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N-Sprites! E3 Special!


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Hello everybody. How are you all doing?


Sorry if this is the wrong place for such a thread to exist. Staff are free to move it wherever they choose.


As those who have come to know me and my ways on N-Europe have probably guessed from the title of this thread (thanks for coming on in, by the way), this is a thread that will contain a special sprite comic mini-story, influenced by a game announced at E3 (it will also be posted on the main site if you woud prefer to read it there). It is only five comics long, so it is probably not seen as a huge achievement in comparison to the advent sprite comics of December, or the even more impressive 24 hour comic by n-comic’s Charles Raymond (I highly recommend you check out his thread if you haven’t already, as well as n-comic itself). However, I hope you will still enjoy what I have created.


In addition to the comic, I plan on adding a little summary to each one. Probably not necessary, but I’ve always wanted to input a little bit of my opinion. You’re free to just read the comic though!


Oh, yes, and I’ve added a little Q&A section below today’s comic, which covers some things such as Cinderella... Nintendo Style! and the possibility of a regular series. Hopefully I’ve answered some of the things you may have wanted to ask in regards to that.


With all that out of the way, I would like to present you with the first of the five comics. I hope you enjoy reading.




So, New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I’ve seen quite a few mixed opinions on this, and personally I’m looking forward to it. I’m not really bothered about the lack of online, as it’s definitely a title that is better suited to playing with three other people in the same room. Granted, having online and Wii Speak as an option would have been nice, but manage to get yourself and three others playing the game, and I’m confident you will have an experience that playing online couldn’t compare to.


The thing I am slightly bothered about is the Blue Toad and Yellow Toad. I’d go into more detail, but maybe it would be best if the comic did the talking for me.



What happened to Cinderella... Nintendo Style!?

Without going into too much detail, a number of problems came up whilst creating the comic, explaining why there was so many late entries, and eventually no entries at all. The two major problems were university, and later on, illness. I underestimated the task at hand, and failed as a result.


Since on the subject, I’d like to take this opportunity to apologise to the N-Europe community and staff for my failure last year. This first failure at the advent comic shall hopefully be my last should I ever do advent comics in the future. I would also like to take this opportunity to say that Cinderella... Nintendo Style! will most certainly be completed. I can’t promise when, but the remainder of the script is being written, so hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.


N-Sprites? Will this be a regular series?

That depends. At the moment, my primary focus is completing Cinderella... Nintendo Style!, but after that, I would say if there is enough demand, then a regular series is definitely a possibility. However, a regular series wouldn’t have the same update schedule that the advent comics have had, and would more likely update whenever, like n-comic does.


In addition to this, a regular comic wouldn’t have some sort of story like the advent comics do, with perhaps the exception of special occasions, such as this E3 special, where the comics would run once a day. People would probably lose interest in a comic with a story if it didn’t update on a very frequent basis. Without the story, the comic would be given the freedom to be about anything Nintendo related, which of course means more things that can be made fun of! That said, don’t worry, Waluigi will still be made fun of a number of times.


These things aside, if people have an interest in seeing such a series (or if you’d rather not have such a thing exist at all), be sure to voice your opinions.


N-Sprites is a pretty bad name...

Very bad! My previous names for comics haven’t exactly been great though either though (Nintendoom anyone?) It’s also kinda piggybacking on the name n-comic, isn’t it? There goes whatever originality I had! If anyone has a better name, don’t be afraid to suggest it!


By the way, just because Sprites is in the name, doesn’t necessarily mean that only sprites will be used in a regular series. For example, back when Super Smash Bros. Brawl was released, I sent a comic with my friend code to others through PM. The comic used photos that were taken in that game. So don’t be too surprised if you saw an N-Sprites that didn’t use sprites.


Oh, but nothing hand drawn. I’ll leave that to n-comic. I’m terrible with the pencil afterall!


What do you think about the use of “[Laughs]†in Q&As and interviews?



Are you creating the comics the same day that you post them, like with the advent comics?

No. Work on these comics began Wednesday, and all five were completed by Friday. I did this to make sure the comic was finished and we didn’t have another incident like Cinderella... Nintendo Style! On the plus side, at least you know I will update the comic, hopefully earlier than 11:59pm.


By the way, this started out as just one comic. Somehow, it later became five. Why do I do this to myself?!


I have no idea.

No matter. Do you think it’s odd that I’m suddenly talking to myself?


It is pretty creepy... hey! I’m the one meant to be asking questions! You’ve switched us around!

