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Ghost Trick


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Well, D_prOdi...tree.. I downloaded the demo last night and played through it all :smile:


What exactly did you have trouble with? I felt it held your hand pretty well and guided you through the scenario with appropriate hints..


Did you play this demo? It actually outlined a feature that strangely wasn't in the DS demo and one that should certainly have helped if you're in trouble. The feature I'm talking about is the one where it tells you what will happen when you perform a trick with a certain item so that you kinda know what to expect..


Having played the initial demo online a couple of weeks ago, I already felt like I had a decent grasp of how the game works and was able to go through the DS demo with relative ease when the problems were outlined. I'm really looking forward to playing the actual game when there will be more emphasis on working things out for yourself :grin:

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Here's how I did it.


At the start, possess the item above you and wait for the girl to go get her headphones, use Ghost Trick while she's trying to get her headphones down.


Next possess the cart and use your Ghost Trick, possess the tree then the star then the toy plane thing. use your Ghost Trick on the train, this will make it spin faster allowing you reach the switch (or whatever it is) in the ceiling. Ghost Trick the switch, then go back to the Christmas Tree and use Ghost Trick on the star.




That's how I did it, not sure if ther're multiple ways of completing the stage or if they are just there to give hints, because they're a few objects I didn't need to use

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got this yesterday, and decided to boot it up for the first time before I went to sleep... and thanks to that I only ended up getting about 4 hours' sleep! I wasn't sure I'd like this, but the premise is very clever. I can see the 'trial and error' gameplay getting a little annoying, however. Full marks go to the animation, by the way - superb!

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Reviews have been pretty good for this (think it's sitting at an 83 on Metacritic overall which is pretty damn good).


It's one of the games I've been really looking forward to playing this year on the DS (and lets be honest, there isn't much else coming out besides this, KH: Re:Coded and Okamiden) so I'm happy to hear it's turned out well. I'm just hoping that because Nintendo have decided to publish it that there'll be plenty of stock about when it hits shelves on Friday.


I can see it being one of those games that is available in limited supply but as I say, Nintendo picked up the publishing rights so clearly they believed in it and hopefully stores will have ordered in plenty of stock.

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I played the first four chapters tonight, and I'm really enjoying the game so far. As Mike says, the trial and error may get annoying later on, but so far, restarting as only meant replaying a minute or two.


The story is also really intriguing, and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

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I really thought this game would get more love on this forum. Did you people not play the Ace Attorney games? :blank:


Anyway, I just finished the game after about ten hours, and I really, really loved it. It's right up there with the Ace Attorney series for me in terms of good DS games.


The story had a lot of twists and turns and it kept me hooked throughout. The whole game takes place during one night and moves at a much faster pace than the Ace Attorney games. The fact that the game just tells one long story (instead of being divided into separate cases) probably adds to that. They keep piling on new revelations and secrets, as well as connecting everything with everything, but it never feels convoluted and it all makes sense in the end.


The characters are great (Missile!) and, as you'd expect, quirky. I really love the character animations, which give them a lot of personality. In fact, the art style in general is great. With its 2D backgrounds and cel-shaded characters, the game is going to age really well.


The gameplay is simple, but I had a surprisingly good time moving from object to object and manipulating them. The game mixes things up enough for it to always feel fresh, and I liked how not every chapter was about going back in time to save someone from dying. Failing never actually becomes a huge issue, as the game is very forgiving with checkpoints. That said, if you do get stumped in a place where it's possible to fail, you may have to replay things over and over again, but we're talking probably less than thirty seconds each time, so it's not a big deal.



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I can give you my reason :heh:


Although I definitely want to pick Ghost Trick up at some point, I'm more than happy to wait around for the price to drop over the next few weeks and months! With a mountain of games still to play through and more that I'd like to add in the future, it doesn't make sense for me to go out and pay full price for any game now when I probably won't get around to it for a considerable amount of time..


It's really good to hear that you loved it, though :hehe:

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One the plus side: when you're playing the game and really enjoying its awesomeness (or at least you'd better, or we can never speak again), I'll sit there sad about not being able to experience the game for the first time like you are. Schadenfreude!


But yeah, add it to your list and tell us what you think of it when you get around to it.

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One the plus side: when you're playing the game and really enjoying its awesomeness (or at least you'd better, or we can never speak again), I'll sit there sad about not being able to experience the game for the first time like you are. Schadenfreude!


But yeah, add it to your list and tell us what you think of it when you get around to it.


