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Posted (edited)
  Caris said:
Therefore you couldn't "live" there, making this answer obsolete ;)
You could if you were suddenly zapped back in time.


For a few seconds, before you died a Total Recall eye-bulge death.


Hence worse place to live. Other answers include Hiroshima in 1945, Pompeii in 79AD, The Titanic and inside solid concrete.

Edited by Shorty
Posted (edited)
  Shorty said:
You could if you were suddenly zapped back in time.


For a few seconds, before you died a Total Recall eye-bulge death.


Hence worse place to live. Other answers include Hiroshima in 1945, Pompeii in 79AD, The Titanic and inside solid concrete.


But live also means to inhabit. And I'm pretty sure that's what navarre meant.

Edited by MoogleViper
  jayseven said:
Er... Bottom of the sea? I dunno. Stupid question.


Under De Seeeeea

(Under the Sea!)

Under De Seeeea!

(Under the Sea!)

Darling it's better

Down where it's wetter

Take it from me




I remember one day loooong ago where I was making my way back home for Christmas. My train got stopped at Fareham train-station. To put it nicely, it's a fucking dive. The station may as well not have existed. The people who were waiting for the trains along with me were loud, rude and looked pretty dangerouusss, and the location just seemed like a shit-hole.


A few months later, somebody was talking about a really crappy place that they had been passing through, and I joked that it was Fareham. It turns out that it was the place they were talking about, haha. Whenever somebody even mentions it, I shudder.


As for other places where I wouldn't want to live, somewhere with extreme weather, temperature or conditions. I've visited Saudi Arabia a few years back when I was younger, but luckily it was during the Winter-ish months. Still, fucking hot. Could never live there properly. Also, somewhere with extreme coldness...no no for me.


I did a presentation once on catalytic converters, and where they get the materials from to produce them and I came across this place in Russia called Norilsk. It's a bit of a shithole to say the least.


Here are some of my personal favourites

  • 1% of the worlds sulphur dioxide emissions come from this one city
  • Heavy metal pollution is so severe that it is now economically feasible to mine the soil.
  • Among its many air pollutants: Radioactive strontium and caesium, lead, selenium, phenols and hydrogen sulphide.
  • There is not a single tree within 48km of the city's nickel smelter, ironically named Nadezdha, or in English, "The Hope".


Sounds dreamy.


Any developing (3rd world) country (especially those in which the government has way to much control over the people, or one in extreme poverty, or with genocides), or any neighborhood where if your car breaks down, your best bet is to run and drop your wallet.


Cold doesn't really bother me that much as southern Manitoba has almost exactly the same climate as Siberia.

Do you like seeing your friends publicly beheaded for minor crimes?

Haha I'm not saying Saudi is the best place but I'm sure that be-heading is done for major crimes. Say its rape, it is up to the girl who was raped or her family wether or not they want the rapist to die.


Upon your arrival to this family friendly destination, you can see such sights as women being stoned for adultery, religious police terrifying the population

Have you been to saudi? This would be a funny family guy moment but I don't think this happens in reality, you don't just get off a place and have all this happening.


When it comes to the people of saudi, they seem to be happy in their own little bubble. Who are we to go over their and tell them how to live. It has taken america about 400 years from freeing slaves to giving woman rights etc it didn't happen over night. We did it our way, let them do it their way. We can't expect other nations to do what we are over night. No wonder they hate us [the west so much]. We are actually so very ignorant and arrogant.


Anyway, thats my rant over lol now to answer the question.


Loads of places and times where I would have hate to live. Right now I would hate to live in africa or in the middle east/saudi.


If there were no consequences I would prefer to live in Italy.


Yeah, but stoning women for adultery (and other such heinous crimes) is still wrong, doesn't matter is you slap the word "culture" or "religion" on top of it or not.

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