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Star Fox Creator Has No Interest In New SF Game.


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Quite an interesting read.



After interviewing Q Games President Dylan Cuthbert about PixelJunk Eden, we hit him up on some questions with a franchise he helped create for Nintendo – Star Fox. As most Star Fox fans would agree, there were few Star Fox titles worth playing: Star Fox, Star Fox 64, and Star Fox Command. Not surprisingly, Cuthbert was involved in the creation of all three.


Since the release of Star Fox Command on the Nintendo DS, there hasn’t been a Star Fox title for quite a while. Considering the fact that there hasn’t been a Star Fox title released on the Wii so far, most would believe that this year will be the year where Fox McCloud will climb into his Arwing for his first Wii Star Fox voyage.


So will Cuthbert and Q Games be at the helm? Not likely….


G4: Would you like to do another Star Fox game?


Dylan Cuthbert: (Laughter) After Command? Uhh, not yet. Maybe in another 10 years. I’ve made three.


G4: Well there hasn’t been one for the Wii yet…


Cuthbert: The problem with that is that it’d be a big project, like 100 people on the staff. It’s just not something we really want to do. I’m sure someone will make it. Maybe they’ll go back to Namco.


G4: I hope not, personally. (laughs) I’d rather you did it.


Cuthbert: Well, maybe in the future, you never know. Star Fox is an interesting brand. It has a very hardcore audience. People like those furries a little too much. (laughs)


G4: Oh! People are going to love that quote. (laughs) I have to ask you, why do you think it was always difficult for developers when Fox got out of the Arwing. Fox is a pilot, but they’d always get him out of…like the tank, the tank was cool, but it still felt like an Arwing - Why do you think people wanted to take him out of being a pilot and have him run around on foot?


Cuthbert: I think that’s all Miyamoto. Whenever I speak to Miyamoto about Star Fox, he says it’s not meant to be just a flying, sci-fi shooting game. It’s meant to be anything we want to think up. But the core fans don’t want that, but Miyamoto doesn’t really care about that. He wants to make what he wants to make, so he just goes ahead and gets it done.


G4: So you’d never like to make one for Wii where you control it with the Wiimote on it’s side?


Cuthbert: Yeah, no the Wii controller would be a bit too hard to use. I don’t know…maybe the new one…


G4: Motion Plus?


Cuthbert: Yeah. Maybe that’d be more fun to play with. I don’t know. The Wii is a bit more of a toy, I think.


So Star Fox fans, it’s not looking like Q Games will be heading up Star Fox Wii. We’ll bet it’ll either be internally with Nintendo, or they’ll farm it out to a third party such as Namco (please God, no!) We’ll have the rest of our full interview with Dylan Cuthbert and Baiyon and everything PixelJunk Eden next week.


I know for a fact that most SF fans just want Arwing action and not run about on foot.

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Is it just me, or does he come off a bit of a wankface in that interview?


Not really. Alot of people seem to be put off with what he says about Shigsy but we only see and hear the good stuff about him so it may very well be true. As for his comments about the Wii being a toy its just the guys opinion.

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Not really. Alot of people seem to be put off with what he says about Shigsy but we only see and hear the good stuff about him so it may very well be true. As for his comments about the Wii being a toy its just the guys opinion.


Perhaps, but just in his general attitude he seems to have lost a lot of passion in what he does, which makes it hard for me to take anything he says seriously.


I mean, he talks about how he reckons Miyamoto doesn't aim to please the fans while he does, but then goes on to slam the Wii anyway.

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Not really. Alot of people seem to be put off with what he says about Shigsy but we only see and hear the good stuff about him so it may very well be true. As for his comments about the Wii being a toy its just the guys opinion.


True... still it is kind of sad to hear someone who was involved in some of the better Starfox games calling the Wii a 'Toy' but it's his opinion and he's entitled to it.

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All video games are toys. Its no big deal. I'd rather see the Star Fox team retired for this gen, with a big, quality comeback in HD next gen.


But onto their point, Miyamoto probably does drive this thing about getting Fox out of the Arwing- he's said to have been the driving force behind Star Fox's inclusion in Dinosaur Planet, so i'd imagine Namco would've been passed that instruction too.


I'm not against Fox having a walk about, but its something that just doesn't seem to work. If they're desperate to do it, I say keep it simple, keep it on rails, Fox blasting his away through Starship corridors.

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The thing is, if they had tightened up the controls etc for the onfoot bits, then it might have played a bit more just Jet Force Gemini <3 and that would have been awesome, but the experience just wasn't quite up to that standard and so felt tacked on.

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After Command, I don't think I want him making Star Fox games any more. Give it to someone like Treasure once they've done Sin & Punishment 2.


This man speaks the truth : peace:


Treasure could do some great things for Starfox.. their record with shooters is fantastic!

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Yeah I agree with you on Treasure, great call!


The only time Fox should be on foot, would be if they used the Great Fox as a hub from which to select levels. Like in Rogue Squadron how you could run around the hanger before getting in your vehicle; I would quite like to be able to walk around the cockpit, corridors and hangers of the Great Fox and you could recreate the classis corridor run as red alert sounds around you.

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Yeah I agree with you on Treasure, great call!


