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N-Europe Mixtape Mix-up III: Revenge Of The Mixtape


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It is indeed. I've currently received about 5 or 6 PMs from those taking part. Bumpity bump to announce that I neeeeeed everyone's address before I can organize recipients and senders and the like.


How're everyone's playlists coming along?

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It is indeed. I've currently received about 5 or 6 PMs from those taking part. Bumpity bump to announce that I neeeeeed everyone's address before I can organize recipients and senders and the like.


How're everyone's playlists coming along?


I have 2 finished ones (might edit before I burn them though) and have sent you my address. :smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Graciously giving this a bump as I was reminded of it after seeing one of my mix cds lying on my desk when clearing out. It'll be the second time in the last couple of months one of these has gone down the pan if this one goes nowhere and I'd like to do it. If you're too busy at the moment Dyson, then I'll happily take charge if necessary.

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I believe Dyson to be on some kind of cross country Odyssey sans internet, presently. We should get dates sorted during the week though.


I don't think Dan Dare's words should be heeded in any future attempts for this. His track record is proof enough.




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Hey all, sorry about the wait. Was in Portsmouth over the weekend, been meaning to kick this off for a while now and keep forgetting. I think I'm still waiting on one or two more addresses. Caris, feel free to send me your address and you can participate, I think a couple of people are going to drop out. I will try and get the address pool sorted out tomorrow...sorry for the delay again guys. : peace:

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Basically you create a mix CD and send it to the address you'll be sent via PM. You'll also receive a mix CD from a member on the forums. I'll be putting names in to a hat and you'll be sent a PM by me as to the address you'll be sending your mix to.


I'm thinking I'll do 2 though, so you burn 2 CDs and send them to different people and receive 2 CDs from different people. Adds a bit more variation on to it and doesn't involve much more effort from the sender at all. :D`

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Nope; completely up to you. Not a strict rule to follow by any means but try not to have too much of one artist on there. It's a mixtape, not an artist fan cd :heh:


Also in the past music from video games hasn't been allowed. I don't think I'll include that limitation this time but be sensible with it :heh:

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Dyson: I'm assuming you got my address through PM. If not, let me know and I'll send it again.


Got my Disc printed. I tried to go for lesser known or older bands/singers rather than my all time favourites. Seemed to make more sense since, to me, the whole thing is about hearing things you've never heard before.

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I'm thinking I'll do 2 though, so you burn 2 CDs and send them to different people and receive 2 CDs from different people. Adds a bit more variation on to it and doesn't involve much more effort from the sender at all. :D`

wt... variation?! You swine :P That's precisely what I did in the first, and-way-more-organised mtmu! ;)


I haven't made my mix yet. CD drive doesn't work anymore either! I will have to negotiate with flatmates to see if I can steal one of their laptops to burn.

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Variation was the wrong word. I meant variety. :heh:


And who's stealing the MTMU abbreviation now eh? Eh?!


Sorting out the address pool as we speak. Expect PMs to be sent out shortly.


Edit: And they're off! You should all have received your PMs about who to send your mixes to. For those new to it all, be sure you don't discuss who you're sending your mixes to, as that's half the fun. With this post I can now confirm that nobody else will be able to participate in this round of the MTMU unfortunately, so better luck next time. Any questions, feel free to post.


The deadline for sending CDs off iiiss...7 days time should be plenty! You have until the Sunday 10th of May to have the mixtapes sent before things get reeeal messy for you. Or, you start getting bugged to send it off via PM's.


One final thing, do me a favour and post when you've sent your mixes off for my records so I can tell who's sent their mixes and shit.

Edited by Dyson
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