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Thing is, I thought this thread was basically saying "we're not equal". To this effect, we're all just arguing about different corners of the same side. There's no concentration camps, no slaves, just a bunch of individuals who cannot help but feel that they are worth more than the next person.


My only niggle is the idea that our only purpose is in procreation - there's waaaaay more to life than just sex. Drugs and Rock n' Roll are, to me, way more interesting.


Besides; sex is more 'interesting' when there is inequality. Sex is more romantic and sweet and lovey-dovey when it's some shared, emo gay hugs n' spooning shizzle. Yeah, bitches!

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You know the problem with all this equality business, it's that everyone just accepts it without any facts to back it up. There may have been a shift in things, but we are nowhere near equality, men still hold the majority of positions of power, and when women are offered a hand up to get themself anywhere men cry sexism.

There's your point of contention. When such schemes are aimed purely at women it's only natural for some men to baulk at the idea as they had to get where they are through graft. At least that's how it seems to them.


I think any kind of fast-track scheme to get more women into business could easily do more harm than good. For one thing it devalues the work of said women in many people's eyes as they receive an 'unfair advantage', which is only going to galvanise entrenched gender stereotypes in upper management. Secondly it could lead to target chasing which is a horribly artificial form of equality. On top of that the very concept is an odd one as it's exclusive inclusivity: "Everyone is equal, but make sure those ones are especially equal so that we don't get any bad press."


I don't think you can rush to equality, as acceptance is something that happens at its own pace. Constantly complaining that things aren't moving fast enough does nothing to accelerate the cause, it simply punishes the innocent whilst those that are the real problem continue to do what they've always done until they are succeeded.

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Pots and kettles darling.


Speak for yourself...Moogle is nothing like you, and if he was then everyone would dislike him too.


Seriously... if you've been scarred by one too many men then that doesn't make men in general worthless, just the men you met. To bash a whole gender is just royally stupid.

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I don't think you can rush to equality, as acceptance is something that happens at its own pace. Constantly complaining that things aren't moving fast enough does nothing to accelerate the cause, it simply punishes the innocent whilst those that are the real problem continue to do what they've always done until they are succeeded.


I've missed you Aimless :) Good words of wisdom.


I have to contest what was said above about men holding the reins of power. How do you know that that has anything to do with sexual discrimination? I think that you'll find that the natural anthropological history of the female sex looking after their children has probably more to answer to in that department.

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Speak for yourself...Moogle is nothing like you, and if he was then everyone would dislike him too.


Seriously... if you've been scarred by one too many men then that doesn't make men in general worthless, just the men you met. To bash a whole gender is just royally stupid.


That's just you putting words in my mouth, I never used the word worthless, although it would be applicable to you.

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That's just you putting words in my mouth, I never used the word worthless, although it would be applicable to you.


Inferior is an insult. No matter how you take it, you are saying something is better than something else. Men are not inferior to women, and vice versa. You need to get over the hatred you seem to have for men, stop fucking generalising your ridiculous views and frankly get over yourself.

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Inferior is an insult. No matter how you take it, you are saying something is better than something else. Men are not inferior to women, and vice versa. You need to get over the hatred you seem to have for men, stop fucking generalising your ridiculous views and frankly get over yourself.


As I said before, but was conveniently ignored, inferior is only an insult if you want it to be. No matter who you are there's always going to be someone better than you at something, which makes everyone inferior in a way, it's all down to how you take it. I have no hatred for men, just have no wish to be one.

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As I said before, but was conveniently ignored, inferior is only an insult if you want it to be. No matter who you are there's always going to be someone better than you at something, which makes everyone inferior in a way, it's all down to how you take it. I have no hatred for men, just have no wish to be one.

While this may be true, one gender being inferior to another is not, nor does it make any sense. I'd truly like to hear a scientific explanation for women being superior. If you can do that, I'll accept your statement.

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As I said before, but was conveniently ignored, inferior is only an insult if you want it to be. No matter who you are there's always going to be someone better than you at something, which makes everyone inferior in a way, it's all down to how you take it. I have no hatred for men, just have no wish to be one.


You said "Men are inferior to women". So stop trying to dig yourself as a hole and admit what you said it utter crap.

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As I said before, but was conveniently ignored, inferior is only an insult if you want it to be. No matter who you are there's always going to be someone better than you at something, which makes everyone inferior in a way, it's all down to how you take it. I have no hatred for men, just have no wish to be one.


But you're not better at anything, so how does that make you superior to men? In my opinion (and probably many here) you seem to be uneducated, unattractive (shallow, but I'm totting up any claims to superiority), a despicable person and probably haven't done too well in life. You're probably at the bottom of any superiority hierarchy, so what makes you think you have any right to rank people's superiority?


Also there's no reason provided why every man would be inferior to women. A physically fit male astronaut with impeccable intelligence is inferior to a female murderer? No. Now you see why it's pointless to say that men are inferior or vice versa.



While this may be true, one gender being inferior to another is not, nor does it make any sense. I'd truly like to hear a scientific explanation for women being superior. If you can do that, I'll accept your statement.


Don't expect one; this guy thinks that medical science argues against DNA as a means to determine gender. He's a walking pile of bullshit.

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You said "Men are inferior to women". So stop trying to dig yourself as a hole and admit what you said it utter crap.


I'm sorry, but it is my opinion, and a hell of a lot of other peoples too. You don't like it, prove me wrong, and not with all this equality bollocks, as that is just platitudes with no facts backing it up.

