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Girls aren't generally known for their mechanical prowess :P


Its been in and out of the shop for this problem for years. It was in only last month getting the plastic edging cleaned and replaced.


They did say the time before that it may end up needing a whole window unit replacement. I think i'd rather pay them to do it than hash it up myself :(

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Have you had a look at it yourself? Take the door card off. The metal will probably be held together by rivets. You can drill them off (you'll have to replace it with nut and bolt).


Or try and find a similar coloured door at the scrappy.


Do this. New door after my crash cost me £35.

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It really depends on the car, something big like my (small actually) truck you'd want power steering, it's a pain to steer if it goes out. Something tiny like my friends old Festiva (not Fiesta) doesn't have it because it's so bloody lightweight you can't tell the difference. I'm not kidding, I could life one end on the car by myself.

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Course i do, what idiot wouldn't?

Why make it harder when theres no need?


They didn't put a man on the moon because it was easy, they did it because it was hard. Although that's not really relevant, just wanted an excuse to say it.


It depends what you mean by harder. Once you're above 10mph, power steering makes little difference, so 95% of the time it's not needed. No power steering gives a better feel of the road. It's swings and roundabouts I suppose, Each to their own etc. I personally don't like power steering, it's like wanking whilst wearing oven gloves. Sure your hands are more comfortable and kept clean, but it's a numb experience. Plus any electric gadget takes away from your fuel economy(that's more a "think what your fuel economy would be" arguement than a "old, simple cars are better" arguement btw)


As for removing door cards, last time I tried it was a piece of cake. A few screws at the back of the door and a few at the front and it was out. My window fell down (winder cable snapped) so I just used cable ties to wedge the mechanism so the window was always closed. Worked like a charm. Didn't need the window anyway as it was the passenger side and sunroofs are better. It was on my first car IIRC.

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They didn't put a man on the moon because it was easy, they did it because it was hard. Although that's not really relevant, just wanted an excuse to say it.


It depends what you mean by harder. Once you're above 10mph, power steering makes little difference, so 95% of the time it's not needed. No power steering gives a better feel of the road. It's swings and roundabouts I suppose, Each to their own etc. I personally don't like power steering, it's like wanking whilst wearing oven gloves. Sure your hands are more comfortable and kept clean, but it's a numb experience. Plus any electric gadget takes away from your fuel economy(that's more a "think what your fuel economy would be" arguement than a "old, simple cars are better" arguement btw)


As for removing door cards, last time I tried it was a piece of cake. A few screws at the back of the door and a few at the front and it was out. My window fell down (winder cable snapped) so I just used cable ties to wedge the mechanism so the window was always closed. Worked like a charm. Didn't need the window anyway as it was the passenger side and sunroofs are better. It was on my first car IIRC.


Since almost all new cars have power steering and newer cars are, for the majority of them anyway, more economic fuel-wise, having an electric gadget taking away from your fuel economy is rather an irrelevant point I personally believe to make.


I can't tell whether that paragraph makes sense. Basically newer cars= more effecient with power steering than old cars without power steering.


Also, I will say although I've never driven a car without power steering, except for a bit of fun helping the ex reverse her car, I don't have a lot of experience. When I was helping reverse in the non power steering car, it was just more effort. I agree with Kirk, why make it that bit more difficult when it doesn't really affect your driving at speeds surely?

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I don't' date=' I actually find it very weird driving cars that do have power steering now.[/quote']


They didn't put a man on the moon because it was easy, they did it because it was hard. Although that's not really relevant, just wanted an excuse to say it.


It depends what you mean by harder. Once you're above 10mph, power steering makes little difference, so 95% of the time it's not needed. No power steering gives a better feel of the road. It's swings and roundabouts I suppose, Each to their own etc. I personally don't like power steering, it's like wanking whilst wearing oven gloves. Sure your hands are more comfortable and kept clean, but it's a numb experience. Plus any electric gadget takes away from your fuel economy(that's more a "think what your fuel economy would be" arguement than a "old, simple cars are better" arguement btw)


As for removing door cards, last time I tried it was a piece of cake. A few screws at the back of the door and a few at the front and it was out. My window fell down (winder cable snapped) so I just used cable ties to wedge the mechanism so the window was always closed. Worked like a charm. Didn't need the window anyway as it was the passenger side and sunroofs are better. It was on my first car IIRC.

It was a joke, i said it because he made out taht people who use power steering can't drive. I know he was joking.

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Can someone explain the difference you feel when driving then without power steering to me please?



Other than having to turn the wheel round several more times when parking/going very slowly what does it do?


It's hard to explain how something feels. You'd have to really try it to know.


Also you don't have to turn the wheel any more/less. Power steering doesn't affect your turning circle. It just makes it easier to steer.

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Can someone explain the difference you feel when driving then without power steering to me please?



Other than having to turn the wheel round several more times when parking/going very slowly what does it do?


You don't have to turn the wheel any more than with power steering. It's still the same amount of turns (although that does vary from car to car), it's just harder in a non power steering car. At least when the car is going slow (like parking)


Above 10mph (ish), there is very little difference in how hard it is to turn the wheel. Power steering cars just feel a bit "numb" at speed since there is less feedback through the wheel. That's my view on it at least.



In short: Power steering is easier for very slow speeds, not much different at speed but boring. It's preference really.

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I thought some newer power steering cars would alter the amount of turns from lock to lock? Making you turn less when at low speeds and making them insensitive to sudden movements at top speeds? Could be totally wrong on that though.


It's something everyone should try imo, firstly to experience the suffering at low speeds and secondly to see just what the feedback can be like when moving a bit faster. All the mod-cons people have nowadays I sometimes wonder if people actually understand just whats going on.

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I thought some newer power steering cars would alter the amount of turns from lock to lock?


That sounds about right actually. I seem to remember something about modern cars ditching the old rack and pinion style steering for a system where the steering wheel would control an electric motor that steers the wheels (so no direct link between the steering wheel and the front wheels). If that's right, there's no reason why the sensitivity could be upped at lower speeds.




Hopefully that makes sense. I know what I meant, I just couldn't get it into words.

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Power steering affects above 10MPH, if you drive something larger than the norm power steering is extremely nice. My truck has died at 30mph before, and pulling to the side requires effort.


That said, both of my trucks still have a fair resistance to them despite the power steering, while my sisters truck feels nearly uncontrollable like the steering wheel is trying to just spin out from my hands.

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My 206 is pretty awesome, other than the occassional collision with a tree it's been completely reliable.


I take this back. The exhaust fell off today :hmm:


Double post: Repair bill for the broken exhaust was a measly £30 and an hour of my life attaching the new one. Awesome! Plus, it is also now clean. There was a car underneath all that dirt afterall!

Edited by Gizmo
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woohoo, got my car back, £44 later!


They sorted it, well i hope so anyway. Cleaned all the glue off n redid it. He kinda suggested that whoever fixed it before did a real shit job (toyota garage, lol). Been advised to let it sit unopened for a bit, just to make doubly sure the glue is all set. Hopefully it works! And reversing out of the garage place it did that STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID NOISE that it keeps doing >_>


Urgh never ending I swear, even my car needs constantly looked at, its old yeah, but its only got 42k miles. Phail.

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