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Mass Effect 2


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The mako was probably the worst gaming experience of the last decade. Good fucking grief it sucked. Happy to see that go!


I assume though that despite disliking the Mako, you LIKE the idea of planet exploration? Like I assume you still enjoy the concept of exploring planets?


It's not just the "Mako" that's gone, it's the whole free roaming planet exploring system that went with it, that's the problem.


There was no reason that they couldn't just have replaced the Mako with a much better vehicle and refined the process of exploring planets. Imagine a vehicle with faster speed and flight capabilities zooming around planets. For example, you're driving along the ground towards a mountain with a base on top of it, you switch into flight mode and quickly ascend up above the mountain, then reconvert into ground mode and land yourself on the plateau.


Shit like that would've been great. Taking the whole system out and replacing it with a minigame isnt an improvement, it's sidestepping the problem and replacing it with a lazier substitute.


I actually complained about the fact they've removed this on a few places and it seems like everywhere people just see the word "MAKO" and go "oh good fuck that shit glad it's gone" and don't stop to think it could've been replaced or improved instead.

Edited by James McGeachie
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It's not just the "Mako" that's gone, it's the whole free roaming planet exploring system that went with it, that's the problem.

I wouldn't be so sure about this. There's been several references to the game having a new vehicle to mess around in, both back in July and more recently.


To give you an idea of what to expect:

We have a completely new vehicle in Mass Effect 2, and it's a similar idea, but the way it works and the controls are fundamentally different. We're not talking too much about it yet, in part because it's one of the things that's just gone in and we want to make sure that it's going to stay the way it is in the final game before we talk too much about it. But it's definitely a different design.


It's a similar idea, in that it's a vehicle about the size of the Mako that you can use to explore these really rough alien worlds. The difference is, it moves fundamentally differently from the first Mako, where now…it basically moves similar to the way your character moves. You can strafe from left to right, you can shoot wherever you want, it's easier to target enemies that are standing right in front of you or directly overhead, and it just navigates the terrain a lot better.

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^Well I'm confused about that because the more recent interview you linked had the quote I'd been basing my thoughts on.


And, when you arrive at a planet, you have an actual minigame for scanning the planet. It's really cool, you actually see the planet spinning below you, you turn it around, and you can scan for resources and the controller will rumble, and hear different sounds. You can kind of close in on resources. This part basically replaces the less interesting aspects of resource gathering from Mass Effect 1 and places it into a minigame...it's a lot more interactive. This is how you pull up a lot of the resources that then tie into the economy of the game for getting upgrades and stuff like that.


The other thing that happens is, when you're scanning planets, in addition to finding resources than you can pull out of using space probes, you can also find signals and radio anomalies...that you can close in on and, through the minigames, actually find the location on the planet where something is going on.


It's not lack of vehicles I care about remotely, just the lack of exploring expansive planetary regions. I don't care about them being empty because that's what space is like. I just liked it giving a sense of scale and freedom to the game.

Edited by James McGeachie
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I'm sure you'll still have a sense of scale, the game just probably won't throw you into a rectangular sandpit to play Hunt The Mineral Vein anymore.


Reading between the lines it sounds like all resource gathering is done from orbit now via a scanning minigame, through which you can also uncover areas of interest to investigate on foot/wheels/thrusters. Presumably you'll then be able to land on the planet at said location, although it's unclear exactly how that will play out. They've said each side mission has far more authored content, so it's possible that you'd simply touch down in a linear zone a bit like Therum, the location of Liara's dig site in the first game. On the other hand perhaps each LZ is something of a miniature overworld like the first game's uncharted worlds, albeit with more hand crafted terrain and more unique content. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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What I'd like to see is something like:


you find a planet with a pirate base on or something


you do the scanning bit, whatever.


then when you go to the pirates, it's not that warehouse we saw in every goddamn planet first time around, but a linear mini mission in a properly designed area. I'm thinking a jungle camp, cave systems and towns or something. If we get that the mako and random terrain generation, I'm sure the game will be better.


