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Comedy Rainbow


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I watched Episode 12, and I'm sorry to say if that's the best episode, then I'm pretty sure Comedy Rainbow is a bit shit. I say I'm sorry, but really I think YOU should be apologising. I can see it hitting the realms of it being so unbelievably bad it full circles round into being good, and being a terrible guilty pleasure.


You need to watch all episodes tbh.

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As I promised, I have started watching Comedy Rainbow.


For some reason, I began violently vomiting after 2 episodes, my doctor has advised me to cease watching video's of a painful sickening nature.

I watched Episode 12, and I'm sorry to say if that's the best episode, then I'm pretty sure Comedy Rainbow is a bit shit. I say I'm sorry, but really I think YOU should be apologising. I can see it hitting the realms of it being so unbelievably bad it full circles round into being good, and being a terrible guilty pleasure.

Yeah, but then watch Comedy Typhoon when you're done. It'll make everything worthwhile.

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As I promised, I have started watching Comedy Rainbow.


For some reason, I began violently vomiting after 2 episodes, my doctor has advised me to cease watching video's of a painful sickening nature.


I watched Episode 12, and I'm sorry to say if that's the best episode, then I'm pretty sure Comedy Rainbow is a bit shit. I say I'm sorry, but really I think YOU should be apologising. I can see it hitting the realms of it being so unbelievably bad it full circles round into being good, and being a terrible guilty pleasure.


@ Debug. Never known Comedy Rainbow to do such a thing, but who knows what it is fully capable of doing. It can turn people violent (aka, my "attempted" killing of Scoop).


@ Rummy. I found 14 (i think) quite good, it looked like Rez put some thought into the episode, then 15 it was let-down again. Hopefully 16 onwards improves once more.


Yeah, but then watch Comedy Typhoon when you're done. It'll make everything worthwhile.


Indeed, the above statement is true. I found nothing wrong with Comedy Typhoon, it was pure brilliance!!!.


Are you planning on making another one??

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I would like you to drop the Hitler thing.


I liked the usual stuff like the puns and Claire.


I didn't like the new Twilight bit, or the French bit.


I thought the forehead thing was awesome though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was REALLY bad. Up until the title card for the new Clair segment, which I sniggered at, cause I love the picture of her face, and concept of splashing. And then her reaction. That was really good.


But seriously a low point up until that. Not really jokes (as I've said before).

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Intro - That theme really DOES fit everything!


Subtitles - Didn't get it at first, but smiled a bit forbearingly when I got it.

Powerful Fan - Again, a forbearing smile.

Inappropriate Ways - What can I say? Fart jokes are always funny! :laughing:

Spilt Milk - Nah, this wasn't funny. Lacked some sort of punchline, I thought.

Phil The Person - First part: not funny. Second part: surprisingly funny.

Inappropriate Ways Continued - Just underlines my previous point! :laughing:

Canned Laughter - Works amazingly well! Save your puns for this type of sketch in the future! :D

Life's Unanswered Questions - Assuming the punchline will follow later.

Verbal Duel - Fucking aggravating! Far too long, entirely unfunny, and literally painful to listen to. Sorry, ReZ, this is your worst sketch yet.

Life's Unanswered Questions Continued - Surprising, which was good, and the background image added just a bit. The punchline needed more of an edge to it, I thought.

Inappropriate Ways Continued Again - Still funny, but be careful not to overdo it.

Step Up - Hadn't seen this before, but now I kinda want to see the movie. The punchline was terrible, though. Dude, if you can't find something more original to do with this joke, just let it die in peace, all right?

Mission Impossible - The presentation plus you overdoing the delivery and smirk actually works surprisingly well. :)

Jonny's Segment - The element of surprise was okay, but the thing that made me laugh was the laughter itself. :laughing:

Inappropriate Ways Continued Again Again - I'm surprised that I continue to find this funny. :p

Working Out - I don't get what the funny part is. Is it a pun that I'm missing?

Status Of The Week - Not funny, I'm afraid.

Le Frenchisms - Made me chuckle. :)

Working Out Again - I'm not really sure what the joke behind it is. It intrigues me, however.

Inapp... Whatever - Yeah, now it's not really that funny anymore.

Fun With A Pun - Never found this sketch funny, but I've always admired the drawings.

Splash Claire - I genuinely LOL'ed when I saw the title of the new series! :laughing: Should be interesting!

Telepenis - Didn't realise where it was going, so it took me by surprise and was thus funny. :D

That's Disgusting - The interruption cracked me up again, so I guess I'm still easily affected by fart jokes. :p

Outtakes: Wasted Milk - Not funny.

Outtakes: Cracking Up - VERY funny! :D

Outtakes: Pissed Claire - You deserved this. ;)


Verdict: I got a nice number of genuine laughs from this episode, and the only thing I was displeased with was the Verbal Duel. That was just fucking annoying to listen to. Other than that, a pretty good episode. :) I especially loved the Canned Laughter! You HAVE to use this some more! :D


Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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Haha, I love the Christian Bale bit. :p


Thanks for the feedback DBTD, pretty positive! :D


Not really jokes (as I've said before).


