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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Ren of Heavens

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sales from week 5 (5,231) pretty bad if you ask me, but i could verry well be due to the hollyday season so it could rise in sales next week (like some wii games tend to do)


Hasn't there also been stock shortages? That could explain the low figures for the last few weeks.


I do think that a core title like this needs to hit the ground running though. Core titles do seem to have a much shorter shelf life than casual games - the choice to ship so few units could have cost this game sales.

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Was looking at the sales figures on vgchartz:

Wii: http://www.vgchartz.com/games/game.php?id=33214&region=All


Pretty depressing.


Then thought "out of interest, wonder how the other recent Silent Hill games have done?" So looked at Homecoming.


360: http://www.vgchartz.com/games/game.php?id=24705&region=All

PS3: http://www.vgchartz.com/games/game.php?id=24706&region=All


Scarily similar.

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while true mr.bogus, wii games tend to have long legs (some games even sell 20 weeks after its initial release) most 360 games are selling for 6 to 7 weeks en than go flat.


And without any sort of marketing in the us(rumored that the marketing money is going to europe) while homecoming did get some. This proves that wii games can sell fairly well (it would be much higher if it had any commercials or magazine ads)

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Was looking at the sales figures on vgchartz:

Wii: http://www.vgchartz.com/games/game.php?id=33214&region=All


Pretty depressing.


Then thought "out of interest, wonder how the other recent Silent Hill games have done?" So looked at Homecoming.


360: http://www.vgchartz.com/games/game.php?id=24705&region=All

PS3: http://www.vgchartz.com/games/game.php?id=24706&region=All


Scarily similar.


Not only that, but I'd say dev costs would have been a lot higher on the other two systems.

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if the sales tend to be stable and if it outsells the 360 or ps3 version (or both) that it pretty much save to say that we are going to get more silent hill games.


development costs are much lower on the wii than the 360 or ps3


DS title costing between 500,000 to 1,000,000 euros ($785,000-$1.57m)

PS3/Xbox 360/PC titles costing 12 million to 18 million euros ($18.8m-$28.2m) to create for all 3 SKUs,

Wii game expected to cost 5 million to 6 million euros ($7.8-$9m) to develop a high quality game.


I would be pretty happy that future silent hill games for wii(as lead platform) and later to be ported to the psp and ps2 using the shattered memories engine.


Also can someone (that has the usa version and a usa wii) post some off screen pictures of the game on a HDTV? im verry curious how it stand up on an hdtv.

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Such a shame that this game has seen no promotion. I got the US version at Xmas, and have been having an absolute ball with it. Easily one of the best third-party Wii titles so far, and the most downright terrifying game I've played since Eternal Darkness. The no-combat thing, by the way, is a stroke of genius.

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Good news guys, Silent hill Shattered memories will be getting a japanese release, no dates announced but here is a look at the tentative box.



Would't supprise me if this games gets the same black box as most mature games are getting.


And a the japanese are more than willing to buy this game sice they didnt get homecoming.

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Good news guys, Silent hill Shattered memories will be getting a japanese release, no dates announced but here is a look at the tentative box.



Would't supprise me if this games gets the same black box as most mature games are getting.


And a the japanese are more than willing to buy this game sice they didnt get homecoming.


I honestly dont see them being more willing to buy it. Hardcore Wii games in Japan sell like trash, plain and simple. If it makes 1000 copies on its first week I'll be a little impressed. If it makes over 5,000 I'll be like "Oh it's doing way better than I thought" and if it makes over 15,000 I'll be blown away.

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Silent Hill Wii sequel? Climax is interested...but you have to buy Shattered Memories!


Silent Hill: Shattered Memories isn't out in the UK yet but developer Climax has told ONM that it would like the opportunity to make another game in the horror series.


"We've always loved working on the series," said Sam Barlow, lead designer on Shattered Memories. "Since Origins we've spent a lot of time with the series. For us we felt we've put our stamp on the series with Shattered Memories so we'd love the opportunity to do another one. So everybody go and buy it!"


It's a feeling that's echoed by game director Mark Simmons. "I think this is the first Silent Hill since one or two where people are saying it has its own identity and people are responding to it really well so it would be great to take that further."


Silent Hill: Shattered Memories will be released for the Wii on 5 March. Will you do as Sam Barlow suggests and buy it?

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sales update (wii version) of shattered memories, it got a slight sales increase of ~1000 units more making a total of 5,982 copies sold for week 7.


Thats really good it already outsold the 360 version of homecoming in its first week 80 000 vs 120 000) lifetime sales of the us SH: homecoming are 220 000 and that game was released in 2008 so mearly 2 years ago, and the wii version is already at 50%.

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Sales for the wii version of shattered memories in week 8 : 5,312 copies,

for exampe the ps2 and psp version sees a large drop in sales.


ps2 from 47,907 to 14,415 in week 2.

psp from 19,945 to 5,648 in week 2.

(wii from 44,756 to 27,148 in week 2.)


And looking at this number makes me beleve that the Wii SKU will outsell both ps2 and psp versions.


And ofcource im verry curious about the EU/AUS and JAP sales.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It sold 3,976 copies in its 9th week in the US, 3 weeks to go and the europeans can buy it. Silent hill owners don´t dissapoint us by not buying the game because its on Wii (ps2,psp). Buy the game because you like silent hill dont ban it because its not HD.


EU gets the game on march 5th '10

JAP gets the game on march 25th '10


Lets see how it ends up in europe and japan (japan will eat this game up, the last silent hill released there sold like 100 000 in its first week and thats 3/4 years ago)

Edited by marcel
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It sold 3,976 copies in its 9th week in the US, 3 weeks to go and the europeans can buy it. Silent hill owners don´t dissapoint us by not buying the game because its on Wii (ps2,psp). Buy the game because you like silent hill dont ban it because its not HD.


EU gets the game on march 5th '10

JAP gets the game on march 25th '10


Lets see how it ends up in europe and japan (japan will eat this game up, the last silent hill released there sold like 100 000 in its first week and thats 3/4 years ago)


This. Here's hoping 'the core' come out and support it.

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