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I'm impressed I have to say, may even ignore the split screen and get this.


Wonder why they never showed screens before now I mean it's a game to be proud of.. Also makes me happy to shut the idiotic 360 and ps3 skeptics.


THIS is how wii ports should be done.It's much better looking than conduit!

Hey, LostMario, I hope we'll be doing some online together again like on the Conduit! I'm better at COD games than I am at the Conduit :)


I am interested in this, but I think I'll be getting MW2 on the 360 so it all depends on how many people on here get it and play regularly online.


If it drops in price after a few weeks (£20+) I'll definitely pick it up.

I'm very, very impressed with this. It's only taken them almost 3 years to make a Wii game that looks anything like something on it's rivals!

Sarcasm aside, I'm very impressed. Yes, the RPG trails should either last longer or not be there at all, but on the whole, it looks good!


Technically, it took them 4 months to port this! At least since it was announced.


Sure, there's no "HD" footage of it on sites like GT or IGN to make it look stretched and butt ugly, but I'm still impressed.

Posted (edited)
Sadly, those 'leaked' slideshow shots which confirmed Wii Speak, were confirmed as fake a few days after we first saw them.


What?! No wii speak. This is no Conduit N-E online killer.


Thats one of the best parts of us all playing online against each other.

Edited by lostmario
I'm very, very impressed with this. It's only taken them almost 3 years to make a Wii game that looks anything like something on it's rivals!

As in not quite as good as Brothers In Arms on the PS3:


to which IGN said:

5.5 Graphics

looks shoddy.


If so then yeah.


Yeah, but it's the Wii. Wii graphics are awful. Everyone knows this. That's why we never talk about them. Gameplay is the only important thing.


You've actually nailed it. Graphics don't matter to these Wii people, they aren't shortsighted.

Wonder why they never showed screens before now I mean it's a game to be proud of.. Also makes me happy to shut the idiotic 360 and ps3 skeptics.

Oh. I agree, I've been shut up by these truly incredible graphics. They do matter.

As in not quite as good as Brothers In Arms on the PS3:


to which IGN said:



If so then yeah.

it's better looking than that obviously.....



Oh. I agree, I've been shut up by these truly incredible graphics. They do matter.


They're not incredible and it's difficult to judge them without good footage but they look good. And no graphics don't matter as much as you think they do.


If they did your favourite console wouldn't be third place in sales.

If they did your favourite console wouldn't be third place in sales.


Sales always equals quality. That's why Transform 2 is one of the greatest films ever made.

Sales always equals quality. That's why Transform 2 is one of the greatest films ever made.


because it's one of the biggest grossing films ever?


My point still stands. If most people wanted a console with the best technology then the ps3 would have sold better but alas most people don't care if the graphics are a little worse

and here we have a game that looks like it holds up extremely well on wii and ye knock it. A shining example of why devs don't port to the wii often.. I think this is more or so less the best the game could have looked and if it looks any better it's not like it's going to improve the gameplay in any way.


Gameplay> graphics and you know the wii game will have better control unless something goes wrong :)

Sales always equals quality. That's why Transform 2 is one of the greatest films ever made.


Games and movies are 2 completely different things, and game makers need to get that through their thick skulls, people buy games to play, not watch, that is what a movie is for :heh: Which is why I get sick of long ass intro scenes that force so much crap onto you.

Games and movies are 2 completely different things, and game makers need to get that through their thick skulls, people buy games to play, not watch, that is what a movie is for :heh: Which is why I get sick of long ass intro scenes that force so much crap onto you.


But daft isn't talking about them being the same within their mediums, he's talking about the public mentality. And I agree with him, popular stuff means shit. In fact, you could argue quite successfully that the most popular of things is always going to be bad, because to appeal to that many people means you must be catering for the lowest common denominator.


Although I would say it appeals to software and not consoles, I would compare consoles to the equivalent to a DVD/Bluray player.


And yes I do get that on the whole software drives sales...


Though Kirbs, I do agree, I'm not a fan of the direction of going more "movie"


But I did love how cinematic Uncharted 2 was...exceptions exceptions.


As for Modern Warfare Wii; still peeved about no wii speak and only 10 players...but if it's pure quality fun then it wil be too hard to resist.

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