So everything that (aims) to be funny has to be jokes? Stop saying ridiculous comments, you know why everything is supposed to be funny, you know the reason for it all, just admit that you don't find them funny as opposed to saying you don't know why they would be funny. You're an intelligent person.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Haha, I love the Christian Bale bit. :p


Thanks for the feedback DBTD, pretty positive! :D



So everything that (aims) to be funny has to be jokes? Stop saying ridiculous comments, you know why everything is supposed to be funny, you know the reason for it all, just admit that you don't find them funny as opposed to saying you don't know why they would be funny. You're an intelligent person.


Well I don't mean jokes as in "Why did the chicken cross the road?"...and I still stand by what I said/meant by the fact I didn't get how things were meant to be funny. Less so in this episode (I just didn't like most of it), but the Working Out bit. What was that? You were working out with weights, then working out maths problems. ...Great? It doesn't work on any level as a comedic thing. It was just nothing.


I also hate the "you're an intelligent person" thing. It's really patronising. But anyway. I'm stating how I feel/what I see. Things that make no sense, and don't work, as comedy.

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The world renowned, and now imitated because it's so sexy - The EEVIL Breakdown.


Intro: You've inspired my signature change. Guile's theme is wank.

Subtitles: No. On a side note I would love to see someone eat on of those Meatball Marinade things cleanly.

Dunno if you've heard: Erm... I'm not erm... sure if I understood erm... this. You went to an air conditioning convention, saw a fan, it did its job. I must be thinking too logically here because I can't see the pun.

Inappropriate ways of greeting people: These are better when the surprise element is added. Watching you slowly bend over and the pause before the sound killed it for me.

Crying: What would make this sexier would be if we saw you spill it, start crying, then someone slap you or something.

Phil: One again he gets naked. How original.

Innappopriate ways continued: Surprising. Impressive.

Canned laughter: What the fuck were you looking at? It annoyed me that you weren't looking at the camera. And the smug bell end mouth was there throughout. And the going for the camera at the end was pointless.

Life's unanswered questions: They're fucking spikey. Answered.

Bale's rant: I liked this, but it went on for too long. Link us to the defiante baby video please.

Life's unanswered questions: No! and stop pausing dammit!

Inappropriate ways continued: ... alright it's starting to grate now.

Nein: You need to back to how this used to be, having nein as an actuallly proper part of the title, not just replacing something with nein/nine.

Tom Cruise: This made me think about the above, Neint and Day would've been much better. Plus you're starting to kill the smug bell end grin even further. I did it to take the piss out of you. You seem to be trying to utilise it as a source of serious humour. And it doesn't work.

Jonny: Remove Jonny altogether.

Inappropriate ways continued: Stoppit.

Working out: Again? When did we do it the first time?

Facebook status: Kelly enjoyed this.

Le Frenchisms: I'm still unsure what you're getting at with this, some French words sound the same?

Working out again: Explain the equation.

Inappropriate ways continued: Seriously. Stoppit.

Fun with a pun: "Below par" says Kelly.

Splash Claire: You made her cry. For shame. And then laughed at her for it. This is a new low for you ReZ.

Paynus: You're getting better with the pronounciation. It's actually starting to sound like Penis. But this may not be misleading. The technique may actually be called penis. You need to "ruin" something which can actuallly be appreciated as being ruined.

Inappropriate ways continued: Claire is dying inside. We all are.

Outtakes: Milk. This would've served better as a proper part of the show, set a few sketches after you bawling session. Diana: Don't see the humour. Splash: I think you should do it again, then film yourself being thrown out onto the street. Seriously.


Final thoughts: It's been demanded before by everyone. Cut the pause bullshit out. If you cut out the blank stares at the beginning and end of each segment you could cut the length by about 95%.

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Here we go then, enjoy:


Intro: Awesome. Rad. Guiletastic.

Sub Titles: took me a 2nd viewing to get, nice.

Pun: solid. Erms and pauses are part of the charm, just like the hat…

Greeting1: oh lawd.

Miruku: took me a 2nd time to get, at first I thought it was a glove or something…Still a bit lacking.

Phil: Surprisingly good. Music was spot on too.

Greeting2: …

Canned laughter: ok, but severely hampered by you not looking at the camera. Also, you going for the camera at the end did not help...

Life1: thought I had the answer scouted…

Rant: too long, painful to watch / listen. Could’ve worked with something intelligible, but not with random yelling from a baby.

Life2: ok, didn’t see that one coming :D

Greeting3: …

Trailer: what is wrong with that soundtrack…surprisingly flat 999.

Pun: Hmm…might have worked better without the footage.

Johnny: Wow, nice laughter there…sock. Sure you didn't escape from a Banjo-Kazooie game?

