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PC games traditionally run on dedicated servers- ie machines supported by devs or private companies that host the game independently of players. They run a preset variant of the game and individual players just come and go as they please.


Console games run on Peer to Peer hosting. Players are put together and the best connection becomes host.


Activision have taken dedicated servers out of MW2- which I think is a pc first.


Naturally, pc gamers being elitist, unbearable snobs, are upset by this sacrilege, despite p2p being perfectly acceptable for a game like MW2 because They're Better, despite never having tried a console game before :heh:

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lool at the low low low.


And yes, I might pay a visit to a certian supermarket to get this lil gem!


I hope you said it how I intended, the apple bottom jeans song. Im thinking you did.


And Dan Dare, too right, fecking PC elitist squadrons.

Edited by James
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I hope you said it how I intended, the apple bottom jeans song. Im thinking you did.


And Dan Dare, too right, fecking PC elitist squadrons.


Naturally, pc gamers being elitist, unbearable snobs, are upset by this sacrilege, despite p2p being perfectly acceptable for a game like MW2 because They're Better, despite never having tried a console game before


I hope you were being sarcastic because in no way that p2p has any advantages at all over dedicated servers other than letting them control the community like 'Big Brother'. I don't pay any notice to any Elitist superiority rants wherever it comes from, I am no PC elitist but once you use a dedicated server there's no turning back.


It means no host advantage, less cheating because server admins usually monitor most of the time, being able to change game rules such as Time limit more players etc, the mods that increase replayability, the server communities and the people you meet in your favourite servers and less lag because you can simply join a server with a low ping which is within your country rather than it being a lottery.


At the end of the day all I want is the best online experience overall and dedicated servers gives you that.

Edited by The-Ironflame
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I used to play dedicated servers on CS


Lots of lag and rampant cheats remain two of my prevailing memories. That and the wank custom mods screaming HEADSHOT at me.


You need to go on better servers.


I can list a load of things I dislike about Xbox Live (racists being my main concern), but at the end of the day we're going to have to agree to disagree. But I definitely will not be buying this game at launch.

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Just checked my order status on Play.com...


Hardened Edition - Packing

Standard Edition - Packing


Before anyone says anything, the standard edition is for my bro, also I got an e-mail regarding the Hardened Edition yesterday or something saying that it's going to be shipped by courier to ensure it isn't delayed, I still doubt that I'll be getting it early, esp if there is an embargo but it's nice to have it 'confirmed' for its day of release. :)


IF it does arrive early though, I can still play it right? just not online I'm guessing... this isn't gonna be like Halo 3 all over again where there was some shit over people getting banned for playing it early or something daft IIRC lolol.


Either way I'd better attempt to finish the first MW before this arrives! :o (yes I was one of the few that actually resisted it but now that I've got into the single player I rather like it)

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