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BISH or treat?


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Yes, there is a mildly seasonal theme, this bash.




- Each pictures must have YOU in it, or your finger/hand with your username (as per tradition)


- Post the actual pictures, not a link (Although! If you composite all your entries into an album, be it on facebook, or some easily-browsable/accesable web version, then you can link to that as well, to ease my scoring at the end).


- Please label your picture appropriately - include the BISH(es) involved as well as the points tally you believe it has earned.


- If you still want to play then you have to request entry in this thread, and await acceptance before joining in. There will be a reasonable cut-off point to stop people joining last-minute and being dicks by posting a gazillion things at once. Just fair that way, I guess.


- I am law. I get the final say-so.


- This time around there will be points awarded per picture as well as 100 bonus points for completing the entire 'rack' -- unless otherwise stated.


- There's going to be a general achievement type feel to this, with some challenges gaining you points, as well as some unique, first-BISH-first-get ones. There is admittedly going to be a lot of repeat classic BISH ideas, but that does not mean you can simply re-submit that picture. New attempts, folks.


- Interesting new rule - each time you submit your picture(s), you can submit an entirely new BISH for others to do in picture form -- that is, you can submit a picture of yourself (old or new), and label the element(s) of it you want repeating.

= You can't submit a new BISH until at least three people have attempted your previous entry.

= Only one of the people trying the pic will get the points.

= You don't decide who gets the points. I do.

= You can decide on how many points are up for grabs. But if they're not fair, I'll change 'em.

= You will earn equal amounts of points if a full three people actually do the BISH you set.


- So, does that make sense? This doesn't mean there's only one user-created BISH at a time, it just means one per user at a time. So all 9 of you can do this all at the same time!


- I am also likely to add new BISHes if demand calls for it, or (more likely) if I'm drunk and think of something I really wanna see photographed.


- If enough people think a BISH is ridiculous, unfair, or unevenly pointed, then I can change it!


- I will try and keep a running total here in this first post.


- More rules may be added later.


- I may deduct points for no real tangeable, or fair, reason.


- End date is November 16th



The BISHes!



- Four differently branded cans of cider, empty 20pts

- Someone smoking - 20pts

- a ginger beard - 30pts

- A really, really emo person - 30pts

- An xbox gamertag - 10pts

- Argos - 20pts

- Laziness - 20pts

- A messy room - 40pts

- All 7 books from Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower' series - 30pts

- A page torn from a dictionary - 50pts



- A carved pumpkin - 30pts

- You in a scary costume - 20pts

- a Captain Sparrow - 30pts

- A Mummy - 30pts

- Kids trick-or-treating - 40pts

- Bobbing apples - 10pts

- toilet paper where it shouldn't be (cannot be combined with mummy)- 30pts

- Halloween decorations - 20pts

- A trick :'( - 20pts

- A treat :o - 20pts



- A picture of someone else's BISH - 10pts

- A post you have thanked - 10pts

- Your first post (that the search can find) - 10pts

- Your first thread (ditto) - 10pts

- The IRC room - 20pts

- A hand-drawn sketch of someone's avatar/sig combo - 40pts (if it's not a crap av/sig combo you've chosen)

- an n-europe sign, outdoors - 30pts

- You and another n-e member high-fiving - 50pts

- You mimicking/restaging someone's picture in the UIG (please provide original image for comparison) - 40pts



- GMTV with 7:43am on teh clock - 30pts

- A Drunk Person - 20pts

- A cloud - 20pts

- Paperclip chain of more than 20 paperclips - 30pts

- A traffic cone - 10pts

- You and someone pulling a cracker - 50pts (60pts if wearing xmas hats)

- Mulled Wine - 30pts

- A christmas tree - 30pts

- A morphy-richards kettle - 20pts

- Someone crying - 40pts



- Bubblewrap - 20pts

- A real duck - 20pts

- A person in a silly hat - 20pts

- A Tesco employee - 30pts

- A ransom note (with cut-out letters and shit) - 30pts (50pts if epic)

- A card tower, 4 storeys high - 80pts

- Two people with post-it notes covering their faces having a sword fight over the entire world - 50pts

