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Unusual controllers

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Just thought I'd show some appreciation for the more unusual control methods over the years. Before all this Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Wii malarkey became all the rage.


Power Glove (NES)



Whatever were they thinking? Never got to try it myself, but I'd love to own one just for the oddness factor. I think my cousin owned one a long time ago.


NeGCon (PS1)



Never tried this one either. I'd like to though. I'm a bit undecided on whether or not it would be good or not.


Fishing Controller (DC)



Just got one of these. I haven't tried it yet.


Steel Batallion Controller (Xbox)



This thing is the daddy. The game itself it quite average, but the controller is a big heavy bastard that is just awesome and confusing to use. Once you get used to it though, it's rad.


Wu Tang Controller (PS1)



I saw a tonne of these for sale in Cash Converters quite some time ago. I picked one up to see what it was like. It was the most uncomfortable control pad I've ever held. So much so that I actually remember the controller.



Beatmania Controller (PS1)



I guess it must be pretty rare since there's none on ebay. The PS2 version is on there but it's pretty expensive.



Virtual On Twin Sticks (Saturn)



Always wanted these. IIRC the controls were: Tank controls, both sticks away jumped, both sticks together blocked. Can't remember what the buttons did, something to do with boosting and weapons.



Saturn 3D Pad



As far as I know, this was the first proper analogue stick. And it works in a completely different way to all other analog pads (except the Dreamcast pad). It uses magnets instead of conventional sticks to work the analog stick.



SNES Mouse



Pretty much feels the same as any other old mouse.



Samba De Amigo Maracas (DC)



Kind of ahead of its time I guess. I swear the Wii was the bastard son of the Dreamcast.



Donkey Konga Drums (GC)



I saw the Donkey Konga bundle and the Donkey Konga 2 bundle for sale in Gamestation a while back. I wish I had got them both.



Random Trivia: Pretty much all game controllers are left handed due to the D pad being on the left. Blame the NES for that.

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I just remembered:


Chainsaw Pad (PS2/GC)




Shitballs, that's actually a reasonable price new. I'm quite tempted to get it since it's the sort of obscure tat I normally collect and I reckon it might be worth something in a few years.

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I love the Steel Battalion controller. That game was just something else. I wish Capcom would release some sort of dongle to make it work with USB specifically the 360 for BC/sequel purposes.


The breaking point on the wire for the SB controller and the Guitar Hero 2 controller for the 360 are very similar, but I just tried it and they don't fit each other. Probably a waste of time anyway since I very much doubt SB is backwards compatible anyway. Shame, I'll just have to stick to playing it on the old Xbox for now.


I always wanted to play that game, intrigued me to no end.


The controls really do make it. Without the controls I imagine it would be very dull. The game does a good job of recreating a cramped, sluggish, giant robot.


The controller is quite solid too, especially the pedals. Definately worth the money in terms of build quality IMO. Especially since I paid between £30 and £50 for mine :grin:


I want the Wu-tang pad. eet iz brilllllllianté


There was literally a display basket full of them in Cash Converters during the PS1 era. Wish I'd picked one up, they seem quite hard to find nowerdays.

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I've just noticed the mario paint mouse. haha.


That was soo much fun, better than iSketch. I can remember spending weeks just playing Street Fighter II, Mario Paint & some random game called Legend. Good Times

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Honestly.....that version would suck. The controller is what makes the game, and while I'm no propagator of HD, this is one game that would truly benefit beyond all others of a higher resolution and bigger screen.

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True, but it would at least show that Capcom were taking an interest in the series. Plus if it sold well, they might have made another epic one. I am glad that it's not being remade or anything though. It would lose it's uniqueness if there was a modern, cheaper remake. At the moment it's still got the novelty "OMGWTFBBQ" factor.


Although I'm surprised the first one existed at all to be honest. £130 for a game and a controller that only works for that 1 game (and it's expansion) is a bit of a risky thing to make. Especially for a niche market like mech games. I'm still surprised that Guitar Hero and Rock Band manage to sell their full band stuff for that price.


*shamefully looks at his band set* At least I didn't buy them all at once or pay full price I guess.

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They only produced like 200K at first then later did a 'reprint' since demand was high.


I was just a poor jobless highschool student, so no chance I could come up with $250(iirc the first print was that and the second one was $200) for it, but I knew I wanted it. If I had the money back then I'd own it.

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Jeepers. I just looked on ebay and the only one for sale there is £100. I'm glad I got mine when I did! Especially since mine still has the box/packaging and my copy of the expansion is still sealed.


I do want to try and get the green buttoned controller though. That was the one from the first production run. Atlhough I think PAL ones were all the blue button version since we got a release when the rest of the world were getting a re-release. I might be wrong though.


Edit: Christ. Boxed versions are going for £160 on Play and £200 on Amazon.

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My earliest controller was the one that came with the Binatone system. It's not really unusual, but they are really old and basic. It had no buttons, just a dial. This is the only pic I could find of them (to the left of the console).




And of course, who could forget the SuperScope?



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Hmmm usually people have problems with having their hands too large for the Dual Shock. For me it's fine because my hands are the perfect size. I think the GC official pad it a better fit but it seems/feels & looks too toy like. Overall of last gen I think the dualshock was the better pad. I love my white one (PS3).



Oh and one of the most radical controllers I bought was this for the GC. Remember when it arrived, was a special moment. It wasn't quite as comfy as the official one but it was £7.99 and quite good build quality. My two other unofficial GAME controllers were £9.99 and shite. Still, didn't matter when you could play Monkey Ball and Warioware with 4 players :)


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