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PSP - Anyone else?


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Just wondering if there was anyone else here on these forums who feel the PSP is a greatly underrated system? I've had mine for ages but only recently discovered it has a really decent catalogue of games. Might not be as diverse as the DS but there is no denying it's best games are right up there with the DS's such as Locoroco, Patapon and God Of War. So...anyone else? :wtf:

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Personally I think it's overrated and underused but that's just me :heh: now I know that there are decent titles on it but in comparison to the wealth of rubbish PS2 ports, the good stuff is few and far between...


It basically has good games for a few select audiences with the main categories being RPG's, Rythym-Action and Alternative due to games like Patapon and Loco-Roco.


So for some it may be the 'perfect' portable machine but for others there just isn't enough long-term appeal. :blank:

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I think it's a great machine now..but thats cause i use it on the train etc and it really is fantastic for journeys..beforehand i barely used it, but now i love it!


Also this autumn will be PSP's, so i'm pleased i have one!

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I have been playing PSP recently. I brought Crises Core yesterday, it's not a bad game and it's what I expected it to be, so it's not overated to me.


One thing you should definently do is, if you have a homebrew enabled PSP si to download a game called Cave Story


It's a freeware game made by just one person.


It's a 2D game similar to the Metrioid games and it is fucking awesome, seriously download this game, it's better than 90% of the shit that gets sold at full price now a days. This is free, so do youself a favour and download it immediatly!


For anyone that is interested, Cave Story will be coming to Wiiware this year, with updated graphics and music. It looks really good and I will be buying.


Another thing, Pixel (the dev) will be on the Nintendo Channel for an interview.

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I have been playing PSP recently. I brought Crises Core yesterday, it's not a bad game and it's what I expected it to be, so it's not overated to me.

Believe me, looking around other forums and seeing everyone say its a great game is a joke, all the button mashing, useless cutscenes after battles and even in the battles are downright annoying (Only the first cutscene and the last cutscene are perhaps the best, rest are crap)

One thing you should definently do is, if you have a homebrew enabled PSP si to download a game called Cave Story




I swear if my PSP was not homebrew enabled, it would be collecting dust right at this moment.

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One of the PSP's main problems is identity. It's a nice bit of kit and it does have some really good games, but it's always been pushed more as a PS2-on-the-go as opposed to a truly portable games machine.


Of course the other major issue is piracy, not only because it takes sales away from worthy games but also because it has the knock-on effect of pushing developers away from the platform. I know a lot of people who put custom firmware on their PSPs so they could carry all their games around on a MemoryStick and whack some emulators on the machine, but from there it seems all too tempting to go, "Well, I might as well try out this PSP game before I buy it." But then they complete the game and think, "Oh, well there's not much point in me buying this now." These aren't malicious people, but casual piracy is an easy thing to slip in to, especially when there's no physical object involved.


Honestly I think Sony would be best served moving on to a new handheld instead of trying to patch up the PSP. It wouldn't have to be that different from a horsepower standpoint — throw in some more RAM, make other cost-efficient upgrades — but it would give them a chance for a fresh start. Maybe add a multi-touch screen, a built-in camera, or something better than the rather rubbish analogue nub; it has to have out-of-the-box functionality, as if they're just accessories no one will make use of them. The real shift would have to be idealogical: digital distribution. There's no better way to cut out piracy, and allowing people to legitimately run their game collection from memory and be able to offer a variable price structure to downloadable titles will make it far easier for the consumer to buy your product. Hell, throw in Trophy support for portable games to net a few more sales.


The PSP isn't nearly as dire as a lot of people paint to be, but I think it's time for a reinvention if it wants to stay relevant, and profitable, outside of Monster Hunter-obsessed Japan.

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The problem is you are posting this against a ton of DS fanboys. PSP and DS appeal to two completely different markets. Next to nothing on the DS even remotely appeals to me. So i sold mine ages ago. When i travel the PSP is fantastic to have. Having the PSN store on the go with full games is handy too. The video playback is still the best on portable and its easy to enjoy games on the large screen.

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Believe me, looking around other forums and seeing everyone say its a great game is a joke, all the button mashing, useless cutscenes after battles and even in the battles are downright annoying (Only the first cutscene and the last cutscene are perhaps the best, rest are crap)


I love the game to bits, was easily one of the best games I played last year and it was great to see Zack finally get the spotlight instead Cloud and Sephiroth. Just last week I convinced a guy at work to pick it up and hes really enjoying it.

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I love the game to bits, was easily one of the best games I played last year and it was great to see Zack finally get the spotlight instead Cloud and Sephiroth. Just last week I convinced a guy at work to pick it up and hes really enjoying it.


Zack was a great character, but that was it, it was more of an excuse for Nomura to have more then one Gackt on the screen at once.


The gameplay was stale and you would get through by pressing.


XXXXXXXXXXXX R X L XXXXXXXXXXXXXX the random slot machine was bloody pointless, and then to add cutscenes...WTF!? Side missions would have been awesome if it werent set in the same 5 places every damn time and well...there was too much pointless open space, I felt like I was in a ghost town and last time I checked, midgar was nothing like that.


Anyway, on to other things...best game on the PSP for me would have to be either Monster Hunter Freedom 2 or Valkyrie profile, either way, nothing interests me on the PSP as much as DS (In the end I have both so meh :heh: )

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I think it is a great little system with plenty of good games if you look back through its backlog, think the slim and lite and PSP 3000 upgrades have made the machine better than it has.


