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Considering Choze licks the ground upon which every SCEE/SCEA/SCEJ employee walks on, you're wasting your breath trying to be rational with him...

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I'm not an analyst on games graphics or anything but FEAR2 looks similar to Killzone 2, they both look amazing in my eyes.


Feels a bit more open thant the first FEAR also seems to be taking a leaf out of Condemned 2's book.

Haha, absolute joker. Killzone 2 is pretty ass compared even to the first F.E.A.R, and this looks like it's gonna be one of the best games of the year.

I'm sorry but I would disagree there, it is almost fact that Killzone 2 is better in graphics. Have you seen the latest trailers? It looks incredible. Not to say this won't be a good game, will be playing the demo shortly.


OK just played the demo. Don't know what to think. The guns were quite fun to use, graphics were good and stuff. Enemies take a bit too much lead before going down I think.

I have the feeling between 'meh' and 'good'.


Does anyone else playing the PC version feel that this is a console port? I don't find it game breaking, but it feels odd having the hints keep coming up to use objects. Hopefully there'll be a patch for this though.


Also, ROFL - http://www.armacham.com/ *Clicks premium option. :heh:


Oh, and I do think KZ2 will be awesome, but I just prefer F.E.A.R 2 atm.

Games runs perfectly smooth at 1920x1200, all max settings for me :smile: That alone is huge praise. Alot of pc games lack any optimisation whatsoever (e.g Crysis). This is one game many people will be able to enjoy on Pc.


Framerate in PS3 version is odd. Its smooth but when when you use the flashlight at any time there is slowdown... bug?


Cearly nicer on PC but it does not compare to Killzone 2 whatsoever. The gameplay feels abit dated. The animation used to be amazing in Fear 1 now looks not so good. The gun fights are not so intense. Visuals are dated. I blame Killzone 2 beta. However it plays well against alot of recent fps.


Killzone 2 is the bee's knees, Killzone 2 is dog's bollocks, Killzone 2 will redeem our sins.

Considering Choze licks the ground upon which every SCEE/SCEA/SCEJ employee walks on, you're wasting your breath trying to be rational with him...


QFT Jordan!

So your not being mindless console fanboy and Jordan is acting like child?


Jordan just hates me. He is jealous i got in the beta.


On a serious note some of you are just going to have to get to used to Killzone 2.


Sigh. .

Jordan just hates me. He is jealous i got in the beta.



Thats... Right... I'm... Jealous...?

Thats... Right... I'm... Jealous...?


Calza just spelt it out for you. It seems that everytime choze make a comment (albeit, often biased in favour of Sony and their products) you and a few other's respond with derogatory (sp?) remarks which only serve as flamebait. So what if he's a fanboy. there are other's on these boards that, for them, the 360 or wii can do no wrong. Let Sony have one somewhere in this forum.


Anyways, played the demo, and I must admit, I had fun, got a bit scared, but did not wow me as much as playing the first did on the PC. May see what it's like on PC instead and see if there is a difference. Makes the choice of not getting another game, especially a shooter before KZ2 hits, much easier. OH and I am horrible at aiming with the sticks on the PS3. Wii and PC have spoiled me.


Unless reviews rate it highly I think I'll pass up on it because it just felt slightly dated, whether that was because of the look of the enemies/generic rooms/average appearance of guns it just didn't seem right.


I want to be proved wrong though. Multiplayer could end up being a blast.

Isn't the 13th a Friday?




Yup, a fitting release date I reckon. :grin:


Oh, and here's a review roundup:


Gamestar 81%

PC Zone UK 80%

PC Games 85%

PC Action 86%

PC Gamer UK 87%


So it isn't amazingly brilliant but it's very good, apparently. I'm still really hyped for it though! Plus I trust PC Gamer the most, and they've rated it the highest, so it's all good!


Thing is, there's not much they can do to innovate with a FPS anymore. I doubt any upcoming shooters will score over 90% in the near future, Halo 4 and Killzone 3 included


For me, anything over 75% for a FPS is a good score. So I'll still be getting this.


I think this is an appropriate time to bring up this gem



Maybe we should all play it alone in the dark, film the results and post it here.


New "Environments" trailer:




Well, that deffinitely looks far more varied than the environments of the original F.E.A.R! Looking good.


Thing is, there's not much they can do to innovate with a FPS anymore. I doubt any upcoming shooters will score over 90% in the near future, Halo 4 and Killzone 3 included


Good point actually. I really don't see how they can push the genre further. I suppose the story-telling could be improved upon, but then we have Valve that are already doing that...


I think the genre should be restored by having more set-pieces or maybe like in MGS where you have gadgets and different styles of weapon. All guns are virtually the same, the bullets fire directly horizontal every time. Getting variation is difficult.




Did you not play Farcry 2? That game opens up all kinds of new avenues of development in the genre. Persistent worlds, player interaction andv freedom have barely been touched on.

what about Mirror's Edge? or the Riddick titles? They're pushing physical characterisation way ahead of the current crop of shooters and taking the genre in new directions.


FEAR is a dinosaur. It's big, chunky and makes lots of noise but it's hardly bleeding edge game design. There's shit loads to do with the FPS.


Mirrors Edge isn't a shooter, it doesn't work.

Farcry whilst you get some freedom when I played it the environment became boring.


I don't think there are as many options as you think. Unless I'm too narrow minded and not thinking outside the box.


What do those games do in particular that refresh the genre?


but mirror's edge is a first person action game that does things with the perspective and controls that other fps games would do very, very well to emulate, see? It's not about taking wholesale it's about trying ideas in new ways.


as for Farcry 2? I think it's one of the best games this generation. The way the game empowers the player to make choices on the fly, acomodates a host of tactical options and so on deserves way more praise than it got. I think alot of people played the game badly and didn't experiment with the formula it gives you. It's an important step and I think we'll see alot more of that.


I have finally played the demo and to be honest I thought it was pretty bad. Whilst I think it works very well at what it does from the psychological point of view and not a lot else for me...

  • 2 weeks later...

So I just got F.E.A.R 2 through the post. It appears I can't install it. When I enter the code, Steam says it's not available for purchase in this country, and that it's been canceled. Thanks a lot Valve, thanks a-fucking-lot! >=(


*EDIT: Damn', sorry for the double post. Can a mod please merge? Thanks.*

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