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1 left, and I just worked out as long as I pass last wendesdays exam, and get my 2.4 marks on friday I am guranteed a 1st for my first year ^______^


/me is elated

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  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Thanks. :)


Well, when analysing syntax we break down the sentence(s) and identify the different parts like the subject, the verb, direct and indirect objects etc. I am not quite familiar with the English vocabulary in this area, so bear with me.


When doing morphology, we are presented with a number of words from a text. By backtracking we identify the original form of the word and determine the mood, the aspect, the tense etc. of the word. (If it's a verb. If it's a noun or a pronoun, we identify the case, the gender and so on.)

Ah okay, that's a fairly traditional (or possibly early structuralist) approach to things. There are some very interesting ways of looking at this kind of topic - you may find books like Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct interesting, which gives a (very broad) introduction to the Chomskyan perspective on language.


Exams over! Had my last one today. Was pretty easy. Although at the end we all went to see the teacher, and he went over some of questions, and I'd gotten a few wrong. However they were mostly 1 or 2 mark questions and I should still easily get an A, just not the 90% I got in the prelim.


Jesus H. 3 hour D.T tomorrow, haven't properly revised yet!


And I'm seeing Antony & The Johnsons onight, so that's any revision tonight out the window...oh well. I wish I had some willpower.

  Ellmeister said:
ONly got yourself to blame really though poppet ;) Why book a gig the night before a big exam? Unless you really don't give a shit, but you seem to.


Well I didn't know the exam was tomorrow when we booked it.


And I'm not going to cancel Antony and the Johnsons. It's not like I'm going to take in much in the 2-3 hours i'm away.


And I know I only have myself to blame. Doesn't make me feel any better though.

  Supergrunch said:
Ah okay, that's a fairly traditional (or possibly early structuralist) approach to things. There are some very interesting ways of looking at this kind of topic - you may find books like Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct interesting, which gives a (very broad) introduction to the Chomskyan perspective on language.

Thanks, I might look into it. :) It's nice to know someone who also has a nerdy interest in languages. :p


Written Latin today. Went like a breeze. I was done with translation and syntax after only one hour, leaving four hours (actually only three and a half, read below) to come up with some really thorough answers to the background questions. :yay:


Though the most hilarious part was that our teacher had forgotten to include the text itself in the papers we were handed, so he had to set Heaven and Hell in motion to get them to us as fast as possible. :p Naturally we were allowed to use the lost amount of time in the other end, but seeing as we're only talking about half an hour, none of us found it necessary to stay longer than the normal time. Gave us a good laugh and a(nother) fun memory of our teacher, who is actually just substituting this year for our regular teacher, who just had a baby. :)


Heh I kinda really miss Latin sometimes. Been six years since the last time I had it, was fun. I loved translating texts and learning about the cultural background. =)



Anywayyyyy, exam on Monday. Last exam of Art History everrrrrr (most likely). Have had this subject for three years now so it's about time it ended haha. This year is different in that we got two exams (one at Christmas) instead of just one at the end of the year. Also a different lecturer this time around and written exam instead of oral.


No idea what to expect, but studying 20th century art is the most boring out of those three years so far I think. X3

Posted (edited)

Had the Sociology exam everyone was dreading this afternoon. The atmosphere outside was horrendous, people looked like they were about to burst into tears. Once I sat down, I gave the questions a quick read and couldn't stop smiling, it was amazing. They gave us the best essay question we could have hoped for. :yay:


Now I've got two Geography exams tomorrow morning..and I'm dreading them. Soil. Soil. Soil. When they're done, I have no more A-level Geography, evaaaaar. Could not be happier.

Edited by Slaggis

I have a C4 exam tomorrow and i already know it's not going to go very well. I don't think i've ever been this bad at past papers the day before an exam, shit.


3 hours of Geography in just less than half an hour now. Totally shitting it, considering I seem to have neglected Geography over the other two because it was by far my best subject. Now I'll be lucky to do well.

