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Fable III


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okay so some probably stupid questions regarding the collectors content...


1.“A new quest: Uncover the mystery of the haunted forests of Silverpines and earn the legendary sword, Wolfsbane, deadly against wolves and balverines


-- So i guess this comes along throughout progressing along the towns / locations etc.... ????


2. location: Unlock a new region, ideal for settling down with a family and discovering new treasures.


-- same as above??


3. One unique outfit: Unearth one male and female outfit from the mysterious, faraway land of Aurora, a new destination in your “Fable III†adventures.â€



-- also same as above...


see i thought all the goodies would be available from the off like fable 2, but i assume this isnt the case?


or.... am i doing something wrong? (yes i've redeemed the codes, and downloaded the items.) I've got the highlander outfit... dont know if thats actually collectors DLC though?

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Damn you people for making this sound good! I can't really afford it and really shouldn't buy it given the amount of work for Uni I have to do... but I think I'll go and buy it tomorrow when I'm out. :nono: I really must stop spending money.


I think i ought to stop spending so much myself, just these past 2 days i've spent £140 on stuff.


And for them people who havn't got it yet, well. Its excellent, well worth the wait for it.


First thoughts, well. Remember the player movements in FII. Well, they've been improved drastically. Moves more fluid than ever.


I've had to use the coin for the first decision, couldn't decide.

Edited by Jimbob
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First thoughts, well. Remember the player movements in FII. Well, they've been improved drastically. Moves more fluid than ever.


Does the character actually walk this time or does he/she still move about as though they're running around on ice? While it didn't annoy me in FII, it did feel very strange that it played like that.

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okay so some probably stupid questions regarding the collectors content...


1.“A new quest: Uncover the mystery of the haunted forests of Silverpines and earn the legendary sword, Wolfsbane, deadly against wolves and balverines


-- So i guess this comes along throughout progressing along the towns / locations etc.... ????


2. location: Unlock a new region, ideal for settling down with a family and discovering new treasures.


-- same as above??


3. One unique outfit: Unearth one male and female outfit from the mysterious, faraway land of Aurora, a new destination in your “Fable III†adventures.â€



-- also same as above...


see i thought all the goodies would be available from the off like fable 2, but i assume this isnt the case?


or.... am i doing something wrong? (yes i've redeemed the codes, and downloaded the items.) I've got the highlander outfit... dont know if thats actually collectors DLC though?

The last two I got through a quest. The quest leads you the area with your house and new clothes.

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Fable III is awesome! :D I've barely played it... well a couple of hours but I'm taking my time and it's just so much better than Fable II in terms of improvements that have been made.


Oh yeah... I completed Fable II - about fucking time right? - as well lol and yes... I got all three choice achievements the immoral - or should that be sensible? - way (dashboard, then rinse, repeat) as one playthrough is enough for me.


Fortunately the achievements in Fable III seem to be more geared towards doing everything in one playthrough... well... one thorough playthrough, which is just how I like it, single player bliss :) the added decent co-op is just the cherry on an already lavishly iced cake as far as I'm concerned. ^^

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Well done for FINALLY beating Fable II.


I agree with you, with Fable III being so much better than II. When i played II, it was a good game but something wasn't quite right about it and i couldn't put my finger on it. It seems that Fable III has this thing fixed, of which i couldn't figure what it was but i know it's been fixed. (if you get what i am saying)

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Pretty much everything about this game is all-round awesome atm though there are a few small technical negatives such as the dog being all over the place still - as you mentioned Wolfy - I feel that could have been solved by using the 'back' button to warp your dog to your side - like in the 'bodged' Fable II co-op mode - which would have at least meant that if your dog kept falling off the edge of some land and into the water that you could quickly rectify the problem.


The other thing is that the game seems to 'hiccup' rather infrequently possibly due to the immense amount of 'stuff' that it has to load, I'm installing the game now in the hope that this will lessen the problem.


Other than that though, much fun is currently being had. :)

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Does being evil limit what you can do? In my opinion being evil in Fable II wasn't worth it. I want to be an evil king without being avoided by my citizens or having trouble getting quest and dates from ordinary people. If I want to be evil, should I avoid all "good" quest?

