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  Fierce_LiNk said:
Am not obsessed! Arnie is like a God to me, true, but noooo. I'd fear for breaking you if I got that big.


I'm not made out of sugar, I won't break that easily. Mmmm sugar.

But yes don't get that big. =P



I think I'll just keep spamming this thread until other people decide to join. Only six people have posted pictures so far, surely we can do better than that! You can easily do one picture per day. Just take away five minutes from browsing N-E and take a BISH to post here. =P


A Mummy - 30pts


  Eenuh said:
You can easily do one picture per day. Just take away five minutes from browsing N-E and take a BISH to post here. =P

Word! So true.


Although it seems many of the people who 'signed up' don't have a camera (me, chair, paj)...

  jayseven said:
Word! So true.


Although it seems many of the people who 'signed up' don't have a camera (me, chair, paj)...


No webcam or camera phone around? Or a friend's camera?


Got a cameraphone but it refuses to connect to my computer. For the last bish I actually took about 25-30 pics but couldn't get them uploaded.


I think I have a couple of friends who would be willing to go BISHing with me, and I'm sure they have a proper camera -- turned weather is a shame. If it happens it won't be til late next week, and I can't even remember when I said this'd be over...

  jayseven said:
Got a cameraphone but it refuses to connect to my computer. For the last bish I actually took about 25-30 pics but couldn't get them uploaded.


I think I have a couple of friends who would be willing to go BISHing with me, and I'm sure they have a proper camera -- turned weather is a shame. If it happens it won't be til late next week, and I can't even remember when I said this'd be over...


No bluetooth on your phone? Mine won't connect to my laptop either, so I use bleuetooth to send them one by one heh.


And I think you said it ends November 16, though it's your game so you could always change the date I guess. =P


Only way I can get photos off my phone is to put a microsd card in it and set the phone to act as an external storage device when connected to the PC.


I would get more of this done but I only ever do pictures when I'm on my own in the house (so the parents don't walk in on me wrapping toilet roll around my face to look like a mummy) and haven't had a chance for the last few days really.

  Gizmo said:
Only way I can get photos off my phone is to put a microsd card in it and set the phone to act as an external storage device when connected to the PC.


I would get more of this done but I only ever do pictures when I'm on my own in the house (so the parents don't walk in on me wrapping toilet roll around my face to look like a mummy) and haven't had a chance for the last few days really.


I just sorta explained it to my mom, after she probably got suspicious of me looking for cards, spanners, different sized shoes... and of course after she saw me and Jim wearing those hats. =P


Here's two pictures I took last week but hadn't posted yet.


Halloween decorations - 20pts. Halloween isn't big around here, so it's hard to find anything related to it. Though the train station in Brussels had some decorations up, yay. Not a great picture as I had to hurry to get my train... which then ended up having a 15-20 minute delay. =(



A treat :o - 20pts. This is me on the train with a bag of Maltesers, which I kinda bought specifically for this BISH. I didn't eat them until much later that day heh.




Also, I have a video which has a carved pumpkin in it (and a drunk person, but you can't really tell), would that count?

Posted (edited)

FROM BEFORE, Someone wearing a silly hat (not me)






A mannequin - 30 points




You and another NE member high fiving - 50 points




Argos - 20 points




A messy room - 40 points.




All 7 Dark Tower books - 30 points




A page from a dictionary - 50 points (carefully selected page....)




Bobbing apples - 10 points.




Bonus awesome video. Science win.



An N-Europe sign outdoors - 30 points




Traffic cone - 10 points




Mulled Wine - 30 points




A Christmas tree - 30 points




A Morphy Richards kettle - 20 points




You Funny Kid! - 30 points




10 BISH bonus + 30 points


Post total = 410 points




Bauble Testicles - 30 points.





Edited by ReZourceman

You should participate in one Nightwolf! They're fun. =)


Good BISHes Rez! Though I'm not sure you're allowed to post a new BISH yet? I think three people need to do your previous one, unless I got that wrong?


Also, are we still getting bonus points for ten pics or are we only applying that to the first post? Cause if it's still being done I need to stock up on some pictures again. =P

  Eenuh said:
You should participate in one Nightwolf! They're fun. =)


Good BISHes Rez! Though I'm not sure you're allowed to post a new BISH yet? I think three people need to do your previous one, unless I got that wrong?


Also, are we still getting bonus points for ten pics or are we only applying that to the first post? Cause if it's still being done I need to stock up on some pictures again. =P


  Gizmo said:
I'd say its better off as a one-off thing, otherwise people will only ever post in groups of ten.


I agree. Albeit screwing myself of points. :p


And Eenuh....I think you're right about new bish. Bauble testicles will have to wait.


Also....WHERES THE OTHER BISHERS? Refuse to believe they are this busy. Maybe we should PM them...


Yeah 30pts is for your first 10-batch, now. One 'new bish' until 3 people have done your old one (I may as well just change that to "one new bish when someone has done your old one" though...)

Posted (edited)

Yeah might be best to change that rule as I doubt many people will do the new BISHes.



Some new ones from me!


A page torn from a dictionary - 50pts




And if a video counts, there's this:


Filmed it at the Irish Pub. Jim can confirm that the guy there was really drunk, even though you can't tell from the video (I didn't dare to film him properly as he kept looking at us). He was some old guy who kept mumbling to us saying how thanks to him being a hippie working at the ministry we'll end up earning lots of money and he will get no more money once he retires soon.

And he also danced like a crazy man at one point, making the singer say "Just to inform you all, I did not hire this guy." =P


If they count:

A carved pumpkin - 30pts

A Drunk Person - 20pts

Edited by Eenuh

A hand-drawn sketch of someone's avatar/sig combo - 40pts (if it's not a crap av/sig combo you've chosen). Bad quality photo but oh well. Here is Fused King's signature and avatar.



  Eenuh said:
A hand-drawn sketch of someone's avatar/sig combo - 40pts (if it's not a crap av/sig combo you've chosen). Bad quality photo but oh well. Here is Fused King's signature and avatar.




Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

  Eenuh said:
A hand-drawn sketch of someone's avatar/sig combo - 40pts (if it's not a crap av/sig combo you've chosen). Bad quality photo but oh well. Here is Fused King's signature and avatar.





  Eenuh said:
You should participate in one Nightwolf! They're fun. =)


Good BISHes Rez! Though I'm not sure you're allowed to post a new BISH yet? I think three people need to do your previous one, unless I got that wrong?


Also, are we still getting bonus points for ten pics or are we only applying that to the first post? Cause if it's still being done I need to stock up on some pictures again. =P


I've done quite a few now! Well ok 2 bishes, but I'm kinda wanting to do this, looks abit easier.


Shouldn't there be alternatives for the foreign players (me!) on BISHes that include stuff that only exists in the UK/Ireland? Like Tesco, Argos, GMTV, cider in cans, a morphy-richards kettle etc.? =P

  Eenuh said:
Shouldn't there be alternatives for the foreign players (me!) on BISHes that include stuff that only exists in the UK/Ireland? Like Tesco, Argos, GMTV, cider in cans, a morphy-richards kettle etc.? =P


You can get cider in cans if you are wiley enough about it :P I suppose you can do an equivalent for the GMTV and Tesco ones - and Argos one if you have something similar?


(see flink for details)

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