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Do console designs matter to you? (Is the N64 black, grey or charcoal?)


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..you can call it black all you want you blind fools, it's clearly a very dark grey! I'm with the Fiercest of all the Links on this one..


Just go and look at the N64! The Nintendo 64 logo on the front is surrounded by black above the wee red light.. then look at the rest of the N64! It is as clear as day (and I mean a very clear day, no clouds in the sky.. no nothin :heh:)


It's dark grey!


As for the overall topic.. I loved the N64 console and controller design (and then loved all the see-through colours that were released.. the aqua/white combination is class :yay:)


The original PS1 has a nice, classic feel about it and I like the PSOne (which I own) ..I also own the nice Dreamcast and Wii (of course) ..and the Black Gamecube was nice, even with the handle :heh:


SNES was good too before it would go yellow (though mine isn't too bad) ..but the original XBOX, PS2 and PS3 consoles all look really bad to me! The large silver and metallic blue (aqua.. even though I wouldn't really call it 'aqua') PS2s were cool, as is the little silver Slimline!

Edited by nekunando
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According to the great and almighty Wikipedia, the N64 is Dark Grey.


Yes but, click the number '39' that is next to that quote and then the site it got it from, then search for the word 'charcoal' on that page and you will get the quote that I just found.

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Just thought I'd add another quote I found...


'The standard Nintendo 64 comes in a dark grey color, often perceived as "black". Officially, it was known as "Charcoal Grey".'


This is just like Lord of the Rings.


On one side, the forces of good, comprised of Gandalf, the hobbits, Aragorn and the elves.


On the other side, Sauron, Saruman, and the forces of Mordor.


In the middle, S.C.G. waving his Charcoal Grey flag.

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Guest Captain Falcon
This is just like Lord of the Rings.


On one side, the forces of good, comprised of Gandalf, the hobbits, Aragorn and the elves.


On the other side, Sauron, Saruman, and the forces of Mordor.


In the middle, S.C.G. waving his Charcoal Grey flag.


I guess that makes you an ork then?

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Guest Captain Falcon
Nah surely he'd have to be Gandalf the GREY!


But he was Gandalf the White by the end.


Saruman had no colour - a bit like them guys and their mythical "dark grey".

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Guest Captain Falcon
I think the thread title should be changed, since the majority are saying it's grey now. :heh:


Also, it's pretty obvious that Falcon is Sauron, and Retro is Saruman. :heh:


What you talking about? He's Legolas and I'm Aragorn.

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