Oh, really?



Are you sure?






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What do you think about the use of “[Laughs]†in Q&As and interviews?



Are you creating the comics the same day that you post them, like with the advent comics?

No. Work on these comics began Wednesday, and all five were completed by Friday. I did this to make sure the comic was finished and we didn’t have another incident like Cinderella... Nintendo Style! On the plus side, at least you know I will update the comic, hopefully earlier than 11:59pm.


By the way, this started out as just one comic. Somehow, it later became five. Why do I do this to myself?!


I have no idea.

No matter. Do you think it’s odd that I’m suddenly talking to myself?


It is pretty creepy... hey! I’m the one meant to be asking questions! You’ve switched us around!

Oh, really?



Are you sure?




This is pure comedy gold! :D

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It's Super Dynamic Comic Time!




WarioWare D.I.Y. is admittedly a title that I’m most likely gonna buy as it looks really interesting, but end up not really creating many microgames due to lack of ideas. I have LittleBigPlanet, which is a great game, but I haven’t created a single level on it yet. I was planning a 2.5D recreation of Super Mario 64’s Bobomb Battlefield though, so maybe that’s something PS3 owners here might look forward too. If I ever make such a thing that is...


Wario and Waluigi sure seem to get a lot of appearances in the comics I make, don't they? Probably because the two of them make a good comedy duo! Sometimes I worry that I use them too much though... That said, I haven't heard any complaints so far, so the two are probably going to keep having major roles in any future stories that I write up!

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Hmm...I like that Wario sprite. That style would easily fit, should Nintendo include Wario/Waluigi in a future M&L game.


Thinking about it, why didn't they do that already?


I think I'd rather have a separate Wario and Waluigi RPG.

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Why did the chicken cross the road? To read my comics! Then went back onto the road after reading to kill itself, not being able to live in such a world where my terrible humour exists!




I sure give Waluigi a hard time, don’t I?


Some people may be confused over who Waluigi is talking about. In Nintendoom, there were two Toads that guarded the entrance to Peach’s Castle. In the events of Nintendoom, these two were completely incinerated during a kidnapping. Despite being a pile of ashes however, the two were still somehow alive and capable of speech. They made a second appearance in A Wario Christmas, suffering a similar fate. Through their popularity, these two have somehow become characters of their own.


Oddly enough, in A Wario Christmas, the two were considering getting different jobs. I guess they went from being guards to being fully-fledged heroes!

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Super! Macho! Comiiiiic!




The Ace Attorney series is one which I absolutely adore. As a result of this, the series occasionally manages to creep its way into the comics, no matter how minor an appearance. I’m really looking forward to Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, if only because it stars Miles Edgeworth. Honestly, if you don’t love the guy, there’s something wrong with you. It’s... objectionable! If you haven’t already, buy and try this incredible series of games.


Also, it’s such a shame we didn’t get to see that full conversation between the two Toads. It would have saved us all a lot of debating, wouldn’t you agree? Well, if you’re into debating about The Legend of Zelda timeline that is. I kinda just like to play the games myself. Oh, and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks looks great, and I’m not just saying that because I like steam trains and Thomas the Tank Engine. Err, used to like Thomas the Tank Engine. Yes, that’s what I meant...


(Seriously though, they’re making the TV show CGI! I’ll stick to the Ringo Starr days, thank you very much!)

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B) What font is that? Its megahwhynzaph0n.


Pretty much all fonts used in the comics now come from this website. If you want some quality comic book fonts, this is a great place to go. You have to pay for some of the fonts though, like the text I use in the speechbubbles for example, which is called Blambot Casual.


Anyway, final comic time (feels pretty odd saying that so soon, heh):




I just want to say that I totally want a penguin suit for myself. I would so wear it all the time. Yes, I’m single.


Anyway, that concludes this special. I hope you have enjoyed reading it throughout the week. As mentioned in the Q&A, my next focus will be seeing that Cinderella... Nintendo Style! gets its long overdue completion. I don’t know when I will actually have it done, but keep your eyes on my name appearing in the Retro Gaming area. After that, if there is high enough demand for a regular series, then who knows, you might end up seeing the N-Sprites name again.


Thanks to everyone for reading and leaving kind words. Knowing my terrible habit of always being on N-E but rarely posting, as usual, you probably won't hear much out of me until I have something full of pixels to show. So until next time, goodbye!




EDIT: Completely off-topic but I bought Super Smash Bros. from the Wii Shop today. Love iiit!

Edited by Sprout
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