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Well I found out why its always so pissing quiet. Windows Movie Maker just randomly decides to massively reduce the volume on everything, its so fucking retarded. And I use Movie Maker because the file size to quality ratio is excellent. Piece of shit is just too quiet.


So turn volume up a bit;


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I'm honoured! Good episode, the editing was pretty swish and I laughed out loud a number of times. Particularly good were the Nein gag, the Windows 7 advert and the utterly brilliant piePhone.


I'm still surprised at how many people lay into you every single episode of Rainbow you put out. You take their incredibly harsh criticism pretty well considering they're basically fucking your ass textually with a baseball bat.


Your fucking signature and avatar still terrify me, by the way. Make it end.

Edited by Guy
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You take their incredibly harsh criticism pretty well considering they're basically fucking your ass textually with a baseball bat.

Vulgar, but true. He's a prince among men.


And now for the EEVIL Breakdown!

Apology: Hard to appreciate when we know you've been banging out ReZ Daily [and you complained about uninventive titles :blank:] Something about the music as well, couldn't help but remind of early morning property shows.

Don't know if you've heard: Ok.

News: I like. I've always been fond of your spitting. Don't have too much of a pause at the end though.

Life's Unanswered Questions: Jon Tickle's Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

Phil: Could you provide a transcript please? I think I missed the joke. Pause = NO.

Life's Unanswered Questions: Slick. I preferred the mystery a lá Braniac though.

Post Of The Week: Can't remember the context but diagree with it anyway.

Nuts: Nice.

Item: Not funny, but it's always interesting to see what you can turn a cock into.

Nein: Your best one yet* I was expecting one of the "copy" sketches where you basically copy something just so it's got you in it (such as the BBC weather thing from Daily or the Twilight trailer) but this was most impressive.

Frenchisms: I got lost towards the end. Bien/Bean/Bean again... Then a woman, snail and Disneyland. I thought the master plan was finding things which sound like the word, not showing random French stuff?

Foods That You Can Fuck: Meh.

Phil again: Phil, impressive.

Facebook status: pr0.

PiePhone: I'm not down with the Apple iPhone shizzle and the names mentioned. Please explain someone.

Fun With A Pun: Alright.

Windows 7: Not good. Can't help but feel another Nein gag opportunity has been missed. Or has one been done already? I can't remember.



Your best one yet Gringo.


*What did you use for the effects?


I'm still surprised at how many people lay into you every single episode of Rainbow you put out.

Do elaborate. The main fact is we don't like it/parts thereof. It wouldn't be what it is today if it weren't for our expert tutelage.

I loved that it was not 10 minutes. Much more streamlined and easier to watch. Enjoyed it.

Case in point. Very true Diageo, it is better when it's around the 5 minute mark.

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I'm surprised its your favourite. Surprised but happy. I definitely agree that "Nein" was the best ever. Was very happy with that.


I just use Sony Vegas, a pretty adept and versatile editing programme. Apparently expensive too, but I wouldn't know anything about price. :p


Re Apple and Blackberry PiePhone - Steve Jobs is the...owner/CEO of Apple, and a Blackberry is a type/brand of phone, so I needed to...well you get the rest I'm sure.



Thanks for the comments. :D


"So I said to my mate....I've got a problem with my cable. He said "You should try Conservative""

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Halving the time = win.


Seriously. NOT ONCE did I check the slider thing to see how much I had left watch. That little difference makes the show much more easy to enjoy! Not the funniest so far BUT I'd gladly say the most well-rounded. I felt free to chuckle at a few points.


Never do it more than 5-6 mins again mate. It works much better this way. Encourages you to be critical of your own material.

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  • Been Busy: Somewhat funny, if a bit too random. Should have emphasized the point of you being bored/doing pointless things a bit more.
  • Um, I Dunno If You've Heard: Not funny. Sorry.
  • Spit At TV: I don't get it?
  • Life's Unanswered Questions: See Below.
  • Phil The Person: Couldn't make out the joke. Too long a pause afterwards.
  • Life's Unanswered Questions: Didn't see that one coming. Pretty funny. :)
  • Forum Post Of The Week: While Scoop's posts are always made of win, I'd already seen this.
  • Bag On Wall: What? You're muttering.
  • Guess What The Item Is: Too predictable.
  • Nein Deal: You're getting creative. :)
  • Le Frenchisms: Didn't get all of them. What was up with the last three or so items? Not as funny as previous instalments, I'm afraid.
  • Foods That You Can Fuck: Never was funny, never will be. Way, way, WAY too predictable.
  • Phil The Person: That made me laugh. :)
  • Facebook Status Of The Week: Haha! Brilliant! :D (But technically not your joke. ;))
  • Apple And Blackberry PiePhone: Clever! But I didn't find it funny per se. (It did become a bit more funny when I got the Pie/iPhone bit.) I dunno, maybe it's your delivery? Another thing: You have to speak clearly in your videos, even if you're acting out a scene and want it to sound like a realistic conversation. I'm always on the brink of missing the joke because I can't make out what's actually being said.
  • Fun With A Pun: Nice drawing! But it didn't make me laugh. I think it was too obvious.
  • Windows 7: I know the ad is awful, but I don't get what you're trying to do here.

