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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Ren of Heavens

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My preordered copy still hasn't arrived :(


Contacted Zavvi to ask about a replacement, not sure if it's their side or the post. Had 4 games get "lost in the post" since late last year, while it never happened before. Is there 1 dodgy person at the post office that keeps stealing my stuff? Or is it possible more & more online shops are taking a chance & not sending it, in the hopes they can get away with keeping the cash (or getting an extra 21 days' interest on it)?

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My preordered copy still hasn't arrived :(


Contacted Zavvi to ask about a replacement, not sure if it's their side or the post. Had 4 games get "lost in the post" since late last year, while it never happened before. Is there 1 dodgy person at the post office that keeps stealing my stuff? Or is it possible more & more online shops are taking a chance & not sending it, in the hopes they can get away with keeping the cash (or getting an extra 21 days' interest on it)?


I think you've got someone stealing stuff! If you had all the porblems with one supplier you could point the finger either way, however if you've ordered from loads of places and they've all gone missing, it's defo a royal mail issue!

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Sales of week 2 (europe) are in, and to say the least im very disapointed it only sold about 6000 copies last week, thats right only 1000 more than last week.


If anyone is doubting about this game, and your a horror/silent hill fan. than i would advise you to buy the game. Because if Shattered memories, Red steel 2 and Monster hunter 3 all potentially high quality 3rd party games fail we are not going to see any good 3th party games for a while.


In the US it sold about 3500 making to total sales of the game rise to 160 000.

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My preordered copy still hasn't arrived :(


Contacted Zavvi to ask about a replacement, not sure if it's their side or the post. Had 4 games get "lost in the post" since late last year, while it never happened before. Is there 1 dodgy person at the post office that keeps stealing my stuff? Or is it possible more & more online shops are taking a chance & not sending it, in the hopes they can get away with keeping the cash (or getting an extra 21 days' interest on it)?


That's why I just buy from stores can't get lost in the post when I have the game in my hands:wink:

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I appreciate the sales figures, marcel, but where are you getting the data from?


NPD and VGcharts (VGcharts is not that bad they are awfully close to the npd data).


And if those sales figures are true than im really disapointed with the core gamers that have a wii. This game deserves to have at least 40 000 at launch week. At this rate all the core games are going towords the ps3 and 360.


Luckaly i'm a proud owner of a 360 and a wii. The best combination in my eyes, and buying games like a japanese guy would do a.k.a. "if a game is apealing you and its on another platform, dont ignore it and try to save money so you can buy that console" So stupid that people ignore good games only because there not on the ps3 360 and/or wii.

Edited by marcel
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So I've finally caught up in the sense that I finished my first playthrough last night. Took me 7 hours and 1 minute. Really baffled at the reports of people who say they did it in five. I suppose I did make sure to suck in as much of the environment though.


Absolutely loved the ending twist. Glad that it wasn't a twist for the sake of being surprising - I really was a bit moved by it. Sure, it was probably a little overly-sentimental from an objective standpoint... but I decided long ago that I was far too much in love with this game.


I'm guessing the 'report' the shirnk gives you at the end is dependant on the choices you made during the game? In all the therapy sessions, I was honest and chose answers based on what I genuinely thought (seemed easiest) and the end summary was kind of in line with how I'd view my own personality.


Gonna start a second playthrough pretty soon, and make sure all my decisions in therapy are the opposite of what I picked on my first go; see what happens.



To sum up - terrifying, beautiful game. Best western-developed third party effort on Wii? Unequivocally.


Sequel = make the danger random; don't restrict enemies to scripted nightmare sequences = truly horrifying experience.

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Sequel = make the danger random; don't restrict enemies to scripted nightmare sequences = truly horrifying experience.


I think it worked for this game, though. It's got a particular structure, this game has. For a sequel, I do agree, more danger would be excellent. Most excellent. More danger, more exploration, more backstories and...well, more of everything. I would give my left arm for another experience like this on the Wii. :)

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Just completed this for the second time, seemed much quicker now that I knew what was going to happen, but not much really changed, at least not as much as I had hoped. A few of the characters had different appearances and said different things and I tried to choose as many different paths as I could but it still felt really familiar as last time. I got a similiar ending to last time too but not the exact same one, this one nearly made me cry, but I wiped those tears away because I'm a man. A manly man.