I got mine last year on a Metal Gear binge after completing 4 and played portable ops and acid, also think its good for the retro collections it has such as the Sega one, EA Replay, various Capcom one...Tons of good RPG's as well


I hate how people people label it a flop as well, it has sold over 40 million units world , more than the 360! (I know different types of systems, but the point still stands its not a flop!) There is however I will admit a shortfall in the attach rate of games per system.

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Pocket Gamer are under the impression that Sony will release the PSP 2 this Christmas...


Rumoured to be a tiered version much the 360's. This one coming without a UMD. But has better battery life, lighter, smaller etc. Makes sense for those dont want UMD on the go. Retailers may be wary of a product like this though.


Possible USB UMD uploader accesory for copying over UMD though. All the PSP already have Memory Stick which is superior to having inbuilt fixed size memory. That way some can get really fast ones or others can focus on size.


Thats my guess.



I hate how people people label it a flop as well, it has sold over 40 million units world


Over 50 million now. It does ok :p They have a huge issue with piracy. Much like wii's Homebrew hardly anyone really uses it for Homebrew if the download numbers are anything to go by ;)

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I heard Sony are going to announce a new PSP device at E3. Not a successor, nor an upgrade in the traditional 2000/3000/4000 sense.


That's pretty vague though.


Probably in the same way Nintendo did with DSlite and DSi, something that's actually noticeable instead of the 2000 and 3000.

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Well I don't see how it is overrated because no one really raves about it, it's just a cool thing to have. It is so cheap now and is worth buying even if you are only looking for 5 or so games. As long as you buy Lumines or another arcade game it looks great and is what you buy a portable for.


I need to get one because I really enjoyed playing Crazy Taxi on a friend's PSP, will wait to see if anything comes from E3 first.

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The Real Deal on the Next PSP




Sony has contended there is no PSP2 and they are telling the cold hard truth. There won’t be a PSP2 coming for at least a couple more years. That doesn’t mean that some new PSP hardware isn’t headed our way soon enough. Think more aesthetic changes, more along the lines of DS > DSLite but more substantial of a change. We here at PlayStation LifeStyle are ready to “debunk” or “confirm” some of the rumors that are floating around the net.


We are not at liberty to divulge our sources. Rest assured all will be revealed during E3.



Some of the details I cannot divulge, but we will try our best to let you know what it is, and what it isn’t. We recently noticed PSPWorld’s attempt at “Separating Fact and Fiction” regarding the PSP2, we call it an attempt because it’s pretty much all wrong.


Let’s take a look at what PSPWorld calls “Fact”


UMD is dead. Sorry folks, UMD IS dead, they got this one right…

Touch Screen. PSPWorld states that this is a given as this seems to be the trend the industry is heading towards. Well Sony boasts it’s “Like No Other” and that is the truth, Sony doesn’t follow trends, it sets them. There will be NO touchscreen in the next PSP.

“Monstrous Hardware Specs” If that were the case, it WOULD be the PSP2, and the next PSP is NOT the PSP2, it’s not the PSP-4000 either. In fact it’s something entirely unique.

Now let’s move onto their “Fiction”:


  • Release before Christmas 2009. We don’t know an exact release date, but it’s much sooner than anyone is expecting. One thing we are sure of is that it’s definitely going to be before Holiday 2009.
  • Internal HDD. If UMD is dead, how exactly does PSPWorld think we are going to get our games on the new PSP? Sure Sony could pack in some form of memory stick with the new PSP, but that isn’t practical. As Dave Perry has mentioned in the past, look for some type of solid state memory on board. It will also take some form of removable flash memory.
  • Phone included. They got this one right also, but it wasn’t a hard guess. There will be no built in phone in the next PSP, however you can always use Skype.


Here is a few more things we would like to touch on.


  • Sliding Screen. They call this fiction, and unfortunately we cannot comment on this. We have to leave it at that.
  • Dual Analog Sticks. Nope, not happening, at least not until the PSP2 which this isn’t. Adding a second analog stick would alienate the current PSP lineup, which is going to get much more robust later this year. A lineup, that will play just fine on this new PSP, which is based on current PSP tech.


Last thing we would like to leave you off with is…


We all know E3 is GOing to be filled with HEAVY announcements, potentially COLOSSAL even if we’re lucky. Don’t let all the MASSIVE amounts of rumors RAIN on your parade. It’s a great TIME to be living the PlayStation LifeStyle, so TUNE in as we bring all the news, LITTLE and BIG to you as things are set in MOTION every step of the way.




I'm liking the sound of the last paragraph. :heh: Rumour though...


They've also hinted that it will have 16GB of internal storage.

Edited by Daft
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I really hope there's some subtance to these recent rumours about a significant upgrade. I could see the handheld market gradually adapting a model of gradual revisions rather than console style clear-cut generational leaps. Obviously you have the issue of compatability between revisions if specs are tweaked significantly, but that might be resolvable.

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Guest Jordan

PSP is great for some things as people have said. But the DS has such, incredible first and third party support. I mean, i really like my PSP. I've been playing Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus today, its a perfect arcade port basically. Plays great, can't ask for much more. I've like games like Katamari, Super Stardust Portable, Crisis Core, Patapon, Loco Roco, Ridge Racers, Lumines.


But as Aimless said, the PSP doesn't have an identity. Its battery life is pretty shoddy without the larger battery in it and its pretty damn bulky and super easy to scratch. I just realised this post is basically jumping all over the place *sigh*

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I think you're right. I don't really play my DS any more though (partly trauma from Dragon Quest IV). I could see myself using a PSP more because of the multimedia aspect and I would have got one by now, I was actually going to get a 3000 but then new rumours came, but I think it looks a bit ugly.


I assume the new hard drive will be solid state so battery life should be better. If it looks sleeker I'll most likely pick it up.

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