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I'm Going Skiing.. Yay (Back, Photos & Video Inside)


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Heading away to Dublin later today then tomorrow off to France and the Alpe D'Huez Ski resort for 2 nights then 2 nights in Val Thornes, can't wait.


Not really a proper ski holiday, going for work (Travel Agent), it's an educational trip, going to be visiting the various hotels in each place and stuff. The idea being if you've been there it's easier to sell it to someone in the office.


Go the itinerary yesterday and we do have two days where we do get to do some skiing (once in each resort). So looking forward to that. Never skiied before but always wanted to. Well actually I'd prefer snowboarding (been playing 1080 Alvalanche all week, haha) but I think we have to do Skiing on this trip... hope we get offered a choice when we get there though so I can snowboard, would love that.... if not I guess I'll have to just save my money and go on an actual ski holiday and do snowboarding myself.


Joy is also a telling me I gotta plan a ski holiday so she can see snow... I said if it doesn't snow here this year I'll bring her next ski season, haha.


What is odd though is this is the 3rd December in a row I got an educational, haha. 2 years ago it was a 1 night trip to Manchester and last year I was in Oman & Abu Dhabi.... so I guess from the boiling heat of last year I'm getting the total opposite as we were the weather in the ski resorts is around the -20 C.....


I've packed extra socks in case I need to double up. Haha



Anyone here been skiing before.... Any Tips?

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I snowboard, dont drink and ski, might sound silly, but at the altitude you will be pissed in thirce the time and kill yourself, and this a serious point, once you start to feel tired, stop doing it.


Most accidents are caused towards the end of the day, as when people get tired they lose the concentration and just end up either hurting them selves or dragging someone else down the hill with them.

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Anyone here been skiing before.... Any Tips?
Don't eat yellow snow.


I've went skiing for a week in Austria a number of years ago, absolutely loved it!!

The 24hr coach trip... not so much, haha!

There are just some absolutely unforgetable moments that seem to find you (combinations of weather/scenery/people) and you just think 'man this is awesome'!


I've been on dry slopes since, but I'd love to get back to the real thing!


Have a great time! and plenty of photo's please! :santa:

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and this a serious point, once you start to feel tired, stop doing it.


Most accidents are caused towards the end of the day, as when people get tired they lose the concentration and just end up either hurting them selves or dragging someone else down the hill with them.


Absolutely agree with that. When you get tired you'll get lazy in your technique and could really hurt yourself.


Skiing is great fun, it's all about confidence. Keep your skis parallel. Start off by doing big turns, using the whole slope. Copy people who look like they're doing it properly; that's one of the best ways to learn!

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I haven't been skii-ing in about 10 or 11 years. I did it with school when I was younger, I was terrified, so I had lessons at the weekend too. I was terrified on going up on the lift-chair thing, and generally the fact it was a hill.


So yeah, IIRC, I picked up speed (bear in mind I was about 1/6th up the "hill" we have here, or less. Whatever a miniscule distance would be.) and whapped straight into the squishy things that stop from leaving the course. I seem to remember hitting them, and them leaning foward, rather than just stopping me dead. I remember there being some drop as I peered through these squishy things lowering me foward, but I'm not sure if that was just my imagination. But yeah, it terrified me and I haven't skii-ed since.


Not because of that directly, but it just scares me as an activity. I don't believe I have any control over that happens, feet strapped into these things, hurtling down a hill (one of the things I'm most scared of) etc. That chairlift thing scared/s me similarly. Lean foward/wind and I'd fall down.


Unless all I mentioned was construed in my head and it's perfectly safe.

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I haven't been skii-ing in about 10 or 11 years. I did it with school when I was younger, I was terrified, so I had lessons at the weekend too. I was terrified on going up on the lift-chair thing, and generally the fact it was a hill.


So yeah, IIRC, I picked up speed (bear in mind I was about 1/6th up the "hill" we have here, or less. Whatever a miniscule distance would be.) and whapped straight into the squishy things that stop from leaving the course. I seem to remember hitting them, and them leaning foward, rather than just stopping me dead. I remember there being some drop as I peered through these squishy things lowering me foward, but I'm not sure if that was just my imagination. But yeah, it terrified me and I haven't skii-ed since.


