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I watched through all of Voyager over the summer and was pleasantly surprised. I can see why people were disappointed with it as, it doesn't really do much with the premise of the show. But as I went into watching it knowing before hand not to expect anything along those lines, i had no problem with it. The show wasn't as bad as its made out to be and I ended up really liking a few of the shows characters. Namely the Doctor and Janeway.


I'd say I only really found the ending a little disappointing. Mostly that its all rushed into the last two episodes. I would have liked a slow build over the course of the final season but again, the writers didn't seem interested in doing anything like that. For what is is though, i think its a decent show and I'm a little sad there are no more episodes left for me to watch lol


This was one of my favourite scenes.

Edited by Helmsly
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I love Voyager. Currently re-watching it myself. There are some really emotional episodes. There's an early one in the first season where they think they might have found a wormhole home, of course it turns out it's microscopic, then there's a Romulan on the other side, and then they find out he's in the past, and then he dies before being able to deliver a message to Starfleet. The look on Janeway's (and the crews) faces as they learn they're not getting home yet, was always moving.


Janeway's desire to get her crew home as fast as possible, whilst still (mostly) holding on to her Starfleet principles was always very interesting. I loved the ethical dilemmas that raised.


And of course there's the episode with the Doctor's "family". Such a sad episode, always makes me well up.


And I loved Seven's journey from drone to human. She never had it easy.


Some interesting facts I've learnt along the way:

1. They were originally planning on having them get home in season 5, but then changed their minds as they'd basically just be doing the same thing as Picard.

2. Seven was going to die in the finale. (That would have crushed me!)


I do wonder if they had originally planned Kes to die in the finale, but as they made her leave, they obviously couldn't do that. Kinda makes sense as they made Ocampans only live 7-9 years, for the most part.


Anyway love the show. Janeway can do no wrong in my eyes.

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I love Voyager. Currently re-watching it myself. There are some really emotional episodes. There's an early one in the first season where they think they might have found a wormhole home, of course it turns out it's microscopic, then there's a Romulan on the other side, and then they find out he's in the past, and then he dies before being able to deliver a message to Starfleet. The look on Janeway's (and the crews) faces as they learn they're not getting home yet, was always moving.


Janeway's desire to get her crew home as fast as possible, whilst still (mostly) holding on to her Starfleet principles was always very interesting. I loved the ethical dilemmas that raised.


And of course there's the episode with the Doctor's "family". Such a sad episode, always makes me well up.


And I loved Seven's journey from drone to human. She never had it easy.


Some interesting facts I've learnt along the way:

1. They were originally planning on having them get home in season 5, but then changed their minds as they'd basically just be doing the same thing as Picard.

2. Seven was going to die in the finale. (That would have crushed me!)


I do wonder if they had originally planned Kes to die in the finale, but as they made her leave, they obviously couldn't do that. Kinda makes sense as they made Ocampans only live 7-9 years, for the most part.


ah crazy, I didn't know any of that. I was annoyed they took Kes out of the show, because I felt they could have done a lot more with her character over time. I also didn't particularly like her return in season 7, when she is old and bitter and wanted to destroy Voyager. I mean, if they were going to dump a character like that, at least let us assume she went on to something positive rather then just randomly turning bitter for no good reason and wanting to destroy all of her friends. Probably one of the few things I really didn't like that happened over the course the series.


In the end though, I liked Voyager a lot. I liked how the crew became less formal with each other over time, which made sense as that's what you expect from a bunch of people that, as far as they know, are going to be living with each other for the next 75 years. I also really loved when the show had fun with its self. Like the Captain Proton episode or the one where the Doctor is day dreaming:



I can't decide if this is my favorite episode or the one I linked before in my previous post, but i absolutely love this scene and a few others from this one.

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That is a good episode. I also love the one where the Doctor has to hide inside Seven. Jeri Ryan acts so superbly as the Doctor I forgot it was her acting and not him.