I can't remember who said earlier about the wiimote speakers going insane and that it was a glitch, but the same thing happened to me this time round, which is a real shame. It worked really well as it started in a nightmare scene but as it continued during a cutscene it just ruined it.


Also, one of the most tense and memorable moments for me has to be

when you get put into the wheelchair and have to push for your life. It may only be 20 seconds long and I don't think you're in any danger at that point, but the first time it happened all I could do was panic.



Does anyone know how get the waitress rather than the cop? Do you have go into a different place or does it just depend on the answers you give to the psychologist's questions?


And another thing.


When you're in Lisa's appartment and she asks you to get her some pills, the first time I got her the ones she asked and this time some different ones, but the outcome to each was her calling me once I'd walked to the mall telling me to come back and then dying on me when I got there. Has anyone managed to have another event with her? Maybe there's a certain coloured pill that changes a future scene?


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I had a good session on this last night, with my parents coming in not long after I started and also getting quite into it. :heh: I understand that the faceless creatures only come out in the nightmare world (there was a collective "oh shit" when everything frosted over and Cheryl warned daddy to run), but it doesn't make exploring the abandoned town any less terrifying. It plays on the fear of the unknown, I dread going through the next door, or going back inside after getting back out into the open.


They've done a really good job with the soundtrack too. One thing I thought was great was how the music stopped completely when the swing rattled, and you notice some sort of spectre sitting there...



On a sidenote, I live opposite a cemetery (other notable landmarks literally within 20 seconds walk of my house include a mental hospital, abandoned fire station and a church) and have to walk past it usually at about 11pm on a weekend on my way home from work. I almost broke out into a sprint when I watched a pole in the cemetary fall down, with nothing within sight, followed by a faint whistling and more rustling. I was already slightly on edge before setting off in the dark right after finishing up on Silent Hill, but this really freaked me out.

Edited by Tellyn
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On a sidenote, I live opposite a cemetery (other notable landmarks literally within 20 seconds walk of my house include a mental hospital, abandoned fire station and a church) and have to walk past it usually at about 11pm on a weekend on my way home from work. I almost broke out into a sprint when I watched a pole in the cemetary fall down, with nothing within sight, followed by a faint whistling and more rustling. I was already slightly on edge before setting off in the dark right after finishing up on Silent Hill, but this really freaked me out.

Haha, brilliant. This is especially great because I know that exact feeling. :laughing:

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Does anyone know how get the waitress rather than the cop? Do you have go into a different place or does it just depend on the answers you give to the psychologist's questions?


You have to go into the bar opposite the dinner to get the waitress, as far as I know you'll always get the cop in the dinner.


And another thing.


When you're in Lisa's appartment and she asks you to get her some pills, the first time I got her the ones she asked and this time some different ones, but the outcome to each was her calling me once I'd walked to the mall telling me to come back and then dying on me when I got there. Has anyone managed to have another event with her? Maybe there's a certain coloured pill that changes a future scene?


On the quoted spoiler


I thought that you'd get the same scene no matter which you gave her, I gave her the wrong pill on my 3rd play and still got the same cut scene when I got back to her as the previous two plays when I gave her the right pill.


But just started my 4th play last night and gave her the wrong pill and when I got back the cut scene was somewhat different... still the same outcome but different.


Previous 3 times she was still alive when I got there but died just after. This time she was already dead when I got there and apparently taken more pills with a bottle spilled on the table and some pills still in her hand.



So I just started my 4th play last night, got up to entering the Mall just after the nightmare after leaving Nurse Lisa.




Couldn't believe it, haha, finding something I hadn't found in 3 previous plays.


When leaving Lisa and going to the mall I always went left and entered the mall via the parking area I think it is. When coming to the double doors and knowing I would get a call from Lisa asking to go back I saw another door. If you are looking at the double door and look right you'll see it at the other end.


I thought, I wonder will I get the call if I approach that door too? So I did... no call. I thought then, maybe it won't open so I tried AND IT DID. HAHA


Found a storage room and a office room with a photocopier that had pages of someones boobs, haha. Also found a momento that obviously I hadn't found before. It leads to the container yard via a window you climb out of. You can use this route to enter the Mall too, I just never noticed before.