Not because of that directly, but it just scares me as an activity. I don't believe I have any control over that happens, feet strapped into these things, hurtling down a hill (one of the things I'm most scared of) etc. That chairlift thing scared/s me similarly. Lean foward/wind and I'd fall down.


Unless all I mentioned was construed in my head and it's perfectly safe.


Is that the Hillend Ski slope you're talking about? I've driven past it so many times but never actually been to it. Looks pretty good (for a dry slope) from a distance.


Has anyone been to one of those Xscape places? There's one 10 mins away from me which is actually really good. It's cool skiing inside on real snow.

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I've been to both Alp D'Huez and Val Thorens, and they are both FANTASTIC. They always have great snow conditions because they are at such a high altitude, and there is one part of Val Thorens from which you can see Mont Blanc on a clear day - it's an absolutely incredible view, with that one mountain dominating all of the rest.


Anyway, tips include get all your gear that you'll need as you'll be grateful for it once your there even if it seems expensive. Other than that - DO NOT be afraid of falling over. It literally doesn't hurt. I had my fair share of falls when I was learning, never hurt myself once, it's soft! If you are not scared to fall, you'll learn a lot quicker than if you're scared. So yeah - don't be afraid.


Very jealous of your trip. Val Thorens is wonderful at Christmas, they have a huge celebration on Christmas eve (or they did when we went) where all of the instructors ski down the slope opposite town in the evening with torches (flaming torches I stress) attached to their backs, it looks great.


Have a great time anyway!

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Cheers guys for the tips... espcially the yellow snow one, haha


I'm not worried about falling over, did plenty of that playing football and rollerblading when I was younger, haha.


I will be back on Thursday so won't be there for Xmas... just the 4 days... but it is a free trip, mwahahahahahahahaha


FYI: If I have anything worth updating about but can't get to a net connection I'll update my twitter with my phone, twitter.com/mokongx3m


fingers crossed I get to do snowboard, I would LOVE that

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Cheers guys for the tips... espcially the yellow snow one, haha


I'm not worried about falling over, did plenty of that playing football and rollerblading when I was younger, haha.


I will be back on Thursday so won't be there for Xmas... just the 4 days... but it is a free trip, mwahahahahahahahaha


FYI: If I have anything worth updating about but can't get to a net connection I'll update my twitter with my phone, twitter.com/mokongx3m


fingers crossed I get to do snowboard, I would LOVE that


To be honest if you've never done any skiing or snowboarding before, then don't expect to do too much of it in these two days (especially snowboarding). It takes practice to do it well enough for it to be enjoyable I think.

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To be honest if you've never done any skiing or snowboarding before, then don't expect to do too much of it in these two days (especially snowboarding). It takes practice to do it well enough for it to be enjoyable I think.


Yeah I'm not expecting to be flying down slopes 1080 style (though I did put all it's songs on my MP3 player), but even to do something will be awesome since I've never done it before and it's high on my "things to do list"... plus will be good to get some experience in so when I do get to go on an actual ski/snowboard holiday I'll at least have an idea what I'm doing and won't be a total n00b when i've actually spent money to do it.:grin:

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Yeah I'm not expecting to be flying down slopes 1080 style (though I did put all it's songs on my MP3 player), but even to do something will be awesome since I've never done it before and it's high on my "things to do list"... plus will be good to get some experience in so when I do get to go on an actual ski/snowboard holiday I'll at least have an idea what I'm doing and won't be a total n00b when i've actually spent money to do it.:grin:


Well I just think you need someone to show you what to do, I don't think it's something you can properly learn on your own. Especially snowboarding as it's not that easy (if I can believe my sister).

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Well, i've never been skiing on snow, but i did try gass skiing :p


I was awful!!!! As evidenced by my n00btastic fall onto my ass below...






It's all in the knees aparently, and i have cranky knees so i particularly suck at keeping them bent with a straight back.


