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Noby Noby Boy


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Lets stretch to the far reaches of the universe and discover new planets. Literally. Upload your contribution by talking to the Sun/Girl/Squirrel.





The player takes control of a character referred to as Boy.[3] Using the controller, the left analog stick moves the front of Boy while the right stick controls the back. By moving both ends in opposite directions, Boy's abdomen will stretch to great lengths. The player may maneuver Boy around its environment, interacting with stationary objects like houses, or AI-controlled characters such as barnyard animals.


The player accumulates points by how much they stretch during gameplay. These points can be submitted online via a character called Sun to another character called Girl. Points submitted online by players to Girl will be added cumulatively, causing Girl to stretch. Beginning on Earth, Girl will stretch to the Moon, then to several other planets, each unlocking new playable environments for Boy to stretch in. The Noby Noby Boy team expects players to take between one and two weeks of cumulative play time to reach the Moon.[3]





Capture your pics and Youtube! your vids. :yay:


First time i have used Youtube uploading on PS3. Its built into the game.


Really enjoying this. :)

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That video scares the fuck out of me. I have no idea what is going on.


Allow me to explain...its all very obvious.


I was attempting to make myself as long as I could before dragging a huge mushroom with a spinning top up into the air with me whilst I tied myself around a tree. I then decide to pop back out my chimney and shrink myself back down to normal and then zooming right out with the camera to reveal the crazy picture of the earth the sun and girl...


Like I said all really obvious and just what you'd expect to happen in your bog standard normal everyday game. :p

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I'm slowly starting to understand the appeal of this when I saw your vid and I was think that I would attach my front end somewhere and my rear end to the top of the rotating mushroom and let it stretch me by coiling around it. But tbh if it wasn't from the dude of Katamari, everyone would be a lot less tolerant.


What's the point of eating/pooping?

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I'm slowly starting to understand the appeal of this when I saw your vid and I was think that I would attach my front end somewhere and my rear end to the top of the rotating mushroom and let it stretch me by coiling around it. But tbh if it wasn't from the dude of Katamari, everyone would be a lot less tolerant.


What's the point of eating/pooping?


Not a lot really...Eating helps your stretch out, but eating too much limits how much you can stretch...I'm gonna go play it again in a bit and will post some more videos of my experiments...It is just a playground of random junk to play with.






more good tidings...I love just stretching out and tripping people up and sending them flying off cars and stuff...Love on this video how random everything is...fish and frogs at one with people etc... also watch out for random three way pooping whilst the arse is up in the air... plus around the 3 min mark there is randomly a car stuck inside a house and just keeps driving.

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Jim Sterling can be a nobhead sometimes but his little look at Noby Noby Boy is fantastic and so funny;




Got 3/4 new videos up, some a lot shorter showing off a few things I found that I liked;




one including the crazy fish world;




Just hundreds of fish swamping me.


Flying through the doughnut cloud;




Cool little thing I found whilst using the free cam;



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Whilst neither this or Flower appeal to me I like the direction that the games are taking - I just want something that is slightly more socially acceptable though.


So your saying if you got "caught" playing this you'd be embarassed? I'm totally different I want to show off games like Flower and Noby Noby Boy to people...

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The game got a great write up from gamecentral this morning.


Review by Roger Hargreaves – Oh what glorious madness this game is.


You wouldn't expect mundanity from the creator of Katamari Damacy (even if Namco has run that series into the ground without him) but this goes beyond all previous bounds of sanity.


If you recall Keita Takahashi talking about how he'd like to make children's playgrounds instead of games, this is those two concepts combined.


Looking for somewhere obvious to start, to explain what this is all about, the name is as good a place as any.


It's a distortion of the Japanese phrase "nobinobi", a sound effect for stretching, but which also refers to procrastination and feeling carefree.


As unlikely as it may seem then this is actually perfectly named. It's not really a game at all, but a far more literal kind of virtual sandbox.


You control the worm-like Boy using the analogue sticks, with the left moving his front and the right his rear.


By moving them in opposite directions you can stretch his body until he looks like a multi-coloured hosepipe.


Boy can also fly if you flick him into the air and he can also eat and excrete anything in the game world – even himself if he gets bisected. Excreting objects also acts as a propellant.


The only objective is to accrue points in the game by how much you stretch.


These are then submitted online and added to the score of everyone else playing, enabling Girl – a giant version of Boy – to stretch from the Earth to the Moon and beyond.


Each time she reaches a new planet you get a new world to play in. Since the game's only just come out though there's still a long way to go.


Because there are no preset objectives (although there are a few Trophies to unlock) the initial reaction on playing the game is simply: what do I do?


The answer, so rarely applicable to other games, is to simply play.


Boy is versatile enough in his abilities that you can amuse yourself for hours turning him into a living catapult, jumping through hoop-like clouds or giving out piggybacks.


Although Boy is a pleasure to control the complications forced upon the overburdened camera can lead to some frustration, but it's very minor.


Of course as much as we enjoyed the game's freeform nature this is not something you'd expect to pay £40 for on a Blu-ray disc. So it's a good job it's being knocked out for just £3.19.


It's a very sensible price for a wonderfully irrational experience.


IN SHORT: From the creator of Katamari Damacy comes something even stranger that redefines the idea of gameplay.


PROS: Magnificently strange game world and abilities create the ultimate virtual sandbox. Very clever physics.


CONS: Camera can be awkward to control. The almost complete lack of any goals or targets will confound many.


SCORE: 8/10 Out: Now (Online)

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No not shooting, yes shooting games can be great, but if they had Noby Noby Boy in slightly less childish form then I'd think about it. I don't know why but the game is just a bit too kiddy. I think Mario is great, LBP is great but this is slightly too far.


If Boy was like a Funky Centipede character and lived in a cool VR world I may have considered it but the art direction is too.... You know.

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That's why PlayStation is for the kiddies.


I kind of get what you're saying, the character looks like a semi circumcised penis and he leaves a trail of hearts while walking, not necessarily childish but still weird.


But I don't agree on LBP, anyone that accuses LBP of being kiddie has no soul (or is a 12 year old). The same goes for flower.


While we're on the subject of LBP, people have been claiming that Nobi Nobi Boy is the ultimate sandbox game, but in my opinion LBP is far more entertaining than this as a sandbox.

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That's why PlayStation is for the kiddies.


I kind of get what you're saying, the character looks like a semi circumcised penis and he leaves a trail of hearts while walking, not necessarily childish but still weird.


But I don't agree on LBP, anyone that accuses LBP of being kiddie has no soul (or is a 12 year old). The same goes for flower.


While we're on the subject of LBP, people have been claiming that Nobi Nobi Boy is the ultimate sandbox game, but in my opinion LBP is far more entertaining than this as a sandbox.


Well I didn't knock LBP as a game, it is a great game that has a younger gloss on it. I don't think many 7 year olds could make a competent level tbh.

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