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I know that. I'm just two gates away from ruling the kingdom myself. I'm saying you might have to be king and then marry. King Henry VIII didn't marry his six wives as a prince you know. And the achievement says "as ruler". But I don't know, maybe it works anyway.

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I have to say I love this game, the story is great, the characters are lovely and the road to ruin is by far the best way to level I've seen.


My only con right not is there is no inventory, trying to keep/make a character eat and therefore make he/she thin is hard!


I also would like to know - I bought a book for my dog, how do I use it? I can't even seem to access it unless I go to a pawnbroker.



I am now Queen - yay! But I'm curious, I forgot how much money I need to get? Also when you aren't doing your chores at the palace do the days that pass in between those (say you spend 5 days making pies) count towards the final year?


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the characters are lovely and the road to ruin is by far the best way to level I've seen.






I also would like to know - I bought a book for my dog, how do I use it? I can't even seem to access it unless I go to a pawnbroker.


Press 'A' to whistle to your dog, you should now be able to press 'Up' on the D-pad so that it can learn the book you've recently acquired.

Edited by S.C.G
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You're welcome Wolfy :D


I too have a question... how do you combine spells? I have both the Fire and Electricity spells but I'm guessing I can't combine them until later on in the game.


When you have some on say fire, go to say shock and you'll see in the left hand side a menu



Fire + shock


Just select fire + shock and you'll have one on each hand :)

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Ah I see thanks, it seems I still can't do it though... yet... I need the spellweaver pack and then it should work, at least now I know how to combine them when the time comes. :)


Yup you get spellweaving as you progress on the road to rule, shouldn't be too far off :).


I finished the main story ten minutes ago as good, I'm not really sure what to think, I'm pretty sure I like it, but as no-one has really any info online it's hard to get questions answered. I may play co-op this week and re-play as evil as see how it goes.

Edited by nightwolf
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Bought this yesterday and have played a little bit of it (about 2 and a half hours). Just left Brightfall to go to the mercenary place. Enjoying it so far and while there are clear improvements over the second one, there are plenty of problems with this. The frame rate issues I can deal with, although there have been some truly bad ones so far, but it's the constant pop-in of graphics that's beginning to bug me. That and constantly snagging on bits in the environment.


And I'd like to know: does anyone else's 360 sound like it's trying to chew their Fable 3 disc when they load it up? When I first put the game in last night, I thought that it was literally chewing the disc to shreds. Sounded like an electric drill drilling into the world or something. Really loud and it's not a problem with the console as every single other game I have boots up normally and gets nowhere near this loud. Similarly, the disc is fine so I don't know why it's doing that.


And one last thing:

The one where you choose either Elise or the other people to be executed. What did everyone else pick? I picked Elise but for some reason wish I hadn't. I'm guessing he is now dead or does she reappear later in the game when you overthrow your brother? Did that choice last night before heading to bed and I've been mulling over whether I should have chosen differently, even though I presume I chose the good-guy option


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I don't have the issue of the disk churning, as i installed it on the HDD.


With the moral choice, well


to kill the protestors, keeping Elise alive. Couldn't decide, so i used the coin to pick for me.





Anyone else found the Hunters Lodge yet??. And, does your family live there?


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IGN Editoral on Fable III fails.



That's probably the biggest disappointment in game design terms in Fable III, but it's by no means the only one. Let's go through a few. The conversation system has taken a big step back and is now – frankly – laborious and clunky. You must actually enter into conversation now, instead of just performing emotes in front of people, and the timing system from the last game has been replaced by a very plain mechanic that requires no skill. There's less choice, it's less interesting, it's not as well designed and it actually feels far less social. Dealing with people in general has been dumbed down too. Sure, you can still get basic stats on each person, but the more involved information from the last game are nowhere to be seen.

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I found my disc drive is failing, it took me 20minutes to get any game to load..I finally managed to get fable loading to complete it.


My review of fable 3 won't be complete until I get to the rest of the areas, make a family, enough money and get the DLC.


When you choose to be good in the end and you manage to kill quite a few of the townsfolk..do they repopulate eventually? My town is quite empty..


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