Still, i'd love to try proper skiing, i'm sure its alot different (and hopefully easier!!!!..... i wish).

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Well I just think you need someone to show you what to do, I don't think it's something you can properly learn on your own. Especially snowboarding as it's not that easy (if I can believe my sister).


Your sister is correct, It;s a ball ache to get it right, and seriously if you dont learn the basics and try teach yourself you will fail miserably.


Hope mokong got the insurance.

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Mont Blanc in Val Thorens


Yeah, that view is incredible. But what's even better if you don't go down the proper piste on that run and turn off behind it and ski down towards the view where Mont Blanc is and go down to the left. Absolutely amazing off-piste route. Fantastic skiing the whole way down. The snow is pretty much untouched as so few people know about it.

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Is that the Hillend Ski slope you're talking about? I've driven past it so many times but never actually been to it. Looks pretty good (for a dry slope) from a distance.


Has anyone been to one of those Xscape places? There's one 10 mins away from me which is actually really good. It's cool skiing inside on real snow.


I once went to Xscape in MK a few years ago. As an experienced skier, I can't really say it was that fun. You spend most of the time going up the insanely slow drag lift, and once you get to the top you ski down it in about ten seconds! Also the snow feels like flour and is awkward to ski on. Still, it's best experience you're going to get in England.


It's great for learning though. It's much better to learn there before you go on holiday, so when you get on the real mountain you're not wasting your first two days on the nursery slopes.


My advice: get lots of sleep and get up early. There's nothing better than fresh powder on empty slopes.

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I've went skiing for a week in Austria a number of years ago, absolutely loved it!!


Where were you exactly?



Most important probably is to know how to break. I guess first it's the easiest to form a V shape with your skis. You will also be able to turn that way but don't go too fast because it won't be of any help then.


I assume you will get caving skis. There you can actually make slight turns by shifting your weight or put differently by shaking your hip. This however will not slow you down, so only do it when you want to look like a pro and it's flat.


Doing proper turns is more difficult and I am not sure how I do it, but I think you have to shift your weight to the ski "closer" to the mountain and slightly push with your leg. That will make you turn. It's also the proper way to stop but you need strong legs if you are going fast.


Then whenever you make a turn quickly glance up the mountain to check if anyone is coming. Usually you should try to ski S shapes of the same width so other people will know how much distance they should keep not to interfere with your line.


Only use the ski sticks for balance, not for instance to make turns unless you don't get caving skis, I think then it's easier if you use them to turn.

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Hey guys, I'm back had a great time. Just reading some posts above, sorry if I gave the impression I was gonna try learn on me own, of course we had insturctors on both days we did skiing. I had to skiing as no one else in the group want to do snowboard, but still had a great time. Took a few falls of course at the beginning but after the lesson in Val Thorens we had some free time so was able to tackle a slope or two on me own, went flying down a few greens and was loving it, no bother. If I had more time I would have tried another green or two then tried to tackle a blue but we had to go visit all the hotels :heh:


I did enjoy the skiing a ton, but if I went on my own holiday I'd still rather do the snowboard... and then I'd at least be able to compare the two and might discover I prefer skiing.... now to actually get the money for me own ski holiday... :heh:


Did paragliding in Alpe D'Huez too which was awesome... have some video footage will try to get something on my Youtube over the weekend (including the paragliding) but for now enjoy these pics



Group with Ski Instructor in Alpe D'Huez



Waiting to get on a Drag Lift at the nursery slopes




Me on the ground :heh:



Going up a gondola to see the view from the top



At the top of Pic Blanc



View from Hotel Le Pic Blanc on 2nd morning with clouds BELOW us



With Ski Instructor in Val Thornes




About to head down a green slope on me own after the lesson

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How odd....just been back from a week in Val Thorens with the university. Hopefully we didn't bother you :p


Unfortunately the snow was a bit lacking till friday when we were going home! Grrrr.


Got a pic of me and mont Blanc behind, will put up later at some point.


OMG, were you among the psychos who were walking round at night wearing next to nothing? :o


Anyone end up with Hyperthermia? haha


Hell we prolly walked past each other and didn't notice, haha

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