The only time Fox should be on foot, would be if they used the Great Fox as a hub from which to select levels. Like in Rogue Squadron how you could run around the hanger before getting in your vehicle; I would quite like to be able to walk around the cockpit, corridors and hangers of the Great Fox and you could recreate the classis corridor run as red alert sounds around you.


..from the first time I saw Sin & Punishment, I felt that if Starfox had on foot levels they should be done in a similar style to that game! The Wii Remote pointer seems perfect to resurrect Starfox.. I'm gutted that we haven't heard word of a new game :(


Unlike most, I have every Starfox game (from Starwing on the SNES to Starfox Command on the DS) and have enjoyed every one of them (even the Gamecube games, Adventures and Assault, which a lot of people seem to hate :heh:)


Lylat Wars has always been the best.. it is a special game! However, there hasn't been a Starfox game that I consider to be bad so I really want to see where they go next!

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I think Treasure would do an admirable job in rejuvenating a franchise that has grow stale quickly since Lylat Wars due to poor decisions incorporating on-foot and strategic sections in subsequent titles. However, as much as I'd love Treasure to make it I don't think they are. I don't know if anyone remembers but Nintendo have said on a couple of occasions, glancingly, that a Star Fox title was on the way for the Wii. The last time it was mentioned was awhile back now so if there is one in development it'll be nearing completion and if this is the case then we can expect a blow-out at E3, where I'm sure Nintendo are setting themselves up for some big announcements.


Regardless of who takes on the series, they'll not move away from the on-foot sections, even if it's not what the fans want. We'll be given some 'spiel' about the game being too short without it. But I do like the suggestion that perhaps they could do the on-foot sections akin to Sin and Punishment, keeping it on rails and keeping it as a shooter as this would work well and compliment the flying sections well.

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Miyamoto doesn't know what the hardcore Nintendo fans want


We do keep telling him, we really do. Kid Icarus, Eternal Darkness 2, more Mario, more Zelda, F-zero, Pikmin 3, and some new IP too. Oh yeah, Starfox Dancer Adventure too.


I think his translator is taking the piss.

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Quite an interesting read.





I know for a fact that most SF fans just want Arwing action and not run about on foot.


thats what you THINK you want? If it was up to fans series would NEVER evolve or grow.. you didnt think you wanted to run mario around space either did you.. or race with him,, or fight with him in smash.


Miyamoto must be of an opinion where he does what he thinks is best.. and that;s why he's the main innovater in gaming.


Thank you. I was looking at this guy and going "who the feck is this"? He wasn't the creator of the game.


Stupid internet.


this may be true but i'm convinced he has a big say in what does and doesn't get made..

this is why we havn't seen a starfox or f-zero yet. Miyamoto believed that f-zero would never work with motion control..(could with motion plus though)

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Miyamota also believed in Wii Music :hmm:


true but everyone has bad ideas.. he also believed kirby should have been orange.


this doesn't go just for miyamoto this goes for every developer.. I think japanese ones tend to go their own way and improve where they can but mostly innovate but western just go the bigger and better route.. not a bad thing but where is the innovation.. so so many fps games around.


take a recent example of excitebots.. fans wanted wanted nothing to do with the fact the trucks were replaced by bots..and tha's a small change..


what do you think people said when mario kart was first announced? When zelda was cel shaded?.. If miyamoto doesn't give a shit what people think.. I really cant blame him.. hes the master after all.

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I think his translator is taking the piss.


Actually, he can understand spoken english, he just can't speak it himself that well.


Personally, I don't think the problem was that fox was taken out of the air, I think it just wasn't implemented well enough. Adventures was what could have been a great Rare title, but then Nintendo decided to tack fox onto it to make it sell better. Adventures wasn't a bad game, it just wasn't a starfox game. And I haven't played assault beyond a bit of the multiplayer, but from what I've heard, it was just repetitive and boring, but it was outsourced to namco... It was probably developed lazily by not the best team. If it had been developed by one of Nintendo's good teams, perhaps it would have been a better game. But who knows.

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thats what you THINK you want? If it was up to fans series would NEVER evolve or grow.. you didnt think you wanted to run mario around space either did you.. or race with him,, or fight with him in smash.


Miyamoto must be of an opinion where he does what he thinks is best.. and that;s why he's the main innovater in gaming.


Its not what I think I want, its simply what I want. The fact is the best SF games have been the ones that just concentrate on the flying and shooting which is why many in this topic have suggested handing the game over to Treasure as its what they do best.


Mario may get taken out of his platforming adventures but most of the titles they bung him in end up being gold where as SF Adventures and Assault weren't.


Saying the fans want the game to stay the same and not evolve is rubbish. All Nintendo have to do is get the core gameplay back like it was in Starwing and Lylat Wars and then add an local/online co-op campaign with Wii Speak, this will keep us happy but also add a new dimension to the gameplay. The only problem with this idea is that many players will only have a 3 strong team as no one will want to be Slippy. This being Nintendo though they will probably go in the complete opposite direction.


this is why we havn't seen a starfox or f-zero yet. Miyamoto believed that f-zero would never work with motion control..(could with motion plus though)


Not every game needs to come with motion controls. Its this kind of tacked on attitude that hinders many a Wii game. Developers, if a game doesnt benefit from motion controls dont try and force them in!

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