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Festivals 2009


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I haven't been to Reading in years now (last time was 06) :sad: i always seem to end up doing stuff bank holiday weekend.


What is going on with the prices the last few years?? the first time i went to Reading it cost £85 for the weekend (i think that was in 02) its now £70 for the day???


Oh well, the lineup looks alright so far. would be pissed off if i was The Prodigy though.....playing under the arctic monkeys :o

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Their new album is shocking. Used to be a band I wanted to see, now I don't think so. I like the line up this year personally!


I went to see FFAF last week. As rubbish as their two most recent albums were, they played like 4 songs from them max. All the rest was from CDADIC or Hours.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So to bump an old topic Download is coming up some and I just found out today that I am in fact going. Kinda excited since I've never been to a festival before although I have 1 slight concern which is I would only want to see about 4 bands.


Anyone else going? Anybody been before? Anyone suggest some bands that are playing that I should check out when I go?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anybody else go to Glastonbury this weekend?


Fucking awesome my socks where well any truly rocked off. Neil Young was absolutely incredible seriously like best live performance I've ever seen.


The Boss was the Boss, even over running the curfew by 10 minutes and getting Eavis a 3 grand fine :awesome:


Blur also pretty good, Coxon was on fire with the guitar.


Saw lots of other stuff as well, main highlights, the specials, madness and la roux.


So awesome

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Coxon's always on fire, you should see him play solo! The guy was freakin retuning his guitar mid-solo last time i saw him (pretty impressive to watch, his right hand was constantly bouncing between the tuning heads and the frets). Can't wait to see Blur on Friday! :D


Neil Young looked like it twas great from what i saw on TV. Same goes for Springstien. Heard it was his first UK festival or sommat like that, incredible that the old fart hasn't played before :p

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Glastonbury was absolutely fucking amazing. Took 16 hours to get there and it pissed it down a bit but it was soo worth it.


Highlights: Brothers bar, Blur, Madness, Specials, The Boss coming on for a Gaslight Anthem song. So many more that i cant remember right now. Best fest ever surely

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I had no idea you were going.

I asked where you were, nd it turned out you were at one of the UKs biggest festivals lol.

Haha. You out tomorrow?

Download was awesome.


I want to go to sonisphere, which download also run, its got a really good line-up but it's another £160..£160 which I don't have.

You sure Download run Sonisphere? Pretty sure they person that started download runs Sonisphere but has nothing to do with download now. Could be wrong though.

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Cant wait for Leeds fest now!

Someone got any tips on what i need to take?


Erm, A tent, wellies definitely, last year was boggy to fuck and anyone with shoes on didn't stand a chance.


A hat, sun cream, yes it all sounds gay, but you'll be crying like a girl when your sunburnt and have to go to the medical tent.


A lighter, to light a fire. plenty of food, plenty of cash, dont go taking a tenner saying you'll do all your eating and drinking in the camping area, number one that makes you a tight arse and number two, once your in the arena side of things, your mates will buy food and your mates will buy drink again leading you to cry like a girl coz you only took a tenner and cant afford it:kiss:

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