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Tadpoles from above


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I once drove through a rainstorm so bad, that I could only see the lights of the cars in front. I couldn't even see the end of my bonnet, literally. It was probably the single scariest thing I've ever done. It's not like I could just stop either. I was on a motorway and couldn't even see the lines on the road, finding an exit was pretty much impossible.

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once the end of the rainbow was in the field next to my house. I ran to it but it keeps moving away and then goes behind you.


I experienced the edge of rainfall outside my house once. To the left it was raining, to my right it was dry. Well weird.


I've experienced that before.

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Oh, yeah? Was she dry round the front, too?


Oooo, i believe i can see shades of ReZ and EEVIL within you my friend.


Anyway, back on topic. I havn't experienced any unusual weather this side of Europe, but raining tadpoles has to be one of the weirdest weathers i've heard of.

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Yeah I've had Raining round the back a few times.


Oh, yeah? Was she dry round the front, too?




Rain isn't dry...




on topic: I'm enjoying this nice weather. Hasnt been rainy for a while here, that makes a big change. Northern ireland rains a lot compared to the mainland.

Edited by Raining_again
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