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Oh it's started again?


I hated the way the last season finished with the whole Nathan and Sylar thing but I'll give it a go.


*starts to download*


Whens it start on BBC? Waiting for third season to come out on DVD as I gave up on it half way but gonna give it a second chance.

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Ah jeez this was boring as. Got really slow download speeds where I am now so with much better tv shows to watch I hopefully won't be tempted to spend any more of my time on this rubbish. Heroes has sucked ever since the writers strike made them mess up the (awesome sounding) plans for the end of season 2. Yeah, yeah I've stuck with it but only in the hope that it'd improve.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the 4th episode had Swoosie Kurtz in it. That's all I wanted. Done.


I was liking Sylar more this season because I always found him to be a pain, like a nuisanceing child, and now he is like one...until the end of the 4th episode. Yeah he's back and will skulk and emo and whatever else. Yaaay.

LA does not look like Tokyo, even if you put Mt Fuji in the background. Bored of Hiro thanks.

Also bored of Claire and her father. I always found her mother interesting but she seems to be gone. At least this was a week without psycho roommate.

Tracy/whatever continues to use her body to get ahead which is apt, its the only reason she's still on the show.


And as far as the Nathan storyline goes this episode...didn't they explain the fact he doesn't have the 'absorbing' power Peter and their father had last season by saying he was artificially powerised? (yeah I know its Sylar's power but still) How on earth did it look suspect on Nathan? She slipped and banged her head against the corner edge of the pool. There would have been DNA, blood, hair and possibly some bone fragment on the damn corner! Yes, first belief may be Nathan did something but a competent police department would find blood on the side. Its not like Nathan could have flung her against there due to the positioning. But at least Swoosie Kurtz was fun, and a little bit evil.


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Episode 3 or 4? (it's labelled as episode 4 but the vid says chapter 3... I assume cause of the double first ep?)

Pretty damn boring. Bored of Nathan/Sylar now. Bored of Claire and Noah's family time. SOOOOOO bored of Hiro / Ando! Seriously, they don't give a shit about their time travel plots making sense anymore. The whole thing with the suicide guy was a joke. Bored of Peter. Bored of Tracy. Bored of the new circus guys, they need to hurry that story along a bit and give us a little more. Overall as usual, a promising start to the season but it already looks like it's descending into shit.



Also... just because they use something in an episode doesn't necessarily mean that it's product placement in the sense that it's a paid for advertisement like with the Nissan Versa. Guitar Hero is something that modern day people at uni might be playing at a party which justifies the inclusion. I think if it were product placement than you're right, it probably would have used the latest version of the game.



Tracy/whatever continues to use her body to get ahead which is apt, its the only reason she's still on the show.

Awesome observation and very true!


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Episode 3 or 4 or whatever:


I hate the Nathan Sylar thing. Hated it at the end of the last season when they did it and knew it wouldn't last and what 4th ep in and oh look sylar is back... *yawn*. It's just kinda getting boring and I now longer have the urge to find out what happens next, I just kinda want the episodes to end when I'm watching them.


The only thing that is keeping me watching is the new lot. But suppose it'll take 10 episodes before we found out the ins and outs of all that.


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Well as with any new interesting characters they'll be dead soon. A boring one? Oh no, they can last forever but someone interesting. Deadsies.


Like the deaf girl they introduced last week, I find her intriguing but I give her no more than 5 episodes.

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K, so Sylar is back but with no memory, fair enough, his "mind" is apparently stuck in Mat afterall :heh: Wonder if Matt will eventually "put Sylars mind back" will he have dual personalities? Good/Bad :heh:


The thing with Claire, Grecthen(sp?) and the invisible girl... damnit, I was hoping for Gretchen to be a psycho-stalker and she had killed the other girl, while more predictable I prefer it to "she was set up by an invisble girl".


On Peter, haha, bet he is pissed he lost his super-speed, but how did he accidently take her power? He has touched a number of "powered-people" and not switched powers..... like his mother in the previous scene... I figured he had control of when he absorbed a power so as to not take one when he didn't need/want to... yet next scene and he unknowingly absorbs a power? WTF?


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K, so Sylar is back but with no memory, fair enough, his "mind" is apparently stuck in Mat afterall :heh: Wonder if Matt will eventually "put Sylars mind back" will he have dual personalities? Good/Bad :heh:


The thing with Claire, Grecthen(sp?) and the invisible girl... damnit, I was hoping for Gretchen to be a psycho-stalker and she had killed the other girl, while more predictable I prefer it to "she was set up by an invisble girl".


On Peter, haha, bet he is pissed he lost his super-speed, but how did he accidently take her power? He has touched a number of "powered-people" and not switched powers..... like his mother in the previous scene... I figured he had control of when he absorbed a power so as to not take one when he didn't need/want to... yet next scene and he unknowingly absorbs a power? WTF?


His power really is based on empathy, and at the time I think he was feeling "empathy" for her because she had a near-death experience.


Could be wrong tho

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Was good. This season is shaping to be much better than season 3 but still felt a little fluffy in places. Is Hiro gonna save Charley next week? I very much doubt it. Getting a bit annoyed at how they're picking up and dropping characters a lot this season. I know it's to allow better stories to be told in an episode but just a little mini update would be great. Where's Matt?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Airlock Alpha -

Sources at NBC have told Airlock Alpha that the inevitable is finally happening: Networks executives will ask "Heroes" producers to wind the series down, possibly with an overall finale by May.


"There isn't much happening with this show in terms of audience, and giving it a 'final chapter' feel is something the network is considering to help allow the show to go out with a bang," said the source, who asked not to be identified.

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