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"I have doubts whether people will be wearing glasses to play games at home. How is that going to look to other people?" he said at a Tokyo hotel.


Coming from someone who created the virtual-boy!


"It was a bigger iPod Touch," Satoru Iwata said of the much anticipated device shown Wednesday by Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs.


Coming from someone who is releasing a DSi with just bigger screens!


Laughable! Well...i do want one of these ipads..but i can't believe you can't listen to music while surfing the web..i understand putting a ipod in and going through the net...but then..it kinda stops me using the 'ipod' section on it...hmmm i'll only be using it for the games on a bigger screen, surfing the net..and that 'art' programme and the ebooks (which annoyingly won't be availible at UK launch)...but then the price of the 16gb isn't exactly huge. Just thinking out-loud, don't need catty input.


You'll be able to use the iPod bit on it just like you can on the iPhone or iPod Touch, and continue to use other things. It's just Radio apps, or things like Spotify where you can't listen to things and use other apps at the same time.

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Posted (edited)
We can tell.


You're comparing two products that were released 15 years apart - and a fucking great deal happened in those 15 years in terms of technology.


The DSXL is, yes, a larger DSi.


But it's larger for those who physically need a larger device, people with poor vision for example.


Basically it was DSiForTheOld, but with a nicer name.


The iPad is trying to be a new device.


And Hitler thinks you're wrong, too.





You'll be able to use the iPod bit on it just like you can on the iPhone or iPod Touch, and continue to use other things. It's just Radio apps, or things like Spotify where you can't listen to things and use other apps at the same time.


Oh thanks for answering that, least someone did. Thats brill then : peace:

Edited by Owen
Automerged Doublepost
Posted (edited)

ya, what about the omni-mouse for macs, does that not have a milti click function?


Its way overpriced as a lot of apple products are, best thing to do is prob install a different os like osx or 7

Edited by Sec

Does anyone know whether you'd be able to install OSX on this yet?


Or do we have to wait for it to be released and for someone to examine the A4 chip.




You're welcome.

I didn't think enough of the A4s specs were released to know yet...


It'll be possible. "All" someone has to do is rewrite OS X for the ARM instruction set and bypass all of Apple's security features. :indeed:


I was talking to a lecturer at my uni who was telling me that as long as the chip type was the same as what the Intel chips Apple use (and the other chips that work for Hackintosh) then it'd be a go.


I don't think getting the installation onto the tablet would be difficult once security has been hacked.


And I don't think that would be much of a problem if it's using the iPhone OS.


If you're asking how, as in because it doesn't have USBs and a cd drive, then all you really need is it to be docked, baby.


I'm hoping someone who actually knows how to do this stuff... does it.


But then I still wouldn't buy it because it doesn't have pen support...


Or can you buy pens that work with these kind of touch screens... you probably can.

I can't decide if I should order a refurb Macbook now or wait and get a 64GB iPad.




I am geting one becuse I have allredy got a Laptop when I was 21 and I can play with my Ipad in bed.


Seriously, I can't believe people actually want this, You do know 6 months from now Apple are going to release a Version2 of the Big Iphone with Multitasking, USB's, a Camera and all the stuff that's not on this one, it's what they always do, and paying 70$ extra for a keyboard the fuck?

Is anyone on here geting this when it comes out?


I'm going to get one, after initial disappointment with it I'm really liking it now.


Seriously, I can't believe people actually want this, You do know 6 months from now Apple are going to release a Version2 of the Big Iphone with Multitasking, USB's, a Camera and all the stuff that's not on this one, it's what they always do, and paying 70$ extra for a keyboard the fuck?


Of all that the only thing I can see them adding is the camera. The other bits the vast majority of people just don't need/want in a device like this.


Success!!! I've persuaded my mother not to get one because it doesn't have one of those ''easy on the eyes'' screens for e books (As far as I know. Heh).


Absolutely! I'm really hoping a good few magazine publishers will do things like this. I'd much rather have all of my magazines like that than traditional format.


If they put time into developing new apps like that then it may be a very good portable news paper (not meant as a insult) like a more advanced e-book, it'd be good for stuff like match highlights or portable tv. At the moment its just a expensive shell waiting for apps to be designed for it, funnily enough it reminds me of the ps3 in a way,

when it came out it was expensive and didnt have much going for it as there were not many games available when it was released, only time will tell with the iPad, the apps are the key to this thing


EDIT: just saw this made me laugh



Of course the iPad will be getting incredible apps. That's what's most exciting about it. I really think people aren't giving this a chance. Although, like most, I was disappointed with it. I'm really excited for it now.


- Fist and formost, I think this will be the way we interact with computers into the future - browsing websites/apps and the iWorks demonstration show me that it will be fantastic

- It is great for casual people. People like my mum - who uses her laptop for looking at pictures, going on the web and checking emails. Perfect. The only issue is you STILL need a main PC to put everything on it...but still....

- This device is probably the best portable device for watching films. Better than the iphone, better than laptops and MP4 players, better than anything

- This device looks a great way to view pictures, organising your pictures etc. The fact it turns into a digital photoframe when you charge it up is also a great feature

- This device looks like it will be the best way to BROWSE the web. The idiotic lack of flash stops it from being the best web experience though

- I think it will be an absolutely fantastic portable gaming device

- I think the app store is incredible and a lot of apps will be even better on the iPad. And the exclusive iPad apps I'm sure will be stunning

- I can browse the internet and check emails etc without a wifi connection

- I think the ibook store is a nice addition if not great

- I think it will be incredible for newspapers and magazines

- The maps application, which is brilliant on the iphone and blackberry. Looks even better on the iPad with Street View.

- It's pretty much tiny and light meaning it's WAY more portable than my laptop


For £350...how is all the above "shit"?



Is the price confirmed as £350?


...still £100 more than my netbook...


Actually no :) But surely it'll be about that. £399 TOPS.


But it isn't like your netbook... it's different. Better in some ways, worse than others. I don't think it replaces the laptop/netbook, it's a different product. It can replace it for 'some' people, but not me and clearly not most people on here. But if you can afford it, I think it is an incredible product.


What's this about the book store? Why would there be problems?

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