  Strider said:
I have a C4 exam tomorrow and i already know it's not going to go very well. I don't think i've ever been this bad at past papers the day before an exam, shit.


The exam went fucking dreadful! :mad: My insurance Uni choice looks unlikely, never mind my firm, oh ffs. :(


Had C4 exam with Strider. Also had an S3 exam at the same time which I thought was next week. I've done no revision. C4 exam was shit. S3 exam would have been ok but because I was so rusty there were countless things that is was like unsure of which way round they were. For example in a chi² is H0 where they are dependent or independent? and is V the no of row x no of columns or (no of row minus 1) x (no of columns minus 1)?

  Strider said:
The exam went fucking dreadful! :mad: My insurance Uni choice looks unlikely, never mind my firm, oh ffs. :(


Pretty sure I'm gonna be saying this next week.


If it's any consolation half of my facebook is filled with statuses saying how bad C4 went for them


"core 4 just bent me over a desk and raped me. til i bled." for instance


Woah, My RS wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. :) All the right questions came up for me!


I absolutely aced the last question on "Assess the Claim that war cannot be morally justified" I rambled on for 3 (I feel) intelligent pages rather than sporadic waffle that is usually contained within my answer!


I normally only manage about 2 pages maximum even with my extra time so I cut one answer short to allow myself enough time to get this epic question done. My other answers were okay, They could have been better they could have been worse. I hope I get C in the philophy exam and I'm going to unsually optimistic and say a B in the ethics due to nailing that last question. :p


Design Tech wasn't awful. Just random as usual.


Design movement? FUCKING COMPARE MODERNISM AND POST-MODERNISM!>!>!>!>! When was this in the syllabus? Oh well. Didn't have to do it. But I can't help feeling that if we'd been taught that, I'd easily ace it, as I know bit about the movements in relation to art.

  MoogleViper said:
Had C4 exam with Strider. Also had an S3 exam at the same time which I thought was next week. I've done no revision. C4 exam was shit. S3 exam would have been ok but because I was so rusty there were countless things that is was like unsure of which way round they were. For example in a chi² is H0 where they are dependent or independent? and is V the no of row x no of columns or (no of row minus 1) x (no of columns minus 1)?

In a chi-squared test for contingency? The null hypothesis is that they're independent, and the degrees of freedom is (m-1)(n-1).


Grunch, what's the most complicated thing you understand? I'd like an insight into your brain. Youtube vid would be cool. (not necessarily yours)

  dwarf gourami said:
Grunch, what's the most complicated thing you understand? I'd like an insight into your brain. Youtube vid would be cool. (not necessarily yours)

Eh, depends what you mean by complicated and how full the understanding is. At a guess, maybe some stuff to do with Schroedingers equation and atomic orbitals, or maybe government and binding theory, which I have a much fuller understanding of (it's one of my specific fields). It's hard to evaluate this kind of thing really though, things are mostly just... different - like trying to decide the answer to "what's the most complex food you've eaten?"; while some foods are undeniably more complex, a linear comparison is hard to make. Anyway, I generally think most people can understand most things, providing they think about them in the right way. (couldn't find anything decent on youtube, but I had a quick search for stuff elsewhere)


Good news:


My exams are over! The most tortuous exam period I've ever had is done, my mind is now free of worry! I've just cracked open my first beer in three weeks, and boy does it taste great.


Bad news:


That last exam went catastrophically bad. As in the worst exam I've ever had in my academic career. The chance that I passed is slim to none. Seriously, how the hell were we supposed to finish that in 2 hours? Does the lecturer not realise that not everyone is a super-genius like he is? He may be able to do find the limits and evaluate triple integrals by clicking his fingers but for us mere mortals we struggle a fair bit. What was he thinking?


Having said that, I still might be on course for a good mark this year, but it's impossible to tell exactly where I'm at.

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