had to stop with Gurdurr and Boldore though because I'm waiting to trade evolve them. The rest are all the same level and they're about 4/5 levels behind now.


I've always done it that way too. In fact, I remember being surprised when I learnt that not everyone did!


Yeah when I first played my cousin (back with pokémon gold I think) I was shocked when he had like a level 43 pokémon (we started around the same time) but mine were all at 30 or so, but the rest of his squad were in the 20s :wtf: how can people play that way lol


I hate having the "single strong starter" - how we used to play back in '98 foo's.


All my team were lvl. 17 a minute ago, they're levelling up all over the shop at Lenora's gym though. :) I like that Servine isn't my highest levelled.


Started playing White Huzzah, decided that I'll nickname all the Pokemon I capture for the first time, got so far:


Smuglord - Snivy

Bingo - Lilpup

Elseed - Patrat

Tinkerbell - Purrloin


Only on Route 2 but I'm loving it so far, how could you not.


God knows how I'm gonig to nickname everyone of them the first time..going to be hard thinknig of some for a lot of em.

Posted (edited)
  The Peeps said:
Does anyone else try to train their team to all the same levels? I always switch my first pokémon out as soon as it levels up.
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Edited by Tales

I use lucky egg. Its a great exp booster!


I decided Musharna wasn't cutting it. So I now have a tranquil which I refuse to evolve. He'll leave eventually, just isn't the same as a fearow or pidgeot.


There's a lot of good choices for some but not for others in my opinion, so far.


Been neglecting this place cause of possible spoilers, which I shouldnt care about, but yeah.


At the Elite four, can defeat 2 of them but with my team being in thier 40's and one lvl 37 I'm not doing great.


Caught Victini this morning :)

  IAmMarti said:
Been neglecting this place cause of possible spoilers, which I shouldnt care about, but yeah.


Thought we lost you for a couple of months cause of Pokemon black and white just consuming every time and day of yours :heh:



And GODDAMMIT!!! Nintendo!!!!! You release this game today in Australia, but I still have other games to complete and I was getting into them as well, I want to play them all at the same time :weep: :weep: :weep:


Oh...when I bought it...it was umm...awkward...looking around at the people buying the game how do I say it...it smelled, the shirts and shorts everyone were wearing looked like they have been wearing it every day for 5 months and half of them looked like they have never had a shave in their life. Was kind of sad. :hmm:

  killer kirby said:
Thought we lost you for a couple of months cause of Pokemon black and white just consuming every time and day of yours :heh:



And GODDAMMIT!!! Nintendo!!!!! You release this game today in Australia, but I still have other games to complete and I was getting into them as well, I want to play them all at the same time :weep: :weep: :weep:


Oh...when I bought it...it was umm...awkward...looking around at the people buying the game how do I say it...it smelled, the shirts and shorts everyone were wearing looked like they have been wearing it every day for 5 months and half of them looked like they have never had a shave in their life. Was kind of sad. :hmm:


be gratefull you still get We Dare released over there......

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