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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Ren of Heavens

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Yeah if they could make a sequel I would love to see more different creatures.


Just watched the film, I actually enjoyed it, nothing special but a good turn your brain off film. Would love to see the piramidhead guy in a Shattered Memories 2.


Would be interesting to see how they could approach a sequel though. I don't think they could do the Therapy Sessions thing again though. I would like to see them still keep the games psycology element and that it would change the game as it profiles you. I would like to see it change more things though. Perhaps incorporate an Eternal Darkness model somehow so things would change on the fly as you play.


More tension, more shocks. Would like to see things happen outside of nightmare sequences. Perhaps instead of the world icing over as a warning that danger is coming, what if while in the "normal" world you opened a door and were attacked by a creature and then the ice came and you start to run.


Keep the no guns thing, that worked great in Shattered Memories, running from the creatures was awesome. Hell just on my 4th play the nightmare in the school I got confused and made a wrong turn, ended up somewhere I never was in any of my 3 previous plays and paniced with the creatures hot on my tail and all I could do was run and knock things over.


If there were more powerful creatures though perhaps some sort of weapons might be needed, but no guns, maybe like find a broken pipe or something. Maybe some kind of puzzles that would set up a trap to stop/kill a creature following you. Imagine how cool it would be to bait them into following you and looking behind to see the trap spring?


More NPC's maybe to add to the story? Maybe the best way to do it would be to create a whole new game... that said I never played any of the others so don't know how well they would lend to a Shattered Memories style remake... that said even though I played SM, which is a remake of the first game from the synopsis I read it is tons different and so technically I still haven't played SH1, haha.

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Sales for week 3 (europe) again arround 6000 ( 5,400 to be precise). If this keeps up for 20 weeks than im alittle happy.


Now a total of 170 000 for US en EU combined and next week its the turn for the japanese to buy this game.

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I finished my 5th and final (for a while at least) journey through Silent Hill last night. Have now seen all endings, including the...


...UFO one, which was pretty damn funny.

Love how it was done in a hand drawn / cartoony style. :grin:

Checked my overall play time on the Nintendo Channel, and it's around 20 hours. There's no way I've seen every variation during gameplay either, looking through the site I posted before confirms that. There's even an area that I didn't see at all throughout my entire time playing! :eek:


Anyway, great game. Really glad I picked it up, would highly recommend it to any Wii owner. Especially if they like the horror genre, in which case it's a must have title. icon14.gif


As for gripes/things I would've liked changed, the main one that springs to mind (and this is a very minor thing) would have been an option to adjust the opacity of the reticule/cursor, or better yet remove it all together.

I found it quite distracting at times, more so considering there's no HUD on screen.


Another one (that's already been mentioned) is the segmented gameplay. Yeah it's cool that you get these different styles, chilled out exploration parts and frantic run for your life moments, but after you've played through the game once and are familiar with when the nightmare sections appear, it inevitably loses it's effect. Some random fear elements would have been great.

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I've just finished my 4th run.


Got the "guilty" therapy room (which I also got on my 3rd play) and the sexual video ending (1st time for that)


So that means I've got left the "denial/hero forever" therapy room and the "wicked and weak" video left to get.


That'll be tricky I guess as before I was just trying for a "different" ending and not pushing for any one in particular now I really gotta think what everything I do will effect in how I want to get these endings.



As for the doctors notes on the end I was really surprised this time, the first few paragraphs were the same as all 3 previous plays, but then the 2nd half were ALL different (not just the one like on my 3rd play)... plus the "sumed up in one word" bit changed, all 3 previous times I was "dependable" and thought maybe this never changed... but now it did. This time I was a "thinker", haha.


There's even an area that I didn't see at all throughout my entire time playing! :eek:


Is that the area I mentioned a few posts back or did you find/learn of something else?


Some differences on my 4th play that I forgot to mention a few posts back.


Entering the Orion Lodge in the woods, all 3 previous times the first room I entered was a room with a bear on the table in the middle all cut open and blood everywhere. This time the room was clean and the bear was stuffed and stood up in the corner.


Also when getting back to Lisa's apartment only on my 2nd play previous to my 4th did I watch her get changed, that time she said she saw me looking and got really pissed at me.


This time I was surprised she reacted differently, she said she saw me looking but took it as a compliment, haha.:grin:


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Is that the area I mentioned a few posts back or did you find/learn of something else?
Something else...


This was the Hair Salon in the mall.

I always went to the Card Shop, so the salon became inaccessible.


Like I said before, I only discovered it by looking on silenthillmemories.net.


Will be sure to visit the salon instead of the card shop the next time I play.

As for the difference in Lisa's reaction to you know what ;)...

I got the good one first and the bad one second, so it was even more of a shock for me. :laughing:

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I bought it and hate it :( I was enjoying the creepy, walking round etc. and thought the Wii controls were actually really good. Then I got to a nightmare bit and found it horrible. Just found it really confusing where to go, too many routes, and too many blue doors.


I know it's not a bad game, given the excellent reviews, but it really isn't for me. It's going on eBay tomorrow. Shame cos I really did enjoy it up until then.

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some new (and totally not trustworthy) sales data for the 5th week in europe (4,199) and first week in japan(3,151). Luckaly its selling at a stable pase (arround 5000 copies each week in both us and eu markets is still 10 000 a week)


also for the people who are just visiting these are the sales charts that i made 4 months back CLICK


Really what is up to the japanese and Europe/australian game markets? almost all core games dont even make the 10 000 sales mark, are those markets completely "casualised"?


