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Need Design Work Done??


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Yes, but the designer has the right the show them as work they have done. The work belongs to the person it was done for, but credit is to the designer. Check out this guy: http://www.christophehuet.com/


He works for a french design company, and he has posted his work, which includes clients such Motorola, Sony Playstation, Nike, etc, etc. It's just common practice.

Edited by Wesley
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okie kokie then ^_^

ten10's email banner





Ashley's Blog banner


..which is now no longer being used/has been modified by ashley.

again though, i'm happy to make changes for it to suit the page more....

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I don't really like my banner on my website. The background image is blocky, and I know that there'd be better images out there that I could use. Something a little more to do with learning to drive rather than just a nighttime motorway picture. I think it's an 800x300 image.


Bluey, if you could suggest anything, then that would be great.


I also need to design a pupil appointment card, showing their progress and payments, plus I may need a few other bits and pieces for my school as well. A friend has designed a few things for me like business cards and leaflets, but he did it as a favour as I gave his wife a discount on lessons. But that was about a year ago and I don't like to keep asking him!!


I don't mind making a donation either! Just pm me if you are interested.

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I don't really like my banner on my website. The background image is blocky, and I know that there'd be better images out there that I could use. Something a little more to do with learning to drive rather than just a nighttime motorway picture. I think it's an 800x300 image.


Bluey, if you could suggest anything, then that would be great.


I also need to design a pupil appointment card, showing their progress and payments, plus I may need a few other bits and pieces for my school as well. A friend has designed a few things for me like business cards and leaflets, but he did it as a favour as I gave his wife a discount on lessons. But that was about a year ago and I don't like to keep asking him!!


I don't mind making a donation either! Just pm me if you are interested.


check yo' PM's ^_^ very much up for that job!!


will be working on colin's portfolio design tonight.


i also got a commission from a friends band in japan for album artwork & promo material. awesomesss... :santa:

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okie kokie then ^_^


Ashley's Blog banner

..which is now no longer being used/has been modified by ashley.

again though, i'm happy to make changes for it to suit the page more....


Well I just reworked it a bit http://watchtowerblog.wordpress.com/ because of the header restrictions (which I wasn't aware of at the time of asking you) but if you want to do something that fits in that 750x250 banner than feel free. I'm sure you'll do a better job :) Plus we're going to be adding an accent of claret to the site, so if you want to try and find some way to incorporate that it would be fantastic. But if you're too busy don't worry, I don't mind doing it but I don't want to seem ingrateful for your brilliant work ^_^


Congrats on the commission :D!

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This is probably quite simple, but i'd really appreciate it if you give it a go with your masterful skills.


I was wondering if you could create me a blog banner graphic? Just something that says "CJ-Team's Travel Blog" with our faces beside.


It would be great if it could be a mixture of Tropical and Chinese colouring / styling as we'll be going to such countries (if you cant mix them then stick with Chinese).


I'm not sure on the size it has to be. I'm probably going to use Tumblr to create it so dont know if that has any requirements, but i havnt started yet so its pretty flexible.


Here's a picture of us we'd like intergrated into it somehow too if you can. Maybe cut us out and do some groovy effects to it?




Anyhow, be creative! We're pretty easy going.


Hope you can help!

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