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Last Window: The Secret of Cape West


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Could a kind, omnipotent forum overlord edit the title to its European name? Thanks!


I never got too far into Hotel Dusk, I'll probably give it some attention over the next few weeks. I didn't find it as captivating as Another Code, still good though.

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Right well my DS Lite is still bloody broken after spilling water all over it (i'm guessing it's the battery that's given up), which means if I want to play this, complete Ace Attourney and check out that Ghost Trick game I'm going to have to buy another DS :( Either that or I can wait until the 3DS is out, argh :(

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Right well my DS Lite is still bloody broken after spilling water all over it (i'm guessing it's the battery that's given up), which means if I want to play this, complete Ace Attourney and check out that Ghost Trick game I'm going to have to buy another DS :( Either that or I can wait until the 3DS is out, argh :(


Maybe wait and see if Nintendo are actually going to get it out in time for Christmas. I think we'll find out by the end of September.

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  • 1 month later...

Got a review copy of this in the post today - hopefully I'll have time to try it out later. :)


EDIT: Only got the chance to do twenty minutes or so, and it's pretty much the same as the first game so far, just clicking through conversations. If you liked Hotel Dusk, you'll definitely like this. :)

Edited by Mike
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For what its worth, I read the IGN review last night. They scored Last Window 7.5 and basically it boils down to this: if you know what to expect and enjoyed Hotel Dusk, you'll have fun with the Last Window too.


8.5 Presentation

Despite the occasional interface contrivance, it's a beautifully-crafted, unusual title that's as atmospheric as they come.

8.0 Graphics

Undoubtedly similar to Hotel Dusk, the unusual combination of real-time and pre-rendered environments and gorgeous hand-scribbled character art is strikingly unique.

7.0 Sound

Midi-based jazz ditties can seem a little incongruous against the gritty narrative but it all adds to Last Window's unique charm.

7.0 Gameplay

While it's essentially a series of lengthy-conversations punctuated by simple puzzles and leg work, it all melds with the intriguing story to deliver a genuinely engaging experience.

7.0 Lasting Appeal

At somewhere around the 15-hour mark, it's a reasonably lengthy endeavour. It's unlikely you'll want a return visit for quite some time though.



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Bought this yesterday, even though I have never played Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (although I do plan to get round to it at some point), and I'm really enjoying it. Helps that I really enjoy these story heavy, adventure games and pretty much anything that Cing has developed in the last couple of years (Another Code! :love:).


Put in about 4 hours or so and up to Chapter 4. Time seems to fly when play it as last night I only wanted to play for a short bit and ended up playing for two hours straight, which isn't something I'm known to do with many DS games. Unfortunately, now I'm stuck and I'm racking my brains over how the hell to solve the 'puzzle'. The 'puzzle' isn't hard, I'm just drawing a blank over how to resolve it after trying what I thought would work. ::shrug: I'll figure it out eventually.

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Bought this yesterday, even though I have never played Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (although I do plan to get round to it at some point), and I'm really enjoying it. Helps that I really enjoy these story heavy, adventure games and pretty much anything that Cing has developed in the last couple of years (Another Code! :love:).


Put in about 4 hours or so and up to Chapter 4. Time seems to fly when play it as last night I only wanted to play for a short bit and ended up playing for two hours straight, which isn't something I'm known to do with many DS games. Unfortunately, now I'm stuck and I'm racking my brains over how the hell to solve the 'puzzle'. The 'puzzle' isn't hard, I'm just drawing a blank over how to resolve it after trying what I thought would work. ::shrug: I'll figure it out eventually.


sounds awesome! Cannot wait! I had a similar problem with one puzzle in Hotel Dusk that was in the hotel bar and I just couldn't work it out was soooo annoying.

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And finished! :yay: Took about 16 hours, although I did have to redo several conversation points multiple times because they're so fraught with trial and error. One in particular requires you to ask things in a specific order or you have to through the whole conversation again.


But even with the repeating, it's still a lengthy title considering its a point and click adventure. I'd say you'd be very hard pushed to get it done in under 10 hours just because of the structure, which isn't a bad thing. Rather, a good thing as there's plenty of story and guess work going on right until the end.


Can't really judge the game against its predecessor as I haven't played it yet but bar a few nods to the first game, you can easily pick this up and enjoy it as I have. Found it really interesting and a completely different line of thinking to Cing's other adventure game, Another Code which is more of an emotional journey of sorts where as this is a deep seeded mystery which makes you feel like you've really accomplished something when you finish certain puzzles. And there are certainly some puzzles which will frustrate because of how tricky they are. Could have done with a bit more signposting in that respect but the sense of satisfaction from working it out is that much greater as it is.


So yeh, really enjoyed it. Will need to play the original. But people really should give this a go.

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And finished! :yay: Took about 16 hours, although I did have to redo several conversation points multiple times because they're so fraught with trial and error. One in particular requires you to ask things in a specific order or you have to through the whole conversation again.


But even with the repeating, it's still a lengthy title considering its a point and click adventure. I'd say you'd be very hard pushed to get it done in under 10 hours just because of the structure, which isn't a bad thing. Rather, a good thing as there's plenty of story and guess work going on right until the end.


Can't really judge the game against its predecessor as I haven't played it yet but bar a few nods to the first game, you can easily pick this up and enjoy it as I have. Found it really interesting and a completely different line of thinking to Cing's other adventure game, Another Code which is more of an emotional journey of sorts where as this is a deep seeded mystery which makes you feel like you've really accomplished something when you finish certain puzzles. And there are certainly some puzzles which will frustrate because of how tricky they are. Could have done with a bit more signposting in that respect but the sense of satisfaction from working it out is that much greater as it is.


So yeh, really enjoyed it. Will need to play the original. But people really should give this a go.


are there any of the logic/maths annoyance puzzles like one where you have to rearrange matches in a certain amount of moves...

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are there any of the logic/maths annoyance puzzles like one where you have to rearrange matches in a certain amount of moves...


Having not played the first one, I'm not sure how it compares on the puzzles but there's not many logic based puzzles, and certainly nothing like you've described. The puzzles kind of follow the Another Code line of thinking but have a slightly more edgy feel to them as there are consequences to doing things wrongly, mainly just getting the game over screen and having to retry. By that, I mean you'll often find yourself using items to complete puzzles rather than having to sit for ages and work out the logistics of how its done in the same way you did in the Another Code games and the puzzles do sort of play out very similarly to those games (whether this was the same with Hotel Dusk I don't know).


There are some puzzles, though, that are given to you and they're rather vague in how you need to go about them, but for the most part things feel slightly more held back perhaps so as to appeal to a wider audience who'd be more interested in the overall story rather than the puzzles.

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yeah I think there were very few puzzles like the kind I'm speaking of but they did exist! The biggest annoyance with the game over screens was it perhaps sent you just little bit too far back at times. So like you may have to go through 3 conversations before you get to the game ending one.

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I'm stuck on chapter 10 where you have the code on the back of the post card, plus 6 drawings of condors facing different directions. How is this linked to the elevator?!? I've been stuck on this puzzle for days!!! PLEASEEEE HELP ME!! I want to know the end of the story :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have to bump this. Completed it last night and have a question for those who have completed it:

used the sleep gas? It's semi implied it was Frank but never confirmed. Kyle only knows who it is when he gets gassed a second time although he doesn't give a name before the Game Over screen


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