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Firmware Update


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Guest Jordan

I can 100% confirm that if you have the Homebrew Channel at the latest version (1.06?) the new firmware will not remove it. It still works perfectly.

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* Nintendo, as expected, half-assed the SD feature by just automating the copy to NAND. No surprise there.

* The IOS16 that warez users used to pirate is no longer an option, thank goodness.

* HBC survives. So does DVDX.

* Twilight Hack no longer works.

* No new problems expected with BootMii, other than needing a new exploit as mentioned above.

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So is this all working properly then? I was concerned when I heard that some people were losing their data when moving certain games from Wii to SD card but that could easily be user error I guess and I see no reason why it would do that, anyway will update in a minute.

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So is this all working properly then? I was concerned when I heard that some people were losing their data when moving certain games from Wii to SD card but that could easily be user error I guess and I see no reason why it would do that, anyway will update in a minute.


It won't lose your data when you move games to SD Card as the save file is separate (and that stays on the Wii.. only the channels are moved :heh:)


I'm very happy with it and how quickly everything loads.. it all works pretty well :smile: I'm particularly pleased that it didn't require having to buy something else :yay:

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I think I figued out what it was, it mentions that although you can move the channels to the SD card and access them from there, the save files will always be accessed from the Wii memory so I'm imagining that if you had a duplicate save file on the SD card then that may confuse it idk...


Anyway I have deleted any duplicate saves files for VC games from my SD card and have moved ALL of the VC games I have and channels to the SD card so I now have 1882 free blocks of Wii system memory, overall I'm pleased with the update. :)

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I think I figued out what it was, it mentions that although you can move the channels to the SD card and access them from there, the save files will always be accessed from the Wii memory so I'm imagining that if you had a duplicate save file on the SD card then that may confuse it idk...


Anyway I have deleted any duplicate saves files for VC games from my SD card and have moved ALL of the VC games I have and channels to the SD card so I now have 1882 free blocks of Wii system memory, overall I'm pleased with the update. :)


It always goes off the Wii memory for saves, I played Super Metroid with saves on both my Wii and SD card and it played it fine. I tired playing Sin and Punishment off my SD card but I couldn't play it because there wasn't enough space on my Wii so looks like I might have to move a lot of my VC games to SD card.


I'm glad they finally added a move option for saves though.


I think I need a larger SD card.

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It's funny seeing my Wii have so much memory again.


Really? Given i have to ensure 300+ internal blocks are available for my largest WiiWare title, i only have 500 or so blocks left. Admittedly, i've kept Nintendo's 'application channels' in system memory- but that seems a fitting place for them.


With Nintendo's VOD channel incoming, and the possibility of more large save files, i may have to re-evaluate this.

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Nintendo still uses the Wii's internal memory for some sort of cache for the last game you played. That's awesome because it doesn't have to reload a game if you're playing it repeatedly. It just boots instantaneously without reading the SD card.


Not as good as a proper hard drive, but better than I was expecting.


I can't see one advantage a HDD would have compared to this solution.

A Wii HDD would be:

-Not universally compatible

-Physically big

-Not half as portable as an SD card

-Slower access times

-Probably more expensive if it were Nintendo specific


And if you download the whole library of VC games + Wiiware + Wii channels, you couldn't fill up a 32GB SD card, not even half probably.

The solution is perfect IMO.


Was anyones updates was slow?


Yes, very very slow.

Edited by Blue_Ninja0
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Nintendo still uses the Wii's internal memory for some sort of cache for the last game you played. That's awesome because it doesn't have to reload a game if you're playing it repeatedly.


I love the fact that it does this although it did cause me some confusion initially because after playing Sin and Punishment I couldn't work out why those blocks were being used 'invisiably' (judging by how much I struggled on S&P it must have just been one of those nights :p).


Can't find fault with this solution , although it would have been nice to be able to overwrite channels that have been updated directly onto the SD card rather than backing out and deleting them first. A minor inconvenience though.


Also running dual saves at the moment as I like to back them up occasionally and haven't run into any problems as yet , although I have only tested a few games with it.

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I think a feature that is missing from the new system menu is the ability to pick up a channel and drop it on the SD card menu. That would be a nice streamlined way of transferring things to SD card, instead of the traditional long winded method.

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