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DUST 514 - Eurogamer Preview


Someone asks Atli Mar Sveinsson if DUST 514, the console shooter that will share a universe with sci-fi MMO EVE Online, will have character classes. You know, like engineer, medic, or assault. "That stuff is for computer games," the game's creative director says, dismissively. "This is not a computer game. This is a world. If you want to be a medic, take some stuff with you."


If CCP is different from other developers in one way above all others - and CCP is definitely different from other developers in more than one way - it's philosophical. And that philosophy can be boiled down to one central principle, pithily put by Sveinsson just then. "This is not a computer game. This is a world."


So DUST 514 is more than it appears to be - which, on the surface, is a large-scale, strategic multiplayer FPS in the style of Battlefield. Battlefield 2142 to be precise, not just because of the futuristic setting and vehicles, but also because victory hinges on the destruction of huge, mobile, airborne command points. The comparison is exact, but also misleading, because Battlefield is just a computer game, and DUST 514 is a world - or rather, half of one.




The other half is EVE, the immense, complex, political game of space trading and warfare that CCP has been running and steadily growing for some six years now. EVE is unusual among MMOs in that it presents an undivided, "single-shard" world in which all 300,000 players can interact with each other on one giant server; they all inhabit the same universe, New Eden. DUST 514 will put console gamers in that same single universe, as mercenaries fighting for control of planet surfaces just as EVE's spaceship pilots, organised into Corporations and Alliances, vie for sovereignty in space.


The two games will be linked, and the players of each will be able to interact - predominantly via CCP's New Eden social network, which launches early next year - and join forces to influence events in the galaxy. Initially, EVE players will be able to hire DUST players to attack planets or districts of planets for them, and players of both games will be able to join the same Corps and Alliances. "The link is something we will expand over time," says Sveinsson, mentioning the possibility that EVE and DUST players will eventually be able to walk around in the same social areas.


Read the rest...






I'm very interested in this. I've always loved the idea of EVE but it's just too much for me to get into. The idea that you can get hired for battles that will have a real effect in EVE is just awesome. I think this is the most promising upcoming shooter, much more so than MAG. No other game can boast the context DUST 514 has. Hopefully it has the gameplay to match.


What's everyone else's thoughts? Except Choze. I'm sure he'll say something inane and dumb as per usual.

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Am I right in thinking that if the game does end up coming out on both the 360 and the PS3, that players on PSN and XBL would be interacting with each other?


From the sounds of it, we probably will be able to interact brtween consoles (as both versions would connect to the same PC version).

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Assuming that both consoles end up getting this, I wonder if the game will have an in game friends list to add people from the other console.


I don't think that there would be a friends list. It seems to work by people joining clans created by people on the PC versions (so you and a friend on another console could just join the same one). You're one of their grunts.

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PC version isn't confirmed and I don't think they will release it. The PC has EVE so they don't want to eat into that market (of course most people who play EVE probably won't be into a FPS) and the mouse keyboard set-up might offer an advantage whereas if you restrict it to consoles you have a relatively level playing field.


Just my view though.


Having said that, I think the plan might be to slowly open EVE up completely to consoles and vica verse so who knows.

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EVE and DUST players will eventually be able to walk around in the same social areas.

That's one of the interesting parts. So imagine before a DUST match you get a live debriefing via headset from an Eve commander and you can move around in the same room as them, interacting with their movements in real time also.


Then whenever you respawn they can give you intel etc before you shoot off in your space shuttle towards the next destination.


That's one of the geekiest comments I've ever made.

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By "PC Version" I meant EVE itself. Assuming I read it correctly (the battles in DUST affect EVE).


Ah, my bad. I just read that some people were wondering if DUST was coming out on PC on some comments thread and I don't think it is.


That's one of the interesting parts. So imagine before a DUST match you get a live debriefing via headset from an Eve commander and you can move around in the same room as them, interacting with their movements in real time also.


Then whenever you respawn they can give you intel etc before you shoot off in your space shuttle towards the next destination.


That's one of the geekiest comments I've ever made.


Yeah, the interaction between PC and consoles is interesting. The consoles are basically the grunts. :heh: I like the idea of everyone in a fight getting into a dropship and dropping into orbit. I doubt it'll be quite like that but it's a nice idea.


Next year EVE gets a free expansion which allows players to walk around stations and such. I can't wait to see what happens when players are able to build cities on planets.