All in all, not your best episode, I'm afraid. I only giggled at a few jokes. Sorry. The length was great, though, I agree with that. Much easier to take in. (Pun most definitely intended.)


Scoop, while I know we may sound harsh, I think the only fair way of judging Comedy Rainbow is by how much one laughs at the jokes. ReZ knows I love him and his humour. :)


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Yeah I was worried about the Wall-nuts (as you don't see my face when I say "Ah I love walnuts"


and spit =



"Over to Naga" Naga sounds like....nigger....and the chick was black.


Thanks for the breakdown. I'm actually more inclined to agree with you, I don't think it was that good of an episode personally. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Haters gonna hate when they see the length is 9 minutes! BUT - this is because there is a over-three-minute-music-parody that we put a lot of work into, and its at the end, so give the whole episode a chance please.


I proudly represent a few changes also! Enjoy the latest Comedy Rainbow - Episode 18 in glorious HD and widescreen!



Let me know what you think. :)

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The counterproductive joke made me laugh a bit, and so did the step race joke.

The lactose intolerant joke made me smile a bit.

Wile I didn't find the battery hen joke funny, I have to compliment you on the drawing. It's great.

The nein joke made me smile a bit as well, but that was a sympathetic, forbearing smile.

A small smile was also cranked at the pierced ears joke.

I laughed a bit at the second spitting at the wall joke, not so much because I found the joke itself funny, but because I liked the continuity in it.

You pretending to cry was a terrifying thing to watch! :heh:

The music video I was actually fairly impressed with! It wasn't sung and synced equally well all the way through, but when it was good, it was pretty good. :) The video was pretty decently made as well. It was just a bit too long. Remember that our interest needs to be kept, so nothing should be dragged out too much.


Outtakes: Tetley's cameo was cool, and people falling over unintentionally is always entertaining. :heh: Was the magical appearance of toilet paper in the music video itself? Because I didn't see it, but it looked pretty slick.


The rest I didn't find funny, I'm afraid. :(


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Watched, my thoughts are below as usual.


The Official Jimbob Breakdown




Dr Wu-Man – Pretty good, liked it. Only thing that could have been changed, was that DVD’s weren’t really “in” in 1998, could have used VHS on the shelves.


Nien – This actually makes a change, a Nien gag in the “Like” section. Yes i saw it coming, but it was thought out better than Comedy Rainbow 17’s one to be honest.


Dirty TV, Segmant 1 – The better of the two by a marginal distance. Got cheese, anyone!!


The Beginning – Busy were you??


Life’s Unanswered Questions – Something i didn’t know, factual for a chance


Out-take – Tetly needs more air-time.




Pierced – A face-palm moment right here. It got a snigger, hence why it is here and not further down the list.


Lac-toes Intolerant – I sniggered.


Twins – Yeah, a typical Jamieson humour level with this.


Picture – I was thinking of something different as a caption.




The Song – Part failing, part alright in places. Singing wasn’t your cup of tea to be honest.


Dirty TV, Segmant 2 – Didn’t like it, it was a failure in my opinion. The first one was better to be honest, see above.


Lactose Intolerant – Why hide yourself??


I Don’t know if you heard....... – Face-palm moment once again. I really ought to record my thoughts as i am watching it honestly, i don’t know why i don’t. Perhaps next time.


Step Olympics – No, just no


Final thoughts


Personally speaking now, this one was a better episode. It needed that break, it was heading in the stale direction. As always, one or two hic-cups but a good show none the less.




Edited by Jimbob
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Thanks for the comments guys. :D


The wipe-whip didn't actually make it into the final cut Dannyboy, but I was happy with it too! Good thing I fell over and thus it made it into outtake. :p


And Jimbob, Phil only stars in the song. I'm guessing the scruffy hair makes me look like him a bit. :p

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Thanks for the comments guys. :D


The wipe-whip didn't actually make it into the final cut Dannyboy, but I was happy with it too! Good thing I fell over and thus it made it into outtake. :p


And Jimbob, Phil only stars in the song. I'm guessing the scruffy hair makes me look like him a bit. :p


You sure that wasn't him on the train??

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Have to say that I've only just realised how many times you spit stuff out... lol. Messface. Doesn't it bother claire?


The singing bit was well intended - I appreciate teh efforts! But I couldn't tell what you guys were singing. Subs maybe? You dubbed it but too quietly.


Personally think it's too long to go in the ep without annoying the pacing (previous 4+ mins did indeed fly by) then it got to the point where I realised it wasn't a 1-min song it was the remainder of teh show. Just have it uploaded separatelyyyy! I whine about the episode time for a reason, you know :P

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