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So, suckers, how is the gymming eet up going?


I have just over a week before my local gym closes. I have two options: Either to go for the one five minutes down the road, where people are cracking steroids, the gym equipment is battered and the place stinks and is barely kept clean. I asked a few of the guys at my local gym, and they had nothing but bad stuff to talk about that place. I'm going to check it out just to see what it's like. The positives are that it is cheap and a bit closer than the other one.


My second option is Bannatynes, which is around a 20 minute walk maybe to get to. The plus point is that this gym has everything I would probably need and it would be a lot nicer than the other one. The downsides are that it would be a bit more expensive, and it is annoyingly a bit too far to walk to every time I want to get there. However, I could run there and back and maybe count some of that as my cardio? Haha.


Also, had a legs and abs session yesterday. Was great. Although, the gym was really quiet, so I'm a bit annoyed that I didn't plan on doing a chest or back session, given that it would have been easier to use some of the bigger equipment without so many people there. But, yesterday was great. Really feeling it today.

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I haven't been to the gym since I first went...


Not good at all.


I always find an excuse to not go, mostly relevant to uni work: "Oh I can't go today because I need to have this done for tomorrow's class", etc.


So I'm determined to stop putting it off and go on Monday.


Annoyingly it's not like I can afford to keep putting it off, I'm a tubby little shit.

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I haven't been to the gym since I first went...


Not good at all.


I always find an excuse to not go, mostly relevant to uni work: "Oh I can't go today because I need to have this done for tomorrow's class", etc.


So I'm determined to stop putting it off and go on Monday.


Annoyingly it's not like I can afford to keep putting it off, I'm a tubby little shit.


If you can go for a week. I find it easy to carry on going then. Its just that first bit you have to force yourself. But then you get in to it and its easy.

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By having no time, I've stuck it out at home. Can see the workings of it now after about 6 months. The stomach definitely looks more toned but I think I need to vary my exercises, because the 2 I do seem to just do the same crunch like effect to my muscles. Anyone know any good ones? P

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No, my arms are still impractically sore. Like, I can't put on my jacket without wincing.


Dont wince. Savor the DOMS enjoy it. I find my self stretching my arms or today as it happens my back to get the full feel of the DOMS. Its good for the soul lol.

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DOMS is a cool feeling but you can't tell someone to savour it if you don't know how bad it is :heh: I've had seriously bad DOMS when I tried to just throw myself back into weightlifting after about 9 months of nothing. It seemed easy doing bicep curls so I just kept going and going. A couple of days later I couldn't straighten my arms without it really hurting, I had a constant burning pain on the inside of my elbow at the bottom of my bicep and that pain lasted about 3 days. It was seriously the stupidest thing I've ever done to myself with regards to exercise/fitness.


Recently I bought an exercise bike and now I try and do about 10-15km on it every other day.. At first I couldn't do 10km without a break but now I can easily go to 15km without feeling it. The real problem I have (and this is the problem I have with all exercise) is that it's so boring! Last time I did it, I didn't stop because I was exhausted but just because I got fed up and wanted to spend my evening doing something more fun.

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DOMS is a cool feeling but you can't tell someone to savour it if you don't know how bad it is :heh: I've had seriously bad DOMS when I tried to just throw myself back into weightlifting after about 9 months of nothing. It seemed easy doing bicep curls so I just kept going and going. A couple of days later I couldn't straighten my arms without it really hurting, I had a constant burning pain on the inside of my elbow at the bottom of my bicep and that pain lasted about 3 days. It was seriously the stupidest thing I've ever done to myself with regards to exercise/fitness.


Recently I bought an exercise bike and now I try and do about 10-15km on it every other day.. At first I couldn't do 10km without a break but now I can easily go to 15km without feeling it. The real problem I have (and this is the problem I have with all exercise) is that it's so boring! Last time I did it, I didn't stop because I was exhausted but just because I got fed up and wanted to spend my evening doing something more fun.


Haha, I know just how bad it can be. The first ever time I did my leg-workout at my local gym, I struggled to walk for days afterwards. It really was punishing. :laughing: There have also been other occassions as well, but it's all been good. I don't think I've been unlucky with regards to seriously injuring myself or anything, so far.


The exercise bike/treadmill can be great for mental strength, haha. It amazes me to see people running or cycling for an hour, having their eyes firmly fixed on the wall in front of them. That's tough, haha.

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I've probably said it loads of times, and I kinda even feel sick of saying it, but riding a bike to work is good. You have to be there and, for me, it takes about the same amount of time. Getting a good bike cheaply from work is cool too, if your employer is a part of the bike to work scheme.

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I've probably said it loads of times, and I kinda even feel sick of saying it, but riding a bike to work is good. You have to be there and, for me, it takes about the same amount of time. Getting a good bike cheaply from work is cool too, if your employer is a part of the bike to work scheme.


The only reason i woudnt like that idea is lack of showers etc.

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I'd love to bike to work but unfortunately it's about 45 minutes for me and up some serious hills, and down a dual carriage way... and across a motorway... and down a dangerous country lane. If we ever move offices into Sheffield I'll get a bike fo sho.

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think i would pass on all of those lol. Coudnt imagine doing that then working for 8 hours knowing myself even if anyone else didnt that i was dirty lol.


You work like I work, haha. When I wake up, I need to be clean for the start of the day. I can't get up, go to work without a shower. So, getting up, showering, then getting all sweaty just doesn't make too much sense to me. For me anyway. And, I know that I work less well when I am sweaty.


I take either 2 or 3 showers a day. One before work (in the morning), One after work and then another after the gym. I'm...a bit freakish with being clean.

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