The network heads made them dump Kes because there wasn't anyone "hot" on the show. They drafted in Jeri Ryan and didn't have the budget to keep Kes. It's a shame as I was really enjoying how she developed. Without her the Doctor wouldn't have been the person he was, though he in turn helped Seven on her journey from drone to human.


I also liked how the crew got less formal. There's an early episode where Janeway says in normal circumstances she would've kept her distance but the nature of their predicament required they adapt.


Just reached season 5 (again) and watched the episode where Torres is clinically depressed. The episode handles the subject well. Voyager was good for highlighting issues.

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The network heads made them dump Kes because there wasn't anyone "hot" on the show. They drafted in Jeri Ryan and didn't have the budget to keep Kes.


Apparently it wasnt set in stone that it would be Kes that was axed. They had a short list of characters that they were considering, Harry Kim being one of them and possibly the most likely but around the time they were trying to decide he was featured in some top attractive people lists and they decided it was worth keeping him on with the good press.


It was weird watching Voyager through again recently now knowing just how badly Jeri Ryan was treated by Kate Mulgrew. I quite liked their connection as characters but apparently Mulgrew made life miserable for her.

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Yeah I always wished the ending of Voyager had been an episode or two longer, see them getting home to their families, repercussions to acts and seeing where they went from there.


Continuity was the main issue I had with Voyager. Despite them taking so many shortcuts since their last contact with Starfleet, Starfleet were able to find them. Plus the crew compliment kept jumping up and down like crazy, even when you take into account the Equinox crew.


Voyager was a good show, not the best, but its highs were great. It doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, just like Enterprise doesn't.

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I saw Mulgrew at a convention and she talked about Kes/Seven. She was deeply hurt when they forced Kes to leave as she was very close to Jennifer Lien.


I think she resented Ryan a bit, which wasn't Ryan's fault. But with Mulgrew being constantly watched over by the network (they never really believed a woman could carry the show) and fiddled with (how many hair cuts did she have?) and working 18/20 hour days, it's understandable, though not very nice, she took her frustrations out on someone.


Personally I think they should've gotten rid of Harry Kim.


Yeah I always wished the ending of Voyager had been an episode or two longer, see them getting home to their families, repercussions to acts and seeing where they went from there.


We discussed this before. We saw how their lives would have been, minus Seven and Tuvok the alternate future in which Admiral Janeway goes back in time to get them home faster. They didn't need anything after they got back to Earth and we saw it in the distance. Their journey and story was complete and the alternate future scenes showed us what their lives would be like.


Continuity was the main issue I had with Voyager. Despite them taking so many shortcuts since their last contact with Starfleet, Starfleet were able to find them. Plus the crew compliment kept jumping up and down like crazy, even when you take into account the Equinox crew.


I'm rewatching it at the moment, shall look out for this continuity issue with Starfleet finding them as I don't remember it occurring. But we can surmise the Doctor gave them their planned route home and they simply looked along it.


With regards to the crew compliment. I'm on season five and it's been going down a few each season, to account for the deaths. It hasn't come back up again yet.

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We discussed this before. We saw how their lives would have been, minus Seven and Tuvok the alternate future in which Admiral Janeway goes back in time to get them home faster. They didn't need anything after they got back to Earth and we saw it in the distance. Their journey and story was complete and the alternate future scenes showed us what their lives would be like.


Yeah but that was a different timeline. That's not how it ended up. All we know is that Janeway got promoted.

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Yeah but that was a different timeline. That's not how it ended up. All we know is that Janeway got promoted.


How different would it have been? Not very, just more complete with Tuvok being healed and Seven being alive!


Their lives would still have gone their separate ways and they would have met at reunions.


The show was about them getting home, not the stuff after. You may have wanted more but the show didn't need more. Sign of a good show though.