Exploration is all well and good as a bullet point on the box but I never had the reason and motivation to do so before. I'm not bothered it's gone.

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Well Dan Dare what you said is basically how it is in the game now.


Maybe exploration is just a bullet point for you but for me at least it was a big part of the game. I'm in space, I have a space ship, there are shitloads of planets. My natural instinct is to want to explore them.


It just made it feel like a real universe to me. I mean space is full of empty rocky planets with next to nothing of interest on them, that's just the way it is.

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I was never a big fan of the mako but I didn't hate it. I hope the exploration isn't totally gone. The biggest draw for me is the storyline. I loved the first it plays out like a film, and the music is amazing. I must've played through it about 5 times and not got bored once. Best part music wise is the credits

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Couldn't they have made a fast, easily-controlled (perhaps moving similar to a Helicopter) shuttlecraft-type thing for exploring planets? That way, it's easy to get around and you still get to explore and land/walk on foot.

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Quite the cast:


* Martin Sheen (Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez's dad) -- Illusive Man commanding Cerberus

* Shohreh Adhdashloo (sexy voice lady from FlashForward) -- Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay

* Seth Green (hand in your geek card if you don't know) -- Joker

* Yvonne Strahovski (wiener lady, lust of Chuck) -- Miranda Lawson

* Adam Baldwin (a man named Jayne... or the man they call Jayne) -- Kal 'Reegar

* David Keith Keith David (Halo's Arbiter) -- Admiral David Anderson

* Michael Dorn (Star Trek TNG's Worf) -- Gatatog Uvenk

* Tricia Helfer (2020 Oscar winner after people stop treating her like meat) -- EDI, voice of the "new Normandy"

* Michael Hogan (Colonel Saul Tigh) -- Captain Bailey

* Carrie-Anne Moss (Trinity from The Matrix, singular, no sequels exist -- especially not Revolutions) -- Aria T'Loak


edit: from Joystiq

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I liked the Mako. I even liked exploring endless barren planets. Sure I would've liked to see some more variation, some worlds with water, greenery, caves... but I didn't have a problem with any of the Mako stuff. And I didn't mind the controls either. The little thrusters were fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love Mass Effect and the second title is my most anticipated game since... I can't remember. Years. But is it worth £55? I can't really justify it for a few reasons:


1. Big special edition boxes just look out of place on your shelf, especially next to a vanilla predecessor.

2. Special armour granted to you for nothing? Isn't that like... cheating? Surely it will just make the game easier and shorten the overall experience.

3. The art book will be nice but you'll flip through it once and never again.

4. I have never, ever watched a special features DVD that came with a game.

5. Fifteen extra English pounds.


I have learned my lesson after Gears of War 2. *Pre-orders the regular version*

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I love Mass Effect and the second title is my most anticipated game since... I can't remember. Years. But is it worth £55? I can't really justify it for a few reasons:


1. Big special edition boxes just look out of place on your shelf, especially next to a vanilla predecessor.

2. Special armour granted to you for nothing? Isn't that like... cheating? Surely it will just make the game easier and shorten the overall experience.

3. The art book will be nice but you'll flip through it once and never again.

4. I have never, ever watched a special features DVD that came with a game.

5. Fifteen extra English pounds.


I have learned my lesson after Gears of War 2. *Pre-orders the regular version*


Well i've decided to order the Collectors Edition because there are quite a few things which do interest me. A) The Dark Horse comic as i'd like to know how good it is. B) The armor, well, you don't HAVE to use it so i'll check the stats before I check that one out. C) I do actually enjoy watching special features DVD's so probably will enjoy that. D) You get VIP access to the Cerberus Network which is some live in game feed, possibly story related I think. E) Lastly i've never owned a Collectors Edition in my life and Mass Effect is one of my favourite games ever so :p

Edited by ViPeR
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I agree with Shorty, special aditions aren't worth the extra cash, the game itself is what you actually want (and waiting for) and is the only thing I'll be spending my money on.


These trinkets are pointless you could use the left over money for more games etc.

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