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But we're not equal though, the idea of sexual equality was invented by the feminists, and only supported by men as a token gesture. The truth is women are superior, and what is wrong with a little sexism towards men, women have had to endure it for thousands of years.


I'm sorry, but it is my opinion, and a hell of a lot of other peoples too. You don't like it, prove me wrong, and not with all this equality bollocks, as that is just platitudes with no facts backing it up.


You never said it was your opinion, you said it was fact. Why don't you try giving a little evidence to back up your claim. And I mean real evidence not just some arrogant bullshit.

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I'm sorry, but it is my opinion, and a hell of a lot of other peoples too. You don't like it, prove me wrong, and not with all this equality bollocks, as that is just platitudes with no facts backing it up.


Actually, you stated the "fact", so it's up to you to prove it. Don't start with all the defence "PROVE ME WRONG" crap.


You saying men are inferior is like saying white people are better than black people, or straight men are better than gay men. I thought someone with all the life experience that you have, would know better than to spout shit constantly. Obviously you aren't as mature as you think you are.

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But you're not better at anything, so how does that make you superior to men? In my opinion (and probably many here) you seem to be uneducated, unattractive (shallow, but I'm totting up any claims to superiority), a despicable person and probably haven't done too well in life. You're probably at the bottom of any superiority hierarchy, so what makes you think you have any right to rank people's superiority?


Well, I'm a better person than you.


Also there's no reason provided why every man would be inferior to women. A physically fit male astronaut with impeccable intelligence is inferior to a female murderer? No. Now you see why it's pointless to say that men are inferior or vice versa..


You've provided no resons or facts to the contrary either.


Don't expect one; this guy thinks that medical science argues against DNA as a means to determine gender. He's a walking pile of bullshit.


As opposed to you, a walking pile of shit?

Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition that proves people can be born as the wrong gender, you can't just ignore a particular branch of science because it doesn't fit in to your cosy opinion of how the world should be.

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I'm sorry, but it is my opinion, and a hell of a lot of other peoples too. You don't like it, prove me wrong, and not with all this equality bollocks, as that is just platitudes with no facts backing it up.

You're one to talk about facts. Here are some facts for you: Generally speaking, men are often stronger and faster than women. On the other hand, women are generally more sensitive and better to express their feelings. Now I ask you again: Prove to me that one is better than the other. How do you measure "better"? Regardless of that, these skills are of course generalisations and are in real life shared by both men and women alike, making any attempted debate about this whole inferiority/superiority complex invalid. And please answer my post this time instead of ignoring it and keep spewing out meaningless statements presented incorrectly as facts.

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You never said it was your opinion, you said it was fact. Why don't you try giving a little evidence to back up your claim. And I mean real evidence not just some arrogant bullshit.


I'm still waiting for some facts to back up the equality argument, that is accepted without question, why shouldn't mine be?


Actually, you stated the "fact", so it's up to you to prove it. Don't start with all the defence "PROVE ME WRONG" crap.


You saying men are inferior is like saying white people are better than black people, or straight men are better than gay men. I thought someone with all the life experience that you have, would know better than to spout shit constantly. Obviously you aren't as mature as you think you are.


But white men are better than black men, at dancing badly, and straight men are better than gay men, at eating pussy, no reason why women shouldn't be regarded superior under certain situations.

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I'm still waiting for some facts to back up the equality argument, that is accepted without question, why shouldn't mine be?




But white men are better than black men, at dancing badly, and straight men are better than gay men, at eating pussy, no reason why women shouldn't be regarded superior under certain situations.


1) It's not fact it's a little thing called morals.


2) Since when have you said certain situations? You said women were superior to men, not women are better at X than men.

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But white men are better than black men, at dancing badly, and straight men are better than gay men, at eating pussy, no reason why women shouldn't be regarded superior under certain situations.





You said "men are inferior". Not at certain things, but as in all together, women are better. You did not say "Women are better at so and so".


Stop trying to cover your tracks by covering them with shit Rok. Admit what you posted what wrong.

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I'm still waiting for some facts to back up the equality argument, that is accepted without question, why shouldn't mine be?




But white men are better than black men, at dancing badly, and straight men are better than gay men, at eating pussy, no reason why women shouldn't be regarded superior under certain situations.

You got your facts. Read my post above.


"Under certain situations"? You've been stating it as a general fact regarding women in general, not "under certain situations"!

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Well, I'm a better person than you.


Yet you said men are inferior to women, thus judging all men. You think you're better than all men? I'll answer that one for you: you're not.



You've provided no resons or facts to the contrary either.


Why would I need reasons to say they're not inferior? If you think men are inferior then provide reasons, not the other way round.




Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition that proves people can be born as the wrong gender, you can't just ignore a particular branch of science because it doesn't fit in to your cosy opinion of how the world should be.

I just thought I'd tell you right now - there is no such thing as being born as the wrong gender. You can think you're the wrong gender, but you'll never know if you actually feel like the other gender as you're not the other gender. Circulating hormones and areas of the brain are different between men and women, regardless of how you feel, meaning you'll never know you're feeling like a woman and can only think that you should be a woman. This is why a man can never be a woman, because men and woman are completely different and surgery can only superficially alter gender.


For example - many men act like women in an effeminate sense, but this does not make them women. It just goes to show that men can be have the stereotypical 'woman' personality and vice versa with women. People's personalities differ greatly, so you can't say for sure you have a woman's personality. A man's personality, like a woman's, can vary massively.


Also, science dictates gender through DNA - what you're getting at is something completely separate from scientific categorisation.

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