I will :heh: The only downside to this method is that you sometimes miss out on sharing the experience with people, like yourself, as most people will be off playing other things by the time I'm delving into it :indeed:


I'm currently playing Shenmue II on the Dreamcast. I purchased that almost 3 years ago when I was playing through the original but I'm only getting around to it now :eek: I had actually been playing Banjo-Tooie before Christmas, which has also spent a good 3 years in my possession, but I've lost a lot of interest in it 11 hours in :hmm: That game is, without a doubt, one of my biggest disappointments of all time!


I'm sure it won't take me that long to get around to Ghost Trick, though :heh:

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I will :heh: The only downside to this method is that you sometimes miss out on sharing the experience with people, like yourself, as most people will be off playing other things by the time I'm delving into it :indeed:

That was actually one of the reasons I bought the game at release! Originally I was going to hold off until after I'd played Valkyria Chronicles 2. Of course, I ended up loving the game, so now I'm glad I bought it when I did, even if only one other person appears to be playing it. :heh:


I think you're a bit late on sharing your experience in Shenmue II with other people. As for Banjo, that's a series I've put off playing for the longest time, so I'm actually kind of glad that you're not enjoying Tooie. Makes me feel better about not giving the games a chance!


Man, very little of this was on topic.

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That was actually one of the reasons I bought the game at release! Originally I was going to hold off until after I'd played Valkyria Chronicles 2. Of course, I ended up loving the game, so now I'm glad I bought it when I did, even if only one other person appears to be playing it. :heh:


I think you're a bit late on sharing your experience in Shenmue II with other people. As for Banjo, that's a series I've put off playing for the longest time, so I'm actually kind of glad that you're not enjoying Tooie. Makes me feel better about not giving the games a chance!


Man, very little of this was on topic.


Well.. none of this post will be on topic, but something had to be said :eek:


Banjo-Kazooie is AWESOME :bouncy: I rate it as one of my favourite games! It saddens me that the sequel has fallen so far short of the original :hmm:


Unfortunately, it seems to be following a bit of a trend with me regarding sequels :sad: From what I've played in the last couple of years, Donkey Kong Country 2, Metal Gear Solid 2, Devil May Cry 2 and, so far, Shenmue II can't touch the previous games in their respective series'.

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Play Assassin's Creed 2! Now there's a sequel that improves upon everything that was wrong with the first game. Of course, it helped that there was so much wrong with the first game...


I've never played either of the Shenmue games (maybe if they'd port the first one...), but I've certainly been given the impression that the sequel is... smaller in scope, I guess? Too bad it's not as good as the first one.


I can't bring myself to play Banjo-Kazooie because the people raving about that series are the same people who rave about Donkey Kong Country - a series I really dislike. So I'm worried it'd be the same with Banjo.

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I'm currently up to the final chapter. Played this practically all day yesterday, not often a game can hold my attention that long lately.


Story is great, though I'm a bit confused at the minute, be that should be solved once I complete the game.


This might be one my favourite DS titles, I might even say better than the Ace Attorney games.

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They do a great job at keeping you guessing right up until the end of the game. The only big twist I saw coming was...


... Sissel's true identity. As soon as I saw the cat, my first thought was, "they're going to reveal I'm the cat, aren't they?" and things like Sissel not being able to read and human Sissel being a bad guy just confirmed it.


Still an awesome game, though!

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Because I imported the game from the US, and it still hasn't arrived... ;)

The downside to importing games... Beats waiting for the iOS version, at least!



And done. Great ending, very sad. Slightly dissapointed it's over now though :P


And yes, Missile is great!

Missile may just be the best character of all time.


How hard did you find the game? I found it surprisingly easy, but I'm kind of glad that I never ended up stuck like I do sometimes in the Ace Attorney games, where you'll end up pixel hunting in a crime scene for thirty minutes or presenting every piece of evidence. The only time I was stuck for a while in Ghost Trick was in the park, and that was my own fault for missing that you could interact with one thing.

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How hard did you find the game? I found it surprisingly easy, but I'm kind of glad that I never ended up stuck like I do sometimes in the Ace Attorney games, where you'll end up pixel hunting in a crime scene for thirty minutes or presenting every piece of evidence. The only time I was stuck for a while in Ghost Trick was in the park, and that was my own fault for missing that you could interact with one thing.


Yeah, I found it pretty easy as well. A few sections took multiple tries but it was only a matter of figuring out what to do and in what order to do things. Had to restart a few times because I used a Ghost Trick too early. I expected the final chapter to be a lot more challenging.

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