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Halo: Reach


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Halo does suffer from the feeling that you're just walking around game-levels filled with bots. It doesn't matter in multiplayer obviously, but the campaign I think is tarnished because of it. Doesn't mean it isn't enjoyable in co-op.


I'm not even sure what you mean by that...


If anyone was wondering- he's what MLG have cooked up for their take on Reach customs. Looks pretty fun.


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Well one of the campaign levels that was posted here just looked like a map with some bots on.

You've just described every game.


One of the Halo series strengths has always been the enemy AI and the way units are spawned on the map. There's a random element to their placement and they're already in place before you arrive at a location, they don't all jump out of a clown car once you walk through an invisible tripwire. It's one the main reasons behind the games' replayability, combat situations are different every time.

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I know, did you see me knocking the AI? No. You all enjoy taking comments at face value I see.


It just doesn't feel like many of the levels are deliberately designed to be set-pieces, they're just conjoined rooms that have randomly assorted AI bots. You don't feel that with other games. Random example being Goldeneye, there's guards, roaming around keeping areas covered, there's snipers in the snipe towers and there's a road leading to a guarded gate. With Halo you get a room with some assigned Grunts, maybe a couple of tougher enemies, and they just sort of sit there aimlessly.


Some of it may just as well be a Firefight mode.

Edited by dwarf
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Stop resting on your laurels, hoping for someone else to pounce on something I've said. Why don't you make a worthy post instead of just trying to instigate some exasperated one sided argument.


Because your not worth it

you dont like Halo so just go troll another thread, its as simple as that

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The thing is, dwarf, you're just... wrong. The Halo games are full of situational set pieces.


Making your way across a bridge in a tank, beset by Banshees from the sky and Ghosts from below. Boarding a Scarab and blowing it up from the inside. Creeping through a seemingly deserted structure before being ambushed by a pack of Elites using active camouflage. The Silent Cartographer beach landing. Carefully taking out an entire room of sleeping grunts, avoiding the patrols until the very last moment. The first time you come up against a pair of Hunters.


All those situations are deliberately set up, you can simply approach them in different ways. The maps aren't randomly populated, the set menu is just laid out a little differently every time you sit down to eat; you can count on certain things like there'll be a Grunt manning one of the gun turrets, but you don't know the exact positions of all the ground troops because they already existed before you arrived and might have taken a different patrol route.

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I know, did you see me knocking the AI? No. You all enjoy taking comments at face value I see.


It just doesn't feel like many of the levels are deliberately designed to be set-pieces, they're just conjoined rooms that have randomly assorted AI bots. You don't feel that with other games. Random example being Goldeneye, there's guards, roaming around keeping areas covered, there's snipers in the snipe towers and there's a road leading to a guarded gate. With Halo you get a room with some assigned Grunts, maybe a couple of tougher enemies, and they just sort of sit there aimlessly.


Some of it may just as well be a Firefight mode.


Well, aside from the fact that you're wrong, I'd still take that over Call of Duty's insipid duck shoot with literally no A.I whatsoever.


Halo is built to be replayed. That's all based on the A.I sandbox and the weapon set so Bungie don't need to resort to cheap parlour tricks and string puppets to make set pieces. They happen organically.

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All dwarf is doing is stating an opinion, you seem to expect a the forum to have a one way view on everything, it's called a difference of opinion. I also fail to see how he is trolling, he's made a valid point on why he didn't like it and backed it up, you seem to be the one intent on creating the melodrama. If you're going to throw your toys out of the pram everytime someone disagrees with you, your going to be one angry young man.

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The thing is, I like the game. I like the campaign. I'm stating a flaw in it.


I'll back my argument in a bit, slightly busy right now, so I'll be quoting both Aimless and Dare.

I'm of course not stating the whole campaign isn't designed well, but anyone would've been mistaken for thinking I had said that.

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Is Keita Takahashi guest directing ME3 then, Daft?


I saw the live-action Reach advert on TV earlier. It came across as far more ridiculous out of the context of deliberately choosing to watch it via the internet, placed as it was between two beauty product commercials. Not as much as a cognitive disconnect as the Gears of War adverts, but it still had a pang of pretension about it.

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