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I think she resented Ryan a bit, which wasn't Ryan's fault. But with Mulgrew being constantly watched over by the network (they never really believed a woman could carry the show) and fiddled with (how many hair cuts did she have?) and working 18/20 hour days, it's understandable, though not very nice, she took her frustrations out on someone.


Here's the interview with Jeri Ryan



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The network heads made them dump Kes because there wasn't anyone "hot" on the show.

It wasn't surprising, they didn't try to make her attractive at all, with that unflattering dress thing and hideous hair. Then near the end they tried to ramp it up with a skintight suit and long flowing locks, which certainly did it for me, but it was too late by then.



One of my fave episodes is Renaissance Man.

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It wasn't surprising, they didn't try to make her attractive at all, with that unflattering dress thing and hideous hair. Then near the end they tried to ramp it up with a skintight suit and long flowing locks, which certainly did it for me, but it was too late by then.


Also she was dating Neelix which the network considered "not sexy enough" so they made them split up.

Edited by somme
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Maybe she went crazy because they got rid of her


This. I looked into what happened, moreso than the few articles published by mainstream media, and she's suffered from a lot of mental illness/anxiety and gave up acting.


Although her being chucked off Voyager may not have been to cause, it could have been a catalyst. In any way it certainly wouldn't have helped.


It's good to hear she's doing much better know and is dealing with her mental health issues.

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I was reading up about the way Kate Mulgrew was frosty towards Jeri ryan after watching through Voyager and its a shame. There is a interview from a year or so ago from some comic convention with Garrett Wang he tries to talk about the feeling on set and gets very emotional about it:


A real shame things turned out that way. Although it sounds as though they are all friendly to each other now moved on.


Yeah but that was a different timeline. That's not how it ended up. All we know is that Janeway got promoted.


Yeah I'm with you on this, I wanted to see their home life after making it back in the final time line, although I can't really imagine how they could turn that into an episode.

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There are a couple of books set after Voyager ends which are quite good. They almost immediately split Seven and Chakotay up as well which I liked!


I read a couple of them and they were alight but again, I really don't feel the need for any post Voyager story. It would be obvious that the crew would split up and go their separate ways. I don't need to see that. The writers/show runners obviously agreed.


Twas a perfect ending. They mission was to get home, they got home. And they only messed with the timeline on a few occasions.

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I think one thing I would have liked would have been a proper interaction between Lieutenant and Admiral Paris.


Never felt like that was unfinished. Been a while since I've seen their scenes together but pretty sure they reconciled everything via video messaging.

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Yeah I'm with you on this, I wanted to see their home life after making it back in the final time line, although I can't really imagine how they could turn that into an episode.


Maybe not an entire episode, but have Voyager get home half way through the episode or something like that.


Like with Deep Space 9...the bulk of the climax of the story was done right at the start of part 2. After that, for the most part, it was just tying together loose ends, goodbyes etc. and a feeling that it continues on


That sort of thing is what I wanted from Voyager. Hell, even Enterprise sort of had that in Terra Prime/Demons (and a few elements of These Are The Voyages, but we don't discuss that episode)

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Maybe not an entire episode, but have Voyager get home half way through the episode or something like that.


Like with Deep Space 9...the bulk of the climax of the story was done right at the start of part 2. After that, for the most part, it was just tying together loose ends, goodbyes etc. and a feeling that it continues on


That sort of thing is what I wanted from Voyager. Hell, even Enterprise sort of had that in Terra Prime/Demons (and a few elements of These Are The Voyages, but we don't discuss that episode)


How would you have ended your ideal episode then?

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How would you have ended your ideal episode then?

Similar to how it was but ends it earlier. They got home, see homecoming. Janeway then gets debriefed/slated for her blatant disregard of Prime Directive/Temporal Prime Directive/simple ethics but then let off due to circumstances, Maquis get pardons etc.. A few months pass and they all go off on different roles but Chakotay, as Captain, leads a refitted Voyager out on a new mission.


Something like that.

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