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The Wrasslin' thread


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Im just looking on getting some of the older PPVs on dvd. I had loads on VHS but I got rid of them a few years ago.


Anyway im finding PPVs on DVD from before 2003 (when I watched) pretty hard to come across.


E-Bay would be a great place to start looking, or you could look on Silvervision who specialize in WWE DVD's

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Thanks a lot. Looks like my main bet is just to get the Anthologies for Wrestlemanias and Royal Rumbles and then hope I can find all the other PPVs on ebay. Damn WWF to WWE switchover!


I watched from about 1995 to 2003 roughly so id love to start collecting up all those PPVs.


Anyway, even though ive found it hard getting interested in a lot of the current wrestlers in the WWE im looking forward to the Rumble tonight.

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Ok using my Smackdown vs RAW 2009 on Wii with all CPU Supterstars to make a prediction this is what it thinks.


CM Punk and Y2J to enter as numbers 1 and 2 :heh:


Christian (if he's there) will enter #21 (I used a CAW)


Matt Hardy will be #30


Final 4 was Undertaker, R-Truth (CAW), Matt Hardy and Big Show


Winner according to my Wii will be...... Undertaker, hahaha, I swear this was all CPU controlled I made no interference :heh:


Funny coincidence, in the game Shelton entered right after Taker and went right for Taker on getting to the ring, haha...but Taker eliminated him 2mins later (after Shelton and John Morrison eliminated Kane)

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I was playing Smackdown Vs Raw 09 Royal Rumble earlier aswell, it really needs fixing. Theres just no fun to it anymore and wrestlers get eliminated way too quickly.


It's fine by me... seeing as you can only have 6 in the ring at once I don't want it to last 5 hours long :heh:

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OK I just ordered, now I need to go get a supply of Doritos and some dip for the show, wohoo




While waiting for the show to start fired up the Wii again and a few of the singles matches for a laugh, according to the Wii, JBL will beat Cena and Jeff will beat Edge


My own personal predictions on these are Cena and Jeff to win.


I also reckon Jack Swagger will retain the ECW title and Melina to beat Beth for the Womens title

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Suprised there hasnt been more talk on the Royal Rumble. I didnt get to watch it myself but I read the results, bit disapointed personally.


I did however go into HMV today and saw some old WWF/E dvds that im planning on picking up. I'll check Zavvi tomorrow to see if theyve got the same ones, that way I can take advantage of their 25% off marked price sale.

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I watched it last night,


Was pretty decent, the Matt vs Swagger match was average, the womens match after it was actually more enjoyable :heh:


The Cena vs JBL match was alright the ending was actually pretty cool with what Shawn did was surprised Cena still went and retained though.


The Edge vs Hardy match was very good though, really enjoyed that, and the end with Matt was shocking.... though I can't believe I actually kinda predicted it, haha


I was just thinking in line with my thinking Matt could win it, what if Matt is also the one behind the "incidents" in one big twist... surely the WWE would be aware many fans are expecting it to be the returning Christian, who's to say because of this they are actually planing something else.... wishful thinking maybe, but slightly plausable.



The rumble itself was pretty cool, though I don't think it's possible for that set up to not be cool.... surprised Christian didn't turn up seeing as everyone was expecting it... though very surprised RVD came back never seen any rumors of that or knew he resigned. The end was good, thought Triple H was gonna pull off a good upset by beating those 3 on 1 odds, so bloody close and I had him picked to win also, damn that Orton.


This is the first time in a while now that I can remember a heel winning the Rumble... actually I can't ever remember a heel winning the rumble?

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Randy Orton's the type of heel who gets cheered. Sorta like, yet completely unlike, Santino Marella. (LOL at him.)





Speaking of Christian, how do we know for certain he is coming back to WWE? I've read on Wikipedia that his contract with TNA expired as well as his profile removed from their website. But surely it would take more than that to start the rumours?

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Just watched it as well.


Matt/Swagger was cool. I love Swagger's finisher.


Melina/Beth was a bit sloppy, but DAMN! That leg spot managed to hurt me as well.


Cena/JBL had an awesome storyline. And Undertaker meeting HBK backstage was incredible as well.


Jeff/Edge rocked. My reactions during the match were something along the lines of: "Oh, crap, Matt appeared with a chair...he's going to turn on Jeff, I know it...hey, he's giving it to Jeff, he may still have a chan-crap, he picked up another one..........Damn you, Matt!"


