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Star Trek Masturbatathon


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  • 3 weeks later...

After the first 4 episodes I'm not sold on it but Lower Decks still has a lot of potential. There's no reason not to have a comedy series set inside the 'Trek universe but I'm hoping it'll have moved from being a Trek parody to having it's own Trek identity soon. Still one-too many shades of Rick & Morty hanging on it as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was watching the Voyager episode yesterday where the Doctorā€™s backup module was reactivated 700 years later still in the Delta Quadrant. At the end of the ep they say he ended up taking a ship and trying to trace Voyagerā€™s journey back to the Alpha Quadrant. Iā€™d love to see this version of him turn up in Discovery season 3 šŸ˜†

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a Star Trek non-fan, I feel like I need to say that I really enjoyed Lower Decks, even if there were bound to be a bunch of references that flew over my head.

That said, I did chuckle when a character mentioned Kirk and Spock and the gadget showed an image from that really old animated series.

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3 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

As a Star Trek non-fan, I feel like I need to say that I really enjoyed Lower Decks, even if there were bound to be a bunch of references that flew over my head.

Tons of references. I'm enjoying Lower Decks too, but they lay on the fan service and easter eggs thick. Literally every 20 seconds there'll be a nostalgic callback to someone/something from Trek's past. It gets a bit much after a while, but otherwise the series is a lot of fun and I'm actually liking the main woman character more than I thought I would.

Definitely has a lot more of Trek's "heart" than Discovery or Picard.

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I loved Lower Decks, and so did my girlfriend (who hasn't watched any other Star Trek). Great fun and a ton of references.


"Those guys had a long road getting from there to here"


Although this was a close second




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9 minutes ago, Cube said:

I loved Lower Decks, and so did my girlfriend (who hasn't watched any other Star Trek).

Wait, I only started watching it because my cousin is a big Trekkie and I saw it because I was in the same room.

Oh dear Arceus, I'm the unnerdy girlfriend in this scenario!

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It's weird. It had a totally non-Star Trek vibe, but I really liked it. Felt a bit like a pilot for a new show rather than season 3. But with some Star Trek stuff in it. Also gave me some vague Mass Effect vibe. But could be because they 're just setting up. Obviously they'll be back in space at some point, with ship & crew and all. Also felt better because they focused on one story line, one of the few things bothering me is they like to juggle 2 story lines in the same episode. But again, could be because it's the season opener and they need to set up stuff. Anyway, loved crazy burnham. Wouldn't mind if they gave her more of that stuff haha.

And hilarious to see a new




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thoughts on the series so far.



Thinking back to this, it served as a pretty good introduction to the new setting for the series. I initially didn't like not seeing the Discovery or its crew, but by doing this it meant they could spend a bit longer on both across two episodes, with this one focusing on the new "new".


Focusing on Discovery and allowing some of the more wider crew to have moments. Detmer has some issues, and I'm really hoping they're not going down the "Control has infiltrated her implants thing" with that. A good view on a more recluse region and how everything has affected them, and signs that even though the Federation has gone, they're still seen as the best that people can be.


The Federation not being on Earth is a big thing. However, I feel like it was done more to protect Earth. I feel like the Federation is rubbing off on Georgiou, too. Even though she seems like she's trying to pretend like she's her old self, she actually helped with the diplomacy here. More moments with the wider crew, and I love that they're more of a focus.Ā 


A Star Trek episode focusing on stress, depression, PTSD and adapting to a new way of life. One that shows the difficulty of admitting that you need help, and how people can inadvertently take their problems out on their closest friends. It was amazingly well done. I'm very glad that the thing with Detmer is more a PSTD thing - the feeling of being responsible for ripping all these people from their homes, almost killing them in doing do is a heavy burden. What she did with the landing was actually extremely skilled and accomplished, but it's just human to focus on the negative aspects, even if they're not your fault (or that those actions sort of saved everything in the universe). This is something Voyager needed.

Captain Saru (yay!) having difficulties with leadership is also quite realistic. Especially has he has absolutely nobody to turn to for advice. Nobody higher up, no other captains. He has to learn it on his own. Culber was also amazing this episode. I'm pretty sure he purposefully flubbed his haiku just so others would feel more comfortable making a fool of themselves.Ā 

And then everything with the Trill was very well done. Fits in with how we saw them in DS9, the new set for the sacred pools looked amazing while still recognisably being the location from DS9. They could have easily scored "easy" fan service points here, but chose to stay away from it and instead build upon what we've seen before.

Also some great emotional scenes fromĀ non-binary and transgender actors. What's even better is that they're scenes that would work well regardless - it's just a well done emotional moment and doesn't use how they are to guilt you into feelings.Ā 


Overall an amazing episode. I think this could end up being considered one of the great Star Trek episodes.


Overall: an amazing season so far. Even though there's still an arching plot, it also feels a lot more episodic and it feels more like a crew, and that the crew is a family.Ā 

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Felt like they were trying to hint towards it being the Dax symbiont at the beginning with the mention of knowledge of old starfleet tech and Bajoran hasparat. Makes more sense not to have it as someone we know, best to avoid small universe syndrome but Iā€™m not gonna lie, I kept looking out for flashes of something familiar like the Defiant or Worf šŸ˜†


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