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It just seems like a really big step/ideology. Almost a technology that is too expensive or complicated to implement throughout thousands of households. Yet it should be here soonish.


Really shows a big leap in gaming, but isn't it also a leap in something else? Like they could really do something useful with this in a way. Seems NASA-ish. Or am I getting ahead of myself?

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It's basically going to end up creating a world where people will have to sit on their chairs completing daily space objectives in order to survive. The ability to wander freely around the world (or virtual universe) will be granted if you have enough money, like in our real lives really.


Things could be made so interesting that MMOs won't be considered games anymore but they are the coming of an infinite virtual reality. This thing'll get big on consoles to a certain extent and then machines will be released based purely on giving people the experience. This place will have it's own internet and television channels that can only be viewed whilst you're 'playing/doing it.


In 40 years I'd say.

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It's basically going to end up creating a world where people will have to sit on their chairs completing daily space objectives in order to survive. The ability to wander freely around the world (or virtual universe) will be granted if you have enough money, like in our real lives really.


Eve Online is basically already like this.


It's really interesting following EVE and they're set on expanding it with that walking in stations expansion (although I don't think it works with planets yet). I can't wait to see how they take it further.


I love hearing about things that go on in Eve. The place has its own economist. It's crazy. I'd really love to be able to get into Eve but there just isn't enough time in the day. My brother plays it and it just looks really involving.


Eve Online is how MMOs will work in the future. Single worlds instead of hundreds of servers. I always found it weird that WOW did that but obviously it makes sense economically.

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Yeah but if you think about it atm the options are very limiting. Restrictions on the amount of actions (i.e controllers) etc and very little entrepreneurial stuff you can do.


Very 2 dimensional. Pretty much everyone has equal opportunity in EVE I take it, in the real VR there will be poor people. They have to do the boring jobs like refuelling huge space ships etc.


I don't know why I'm saying this, it's so obvious and it's basically me pointing out the difference between Eve and the real world. Imma shut up.

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Actually Eve is incredibly uneven. That's part of the reason why new players have such a big problem. If you don't affiliate quickly you will die. Eve has a full economic system and if you get yourself in the right position you can have a big knock on effect on a lot of players.


Mining would be one of those utterly inane jobs you're talking about.


Maybe you mean even to a larger degree but at the moment Eve is a pretty compelling universe moving under its own weight.

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Fair enough, didn't know complicated stuff like that existed, I'll have to watch some videos. And yeah I'm kind of talking greater knock on effects.

At least starting with 1 person controlling armies of people in real time is a very vast move, even though the FPS side of it is very unreal compared to EVE.


I'm confusing myself the more I think about this. I think I'll stay away from the whole VR medium.

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I've played EVE before, probably for about 6 months or so. The universe itself is fascinating, as you said, but the game itself leaves a lot to be desired personally. Not enough going on for me, far too much metagaming.


DUST is extremely interesting, though. Can't wait.

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Fair enough, didn't know complicated stuff like that existed, I'll have to watch some videos. And yeah I'm kind of talking greater knock on effects.

At least starting with 1 person controlling armies of people in real time is a very vast move, even though the FPS side of it is very unreal compared to EVE.


I'm confusing myself the more I think about this. I think I'll stay away from the whole VR medium.


Eve is pretty close to that. There are fair massive battles in space. Up to around 500 ships. There corporations in Eve are controlled by real people and they do effectively command. In terms of battle I guess it's delegated but the whole thing can be set up how you want.


Yeah, I'm not too sure how the FPS side is going to work but if you can trust anyone to get it right it's probably CCP. It's probably a dead cert that they'll keep expanding the game with DLC.


I've played EVE before, probably for about 6 months or so. The universe itself is fascinating, as you said, but the game itself leaves a lot to be desired personally. Not enough going on for me, far too much metagaming.


DUST is extremely interesting, though. Can't wait.



Yeah, I'd totally agree with that.

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I like EVE, but simply never had the time to play it properly. As a big FPS fan, this is big news - if it's half as stupidly fun as PlanetSide, this will be awesome.


We so have to start an N-E corporation, if only as mercenaries in DUST 514 - in EVE, good quality mercenaries are in much demand space-side already, and I know there a a good number of seasoned, good quality FPS players around here, so we could become pretty damn powerful...

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