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House: Episode 3

Crazy awesome!

The implications of Chase killing the dictator guy are clearly gonna reverberate throughout the rest of the season. Loved the subplot with House and the guy with no hand and was surprised to see that the mirror box thing is based in reality. Thought House was going all Dexter on us for a bit with the injection and use of gaffa tape! Though the way he went about it has GOT to be an intended nod to Dexter. Has Taub really gone for good though? He kinda just said he was quitting last ep and not heard from him since, is that it? Wish they'd got rid of thirteen instead of him.


Overall was a great patient of the week episode with a nice twist to it.

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Well I'm not surprised some of my predictions came true :P The episode in general was decent watching - with a stronger focus on the character reaction to the patient rather than the patient of the week reflecting a certain element of the doctors' relationships, if that makes any sense.


I'm real glad that Chase has finally got a meaty chunk of the season arc main story (or so it seems so far, at least). I'd say that House himself has taken more of a backseat in the recent 2 episodes, barely more than a glimpse of his trademark limp. Perhaps that relates to Laurie's own supposed leg complaints? Are we looking to see 13 as secondary cast, as she should be? And as for Taub, well maybe he'll re-apply in a bit once House has his licence back?


So in general - good stuff. Am still looking forward to seeing more 'nice' Greg.


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Watched Series 5 and Series 6 Ep 1-2 & 3 in one string. Season 5 was pretty good, I saw Meatloaf in an episode and went to wikipedia to make sure it was him... and saw a major spoiler as Kutner commits suicide in the episode. Shit.


Didn't like episode 3 of series 6. I think it is because I don't think it would really happen and the fiction takes it away from the show as I feel that Princeton‑Plainsboro could actually be a hospital. But I suppose in the same outlook you could suppose that the dictator and his country could be real, but I know it isn't.

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I don't think Chase made the right call although I don't blame him. I would mind seeing Foreman report him and watching the fallout from that but I like Chase so that would have been a bit lame too.


Maybe it'll come back to bite him in the arse when they autopsy the guy.


Overall it was a decent episode. Not great but not bad.

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I'm liking House's new role in the show, as a sort of instigator of the other elements rather than the procedural cherry on top he's been the previous seasons. Very glad that Chase has had a bit more limelight, as I've mentioned before, but in rapidly closing the Dictatorcide chapter I think they've shown they're willing to keep the pace up.


The episode's title and the bankrupcy that precludes it were ultimately utterly unweighted and tricky to really focus on with any decency, but still I'd say the POTW structure has been less of a chore this season, with the doctor's relationships taking the fore. House being a bit more compassionate about his fellow doctors needs is nice to see, too.


A distinctly average House episode, all in all, but totally worth the time spent watching it. There was completely no focus on the rehab this episode, which makes me think the next episode will concentrate a bit more on that, or on House's ongoing health.


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I woulda thought later than July seen as though the season 5 boxset has only just come out over here.

GREAT! I just love this show. Seriously near the end of most shows I'm sat there clapping myself squeeing in delight going 'I LOVE THIS SHOW!' Yeah, pathetic eh. Patient of the week was interesting if not a little silly. SURELY in this day and age there are more checks in place to prevent alive people getting to the autopsy table. Did shock me though I must say. LOVED the House/Cuddy moments where Cuddy clearly wasn't sure if House was flirting for real or not. "You do make me feel funny" - so great. Loved the Wilson/House bromance and loved Chace's downward spiral.


House has always been awesome but this season especially is just exceptional.


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I agree with Teh Dare - best episode since the opener, for me. Still appreciative of Chase's focal storyline - having his and cameron's relationship the central string works better than foreman and 13's did. So is Chase going to be an alcho or a jailbird? And when are we going to see some of House's 'inmates' again?

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Latest episode: What about the whispering in the office?


I honestly don't remember that - maybe it was a memory -- but obviously it's way more interesting if he is actually having a relapse.


Latest episode: What about the whispering in the office?


I honestly don't remember that - maybe it was a memory -- but obviously it's way more interesting if he is actually having a relapse.


EDIT: Wait! I remember now :P Yeah, I like to think relapse is a good cause. He's hardly going to be entirely in the clear. Sweet :)

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