Also have more changes this time again.


Cybil the cop is in an all black police outfit and when I met her in the dinner she was one hell of a badass. First time I seen that.


Couple at the house had a different conversation again.


Statue outside gym in school was a virgin Mary, previous 3 times it was a headless sports statue.


Dahila in new outfit, pink top, 1st time I had this.

Different conversation in SUV


Michelle in new dress, brown, no cleavage showing, first time I had this

Conversation on way to Balkan same as 3rd play


Lisa crashed a car again, same as 2nd play but attitude was a little different on intial meeting from all 3 previous plays but conversation during walk same as 1st two.


Different cut scene on return to Lisa


After bridge scene now in a black Leather Jacket and blue shit, 1st time I had this, and looks badass, haha


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You have to go into the bar opposite the dinner to get the waitress, as far as I know you'll always get the cop in the dinner.


Well that's what I thought, but I've tried going through that one first and there's never been any option to open it. The diner's doors however are accessible and are covered in ice. It make-a no sense.

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I really do think it's based on those inital therapy questions.


My first time around, I got the waitress.


My answers on that playthrough were as follows (for those I remember) :


- Yes, make friends easily

- No, people don't get to know me quickly

- No, alcohol doesn't help me relax

- No, never practised role-play during sex

- No, never cheated on a partner.

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Well that's what I thought, but I've tried going through that one first and there's never been any option to open it. The diner's doors however are accessible and are covered in ice. It make-a no sense.


Sorry, forgot to add that the bar doors can only be opened if you answer true to "Make friends easily" in the initial therapy questions, the dinner can be opened no matter what. Your answer to one of the other questions determines if the bar is a sports bar or an Irish bar :grin:


For those in the UK, the Silent Hill film is on Channel 4 tonight at 11.


Brilliant, I was actually just thinking of trying to find this on rental, but that'll do. *sets sky plus*

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As a massive Silent Hill fan, and having finished this yesterday for the first time, I must say I'm VERY torn. The exploration parts are phenomenal. Just completely brilliant! My only complaint about them is how they're never really as tense as they should be because you know there's no threat. Either way, fantastic game, in that respect.


When the ice comes, though? What a lump of coal. So uninteresting and unsuspenseful. And not scary at all, since you're surrounded by these retards and you can't really do anything about them. *sighs* Unnecessary.


At least the other 2 thirds of the game are fantastic! Bravo for actually making the SH name sinonimous with quality again.


Silent Hill 2 is still the absolute fucking best survival horror ever, though. But I'd reckon this one is as good as 3.

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I'm not far into the game, but i decided to play a bit last night while i had the chance.


So far i've only experienced two nightmare sequences, but the 2nd one seemed to go on forever... i was actually panicking (sp?) trying to find the exit. I didn't expect that.

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I'm not far into the game, but i decided to play a bit last night while i had the chance.


So far i've only experienced two nightmare sequences, but the 2nd one seemed to go on forever... i was actually panicking (sp?) trying to find the exit. I didn't expect that.


I panicked as well with some of the exits. I absolutely love that "look behind you" button.


*looks behind self*






*Hear's scream, looks behind. See's creature in the distance. Runs*




*Looks behind self. CREATURE ON SELF*


I like how the creatures come from all angles. There's a good sense of danger there. What I would have liked is maybe more variation with the creatures. More variation = different kinds of danger.

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I really disliked this film when I saw it at the cinema.
Yeah, I watched it for the first (and last :heh:) time yesterday and thought it was terrible. :zzz:

Would've been seriously disappointed if I'd gone to see it at the cinema.


Anyway, back to Shattered Memories. I'm about half way through my 4th play now...


Am collecting photos of the UFO's for the special ending.

Some of them are right buggers to find though as they're pretty well hidden!

I'm still noticing subtle differences in the game too, it's amazing how many variations there are and how much work has gone into it. You'd definitely be missing out if you only played it the once.


By the way, came across a fantastic site that has everything you'd ever need to know about the game, including text/pics/audio/video of all the changeable aspects and echoes. So yeah, obviously it goes without saying that it's spoiler-tastic. Don't be going on it until you've played through a few times! Actually, I'll even spoiler tag the link just in case someone clicks it by accident...




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