Still silent hill shattered memories is selling faster than silent hill homecoming (360/ps3) and Silent hill Origins for the psp, so thats a good sign.

Edited by marcel
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Jesus, good games just don't seem to sell well at all any more. Maybe the recession actually is affecting the games industry or maybe there are just very few ''hardcore'' gamers left.


I think that the main cause why Wii games aren’t selling anymore is that we got years and years of crap titles from 3rd parties, and the once that where good where spin offs of main entry’s(dead space extraction, resident evil umbrella chronicles). The Wii never got a main entry, and its part due to the weak hardware.


And now the Wii is getting main entry and they aren’t selling like in 2006 is because the consumer lost the faith in the 3rd parties on the Wii because of all those trucks full of shovel ware with a view gems in between.


It’s like the 3rd parties aren’t even trying to make a quality game on the Wii with high production values, but rather make a quick buck to finance the main entry on the 360/ps3. And I’m almost certain that EA was trying to finance dead space 2 with dead space extraction sales ( they thought it would sell millions like the resident evil rail shooters) boy where they wrong;).

And I know that rail shooters can be fun, but make a rail shooter out of dead space was such a bad idea. Dead space was all about exploration and all of that was stripped away from extraction.


I know for sure that if dead space extraction had the controls of resident evil 4 Wii edition (little modified) that It would have sold millions. Its so obvious right now that the Wii users are sick of rail shooters of you look at the sales of re dark side chronicles and dead space extraction. Re4 wii edition was so good in terms of graphics and controls and no other developer seems to notice it…..


Also a new bonus round from gametrailers about marketing of games and if it really matters:

Edited by marcel
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I think that the main cause why Wii games aren’t selling anymore is that we got years and years of crap titles from 3rd parties,


the consumer lost the faith in the 3rd parties on the Wii because of all those trucks full of shovel ware with a view gems in between.


You have a good point marcel - the "gems" have been snowed under with crap :woops:


And I’m almost certain that EA was trying to finance dead space 2 with dead space extraction sales ( they thought it would sell millions like the resident evil rail shooters) boy where they wrong;).

And I know that rail shooters can be fun, but make a rail shooter out of dead space was such a bad idea. Dead space was all about exploration and all of that was stripped away from extraction.


At least the first Resi Evil rail shooter, the 2nd one sold much less (along with Dead Space Extraction)... but despite hating the on-rails idea myself, i found the original Dead Space pretty linear too (replaying Perfect Dark on XBLA made me realise just how much modern FPS's hold your hand through the script).


I tend to think it's mostly marketing budget: If you can throw enough money at billboards, tv ads, bus stop posters, mens' magazines, etc to completely brainwash the public into thinking it's the next big thing & it's cool to have, they'll buy it. You just don't see that for any core Wii games (compared to eg. Gears of War / Halo), only for casual games like fitness & karaoke.


Back on subject, i can't believe Homecoming on the 360 has sold the most out of any Silent Hill game. It was interesting enough but nothing like some of the others in the series. This one's definitely taking the cake as my favorite tho :)

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  • 3 months later...

I've recently bought this after watching the (imo underrated) movie and being inspired. I've played the series before but I like the look of the approach in this one. Can be picked up for a song these days (I only paid £15 for it), and looks like yet another humble hidden Wii gem.


Will hopefully get to actually have a proper play on it this weekend.

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I'm tempted to start another run-through of the game. It's been a good amount of time since I played it through the first time, so it seems like the right thing to do.


Are there any plans to bring any more Silent Hill games to the Wii? I really enjoyed this one.

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Annoyingly, the next one's been announced for PS360. I have a bad feeling it was something they just tried once...:sad:


That is annoying, not least of all because the last one on PS360 got mostly hammered for favouring visuals and locations over the story and the characters, and adding in some naff combat. This Wii game gets all the good reviews, and gets stiffed at the bill. Disappointing.


But then I'd rather have one great game than a collection of uninspired sequels and hangers on, wouldn't you?

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Don't be too glum. Silent Hill 8 looks to be sinking back into the pre-Shattered Memories formula that's been dying on its arse for the past seven years, developed by a relatively inexperienced Czech outfit that has dealt predominantly in the action/FPS genre...

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Don't be too glum. Silent Hill 8 looks to be sinking back into the pre-Shattered Memories formula that's been dying on its arse for the past seven years, developed by a relatively inexperienced Czech outfit that has dealt predominantly in the action/FPS genre...


from my understanding its more like what shattered memories once was, you could shoot or hit enemies but you cant kill them. Think it was mentioned in an interview a while back.

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I'd completely forgotten about picking this up...Most of the gaming stores around me have gotten rid of any new Wii games (it's pre-owned or nothing), so a case of out of sight out of mind for me. Will get it once I've cleared a bit more of Mario Galaxy 2 and Rune Factory.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This game is only £14 @ Tesco, and it's amazing. I can't believe how good it is! The tension, the atmosphere and the fact there is no combat just makes the whole thing feel more like a nightmare.


It's a wonderful game. I'll definetely do a full review for this one when I'm done with it! Now, everyone get to Tesco and buy it :)

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