The rumble itself was cool at the beginning (Kozlov is getting better and better. So badass), but then started to get a bit uneventful with almost no one getting eliminated. Still, some great moments ("I wasn't ready!", "Hi! I'm Dolph Ziggler!", Jericho's grinning before meeting the Undertaker, etc.)

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Just watched it as well.


Matt/Swagger was cool. I love Swagger's finisher.


Melina/Beth was a bit sloppy, but DAMN! That leg spot managed to hurt me as well.


Cena/JBL had an awesome storyline. And Undertaker meeting HBK backstage was incredible as well.


Jeff/Edge rocked. My reactions during the match were something along the lines of: "Oh, crap, Matt appeared with a chair...he's going to turn on Jeff, I know it...hey, he's giving it to Jeff, he may still have a chan-crap, he picked up another one..........Damn you, Matt!"


The rumble itself was cool at the beginning (Kozlov is getting better and better. So badass), but then started to get a bit uneventful with almost no one getting eliminated. Still, some great moments ("I wasn't ready!", "Hi! I'm Dolph Ziggler!", Jericho's grinning before meeting the Undertaker, etc.)


The Jeff/Edge match was a little predictable, it was either going to be Matt or Christian screwing either Jeff or Edge. Still, sets up nice for a brother vs brother match. Just now has to think if Christian is returning now, and if he does go to Smackdown as planned will he be face and team with Jeff to take down Matt and Edge.

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The Jeff/Edge match was a little predictable, it was either going to be Matt or Christian screwing either Jeff or Edge. Still, sets up nice for a brother vs brother match.


So...having 4 possible outcomes that may or may not happen is predictable? :heh:

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So...having 4 possible outcomes that may or may not happen is predictable? :heh:


It was bound to happen, either Jeff or Edge was going to get screwed out of the title. As to which one, i didn't know. It was basically 2 outcomes. A clean win with no interference or a win with interference.

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It was bound to happen, either Jeff or Edge was going to get screwed out of the title. As to which one, i didn't know. It was basically 2 outcomes. A clean win with no interference or a win with interference.


Still, there were a good number of possible outcomes. And considering we didn't even know the match was going to be "No DQ"...


I was going for a Jeff clean-win, myself. And that the No DQ rule was just an excuse to use weapons and let the Guerreros interfere.

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Still, there were a good number of possible outcomes. And considering we didn't even know the match was going to be "No DQ"...


I was going for a Jeff clean-win, myself. And that the No DQ rule was just an excuse to use weapons and let the Guerreros interfere.


Here is hoping Jeff wins back the title soon, tis a shame he lost it on his first defense of the title as well.


But, as gmac mentioned about a 4 way ladder for the title at Mania. It's going the right way about it already by putting Matt right into the picture. Just have to see if Christian returns to SD as planned and hopefully we will see such a match. Probably would be one of the best ladder matches as well as all 4 of them know each other so well and know the ladder as well.


I think the last time Matt turned on Jeff was in 2002 on RAW with the IC title on the line. Matt couldn't take Jeff getting the shot so screwed him out of the match, then before that in 2001 (Vengence i think with Matt vs Jeff with Lita as the ref, look on Youtube for it) because of the Survivor Series cage match vs The Dudleys for the Tag Titles with Jeff not jumping down from the cage to the outside with Matt.


I don't know of any other occurences of them two turning on each other.

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I don't know about a fatal four way ladder match... considering there will likely be another 6 man Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania, I can't see them having a 2nd ladder match at the event.


Maybe at No Way Out or Backlash, but not at Mania

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glad jbl didnt win title ...and is not gunna be champ at wm. Hes good in the ring but would rather cena as champ as i know he will have a awesome match with orton (if indeed that is gunna happen of course)


i REALLY hope dmacs idea of jeff vs matt vs christian vs edge happens...to witness that in houston would be amazing :o


i do fear thou that HHH will get ANOTHER (eighth i beleive) title shot at WM....leave it to a up and comer or SOMEONE ELSE hunter ffs!


last heel to win rumble was vince mcmahon in 1999


got my raw houston tickets now w00p :) should be getting HOF, Midday madness, fan excess, hotel, flight tickets and of course WM tickets in bout a month now yey!! cant wait coming so quick now

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