Greeting4: wtf :D

Working out: Sure, just HAPPENED to film yourself working out :D

Status: ok

Le Frenchisms: oui oui oui, mer-ker-hum-pe-lough etc

Working out: oh, didn’t know that meaning.

Greeting5: still going…

Pun: ok.

Claire: good buildup, mixed reaction from the action…This so calls for Claire Strikes Back…

Mind: good, nice sound effect.

Greeting6: ok, I cracked up :D

OT Miruku: better than the original segment

OT Claire: see? You’ve got another thing coming ;D


Overall: good, bad and the Bale rant...which just did not work. In regard to length and pauses, I don't have a problem with either. Just be sure to look at the camera and cut out unnecessary stuff like turning off the camera...Other than that, little pauses are fine with me.

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Have watched it, and here are my thoughts as per usual in


The Official Jimbob Breakdown (an imitation of the orginal, and best EEVIL Breakdown)


(With a new category as well)




The new intro – A bit of the old Street Fighter, always good.

Sub-Titles – Didn’t really see it coming, so was pretty good

In-appropriate ways – Again, didn’t see it coming. Good

Crying – It was meant to be Live! dammit, but i shall blame Goafer for that. All good, if a bit predictable.




Canned Laughter – It was ok, needs some improving if it is to be continued.

Nein – Again, see EEVIL for this one. Sums it up for me as well

Tom Cruise – EEVIL has it again, would have worked better if it were the “Nein” gag. Plus, the brunt of the joke was already said/performed at the meet.

Facebook Status – Yeah, i see where it was going.

Splash Claire – Finally, you’ve listened to the viewers. Needs work though, and it shall be good.




Phil = Naked = No, too obvious and too samey

Bale’s Rant – No, didn’t get it. Too long, if it had a purpose as well.

Telekinesis – Worked, then instantly failed!!.




Dunno if you heard – Sorry, wasn’t good. Didn’t laugh, as it was basically crap.

In-appropriate ways – Went on for too long, hence it is here as well.

Life’s Un-answered Questions – Basically, no

Jonny – Needs a lot of work.

Working Out, Again? - Where was the first one? Only fail part really.

Working Out, Again? – Would have worked, if you had the first one correct.

Fun with a Pun - Obvious

Frenchisms - Ummm


Final thoughts


An improvement on the last episode. By a little distance, say from Caldicot to Rogiet (look on the map). Some work needs doing, other than that a decent showing



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Thank you guys, I LOVE breakdowns they're really helpful.



Incidentally...I know I said this last time (referring to Christian Bale which has gone down like an anchor) but next episode will almost certainly have THE best CR gag ever. Its a pseudo sequel to a previous one (well its not) but I've already recorded...the musical bit and it is very clever and very amazing. It will be really really great, and it alone will make the episode great. Also it will have probably the most offensive joke that I really shouldn't even put in the episode.



But I am of course going to.....

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The problem with your Bale gag was that the other side of the conversation needs to be funny, the kid wasnt at all. I dont particularly like Family Guy anymore but they did the same gag and it was much much better. It probably would have been funnier if you yourself had recorded the other side of the convo.

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The problem with your Bale gag was that the other side of the conversation needs to be funny, the kid wasnt at all. I dont particularly like Family Guy anymore but they did the same gag and it was much much better. It probably would have been funnier if you yourself had recorded the other side of the convo.


I considered doing so but I didn't think that'd be as funny at all. Its strange, Claire, my sister and a few of my IRL friends really liked the Christian Bale gag, as did I. But everyone here has said its awkward. Thats fine though that is. I don't expect everyone to like every gag, and I am happy with the general feedback even from NE for this episode.


Did you like the rest of the episode?

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Oh FFS I wrote an entire breakdown for this episode but I went to quote something and it deleted it all.




Basically, I loved the twists you did on some of the regular features (nein nein, Paynus... etc)

Tom Cruise dissing is always a win and the pun was good.

Subtitles is just a frankly genius pun imo.

Anything featuring a jew is awesome.

I enjoyed Phil's Quiz.

Enjoyed my bit but ONLY because of what you did to what I sent you. I seriously in all honesty couldn't be bothered this week because of stuffs. Left it far too late to produce anything decent. One of these days I'll get my segment to you on time. ;)

Splash Claire was just epix. I'd read comments about it before seeing the ep but no way did I expect you to spit a gobful of water at her! Amazing. It just shows the potential of a full on hidden camera stylee CR episode. One day we shall make it happen.



Jonny: Remove Jonny altogether.

I know this makes me sound like a sour lemon and I fully realise my segment was shit this week (it would have been a lot worse had Rez not edited it into something resembling lulz) but you're still clearly just pissed at me because you took my rant the other week to heart (even though it was aimed at anyone but you as even though your criticism is generally negative, it's done in a funny and helpful way rather than just OTT & for the sake of it.)

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