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Need Design Work Done??


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~o~any design job, big or small~o~


as you may or may not know/care ~ i'm a budding/wannabe graphic designer/illustrator... right now i'm looking for projects to fill my non-existent portfolio!


do you have any design work you need done??

Logo design, illustration, stationary, business cards, flyers, posters, book covers, promotional material... anything really!


all FREE ~ just lemme use the work for my portfolio...!

get in touch!! :smile:



bluey (^___^)/


(me? ride the underground too much?? ...naah.......)


Ashley: complete

Ten10: complete


Hem: on hold?

Colin: in progress

Dog-amoto waiting

Dazzybee waiting

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Hi Bluey,


Very generous to be offering this for free! If you have time, I need a logo designing for a company my Dad is starting up.


The company is a lawn cutting/general garden maintenance service. The company name is 'The Lawn Mower Man'. There's not many restrictions to the design really, except for it to be the above name in text, I dunno maybe a lawnmower illustration could fit into the logo somehow too. Up to you!



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Hi Bluey,


Very generous to be offering this for free! If you have time, I need a logo designing for a company my Dad is starting up.


The company is a lawn cutting/general garden maintenance service. The company name is 'The Lawn Mower Man'. There's not many restrictions to the design really, except for it to be the above name in text, I dunno maybe a lawnmower illustration could fit into the logo somehow too. Up to you!




no problem :smile: i'm broke, so if you really wanna make a donation i wouldnt say no! haha.


"lawnmower man" eh?? I'll stay away from jones-regular font ^_^

if your dad needs business cards and stuff in the future lemme know - i work in a print shop :smile:

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If you fancy me and Daniel of the Dare family are setting up a blog and could do with a shiloutte of a watchtower. At liberty to design it how you want but mind if I add text to it (unless you want to try some text and see if I love it)

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If you fancy me and Daniel of the Dare family are setting up a blog and could do with a shiloutte of a watchtower. At liberty to design it how you want but mind if I add text to it (unless you want to try some text and see if I love it)

will do both :grin: what's the text??

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"All Along The Watchtower" or "The Watchtower"


In my mind I had a shiloutte of a watchtower with the letters WT inside and outside of the watchtower and inversed (like ying and yang...you know what I mean, ne?)

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(like ying and yang...you know what I mean, ne?)

hai, wakarimashita ne! :grin:


btw// you mean watchtower like shawshank redemption, not watch tower like "i'm full of american teen angst so i shall climb the highschool watchtower with my uzi" ... right?

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I may be interested Bluey if it's at all possible.


Just in need of a logo for my name/description of what I do, and a way to brand my portfolio which is in my sig.


I requested this off a friend recently but he's let me down, and I've had to ask more than two three times.........so I've given up.


Again, it's just a logo for my name which I can then brand the top banner with, and then also add to images of my work in the corner.


Sent me a PM whenever you're ready to take it on (no rush really) and I'll try and get examples of the sort of thing I'm after sent to you. I might be vague, but it just needs to look smart in a presentation sort of way.

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Not sure if it's too short notice but for work I need a banner of 600px width 99px height to send out in a mass email on Monday advertising an event. Banner ideally would incorporate the telford college of arts logo, low quality crappy version included below, and if the banner could use the college's colour scheme and font as close as possible it would be great.




And also the banner would ideally say CPC seminar somewhere on it in a relatively large size. Also I could pretty much get clearance to allow you to should from the roof tops about how great you are.

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I didn't realised you lived so close Ten10...although your location could have mislead me.


Hey this is interesting :) Can we see some of your stuff?


Because I love it so much (and tend to have it as my phone wallpaper):




Bluey'll probably show more but I do love it.

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Sent me a PM whenever you're ready to take it on (no rush really) and I'll try and get examples of the sort of thing I'm after sent to you. I might be vague, but it just needs to look smart in a presentation sort of way.


sure - lemme know what you're after ~ i wanna get work done as soon as possible :smile:


Not sure if it's too short notice but for work I need a banner of 600px width 99px height to send out in a mass email on Monday advertising an event. Banner ideally would incorporate the telford college of arts logo, low quality crappy version included below, and if the banner could use the college's colour scheme and font as close as possible it would be great.




And also the banner would ideally say CPC seminar somewhere on it in a relatively large size. Also I could pretty much get clearance to allow you to should from the roof tops about how great you are.

no problem ten10 ~ lemme know the copy for the banner and i'll get it done over the weekend ~!

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sure - lemme know what you're after ~ i wanna get work done as soon as possible :smile:

Many thanks.


I'll collate some stuff either this evening or tomorrow and I'll PM you with some more information. Thanks again, and for offering this opportunity. :smile:

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I didn't realised you lived so close Ten10...although your location could have mislead me.


Well the event will be in telford, but our offices are in Milton Keynes also subsequently where I live. I think my location being very far away is more of a catchall than anything else.

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except for it to be the above name in text,

not quite sure what this means...? You mean just type of "The Lawnmower Man" and maybe an illustration? ie no photography..?



getting right on that tonight!!


and shorty


mainly illustration-y though... ^_^




gotta get this one scanned sometime ~ i think i still have it ^_^







y'see why i'm trying to build up a semi-decent portfolio, ne :smile:

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hehe thanks eenuh :grin: that means a lot coming from an award winning illustrator like yourself ^___^ *aspire aspire!*

i'ma be starting a personal illustration project soon... i recently became obsessed-ish with the gruffalo books so i wanna put together my own version!!


plus i've been wanting to get into redbubble for a while ~ start makin tshirts n' stuff :yay:

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Award winning? Haha, I'm not quite there yet, but thanks! X3


And yes! Go on RedBubble! Show your art around! =D

And your own illustration project? Awesome! I really would love to see whatever you end up making, it's always fun to see work from fellow illustrators. =)

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^^ Yeh I just meant make sure it has the company name in text... Illustration could fit into the logo design I dunno! But yeh vectory as opposed to any photography i'd imagine would look best as it'd be used for letterheads etc.

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