- 5 spanners - 10pts

- Jesus - 30pts

- Someone lying on some grass, face-down - 20pts



- Suit up! - 30pts

- Beautiful sunset - 20pts

- You going down a slide - 30pts

- A lost soldier - 40pts

- LEET o' clock - 20pts

- A mannequin - 30pts

- Veal, yeast and beeswax - 60pts

- an error message IN THE REAL WORLD! - 40pts

- A clown on telly - 40pts

- Ten inflated balloons - 50pts



- A boat - 10pts

- Cardboard robot - 30pts

- A man made from cheese - 40pts

- To Narnia!! - 30pts

- A kumquat - 50pts

- It was a picture of you!? It was a picture of Hitler! (Interpret as ye will)

- A 'molotov' cocktail - 40pts

- 4 differently sized shoes in a row - 20pts

- An afro - 40pts

- SuperYou - 60pts




- First person to post a BISH - 40pts

- Second person - 30pts

- Third Person - 20pts

- Ten BISH entries in one post - 30pts






There will be more before the weekend.

















Edited by jayseven
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I was only dicking about in the old thread, though I'm currently camera-less for a week at least, maybe longer, so I cannot play til next week, what's the time frame on this business? I shall be in, but probably not as hard as previously, depends on...well, not being a lazy fatty.

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You in a scary costume - 20pts


Possibly debatably scary? I'm trying out make up and costume ideas for Halloween. As Papa Lazarou is probably a no go idea ( :( ), I wanted to go as some kind of undead goth magician. Apparently though I have a massive head and even a specialist hat shop does not stock top hats in my size. :( So yeah... at the moment my halloween costume is just "A goth" - LAME!



Toilet paper where it shouldn't be - 30pts




A carved pumpkin - 30pts



Edited by SPAMBOT4000
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+20pts for third BISHer.


People need to, like, read the rules again as I think they're missing out on one of the coolest aspects of this game so far...


Oooohh I just understood it. I'll be hitting the Bish heavily tonight. Bought a few things for a few of the Bishes this week.


Its a good list this time I think. Not too many tricky ones.



Also props to everyone so far, no finger piss. (pet hate of mine....why have finger when you could easily have yourself making the game more hax/fun)


PS Cool costume Spammy.

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Sorry Rez but I'm about to ruin your "no finger" thing...it's hard to get yourself in the picture when you have to camera man for yourself!


4 Storey Card Tower - 80pts



A Cloud - 20pts (easiest bish ever for us Scots. The sky is just one big one)



UIG recreation - 40pts




Sig + Av recreation - 40pts



some really boring ones...


My first thread - 10pts



Oldest post - 10pts



Post I thanked - 10pts (is there anyway of tracking what posts you've thanked? I went for the safe option because I couldn't remember any in particular)



IRC Room - 20pts



Page torn from a dictionary - 50pts (the word at the top is scavenger, but blurry camera is lose)



Messy Room - 40pts



Edit: Oh, my own BISH. I'll do that next time.

Edited by Gizmo
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People need to, like, read the rules again as I think they're missing out on one of the coolest aspects of this game so far...


I hate that new rule though (the one where players can suggest BISHes for other players to do).


The reason I'm preferring this game to previous ones is that you're choosing the BISHes, so crap is cut out, and the whole game feels more official.




Objection! Gizmo's messy room isn't actually messy.

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I hate that new rule though (the one where players can suggest BISHes for other players to do).


The reason I'm preferring this game to previous ones is that you're choosing the BISHes, so crap is cut out, and the whole game feels more official.


Reiterating my point:



I'd prefer there were fewer BISHes, but they were all really hard / interesting to do (along the lines of "A Captain Sparrow", "It was a picture of Hitler / It was a picture of you", "GMTV with 7:43 on the clock", "SuperYou", "Someone lying on grass face-down" - ones that actually involve effort/luck to get, and the pictures are interesting to look at).


At the moment, there are too many BISHes, and too many of them are ones that are far too easily orchestrated and only lead to boring pictures. If I'm to be honest, all the ones which involve taking photos of posts off N-Europe are crap, and really uninteresting.


Some BISH suggestions from me:


- You, completely cross-dressed, in a public place.

- You, at a Hallowe'en Party, not wearing fancy dress.

- "There's a She Wolf in the closet; SOS she's in disguise"

- "Pandora's Box" (has to be a metaphorical interpretation)

- You, looking alienated whilst two couples kiss.

- "Between two lungs"

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