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The Wrasslin' thread


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It is indeed a sad day, one of the greatest women in wrestling who was not afraid to take a bump as her age increased. I recall something a while back involving Mae and the Dudleys (i think), they didn't want to hurt her too much and she had a go at them for not hitting the move harder than they did.



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Well I'm going to assume that they'll do something in memory at Wrestlemania for her, if not Royal Rumble.



So... Daniel Bryan is the most over wrestler that I can remember since the Attidude days with Austin. Any of you guys see the ending of Raw? It was incredible, just so amazing.

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Didn't see RAW, i chose to watch the Bulls game on League Pass (damn Bulls, always lose when i watch). But yeah, he's the most over with the crowd Superstar the WWE have. And i don't know why he's not in the main event more and not World Champion, i know he's a 2 time Champion (1x World Heavyweight Champion via Money in the Bank)), 1x WWE Champion).


Watching previous episodes of RAW, especially the RAW before the unification match showed how over he was, it's increadible to watch. And more-so if it were at a live event.

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To be fair D-Bry has main evented 4 of the last 6 PPVs (arguably 5 of the last 7), and semi-main evented the last 2 PPVs he didn't main event.


As to why he's not champion, there's probably more mileage in him as the underdog chasing the belt rather than holding it as a dominant champion. Hopefully they're setting him up for a big Wrestlemania win.


The end of Raw was awesome, infact the last few Raws in general have been very good.

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Yeah Austin never seem to hang onto the belt for long during the Attitude era.


You know I actually never recognized that, but yeah you're right he didn't in particular.


I couldn't get a day off on Monday... But will still stay up for the Rumble anyways. Just be a long and tired day at work.



Predictions for Rumble winner? Eh I want to go with the obvious Daniel Bryan, but think Batisita is back for a reason other than Wrestlemania building. So I'll got with Batista.


I reckon Roman Reigns is going to eliminate Dean Ambrose, either intentionally or inadvertently, but reckon The Shield disbanding will start from the Rumble.

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Used to be so hyped for the Royal Rumble, was my favourite PPV when I was really into wrestling (1990 to 2002)


But looking at the 20 entrants announced so far, it looks so average.


-CM Punk


-Alberto Del Rio

-Kofi Kingston

-The Miz

-Big E. Langston


-Cody Rhodes


-Xavier Woods


-Rey Mysterio

-Bad News Barrett

-Seth Rollins

-Roman Reigns

-Dean Ambrose

-Luke Harper

-Erick Rowan

-Jimmy Uso

-Jey Uso


Prediction: Cena to lose to Orton and enter rumble.


Last 3: Cena, Batista & CM Punk. Batista eliminates Cena with CM Punk then eliminating Batista.

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Batista is back?


When the hell did that happen? I thought he left WWE on bad terms and wanted nothing more to do with them :heh:


I assume that means filming for Gaurdians of the Galaxy is finished then.


You say that like you're surprised. Most wrestlers who leave on bad terms end up coming back. It's the lure of Vince McMahon. Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Hall and Nash, the list goes on...

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Where are you guys getting these rumours from out of interest? I love the speculation leading upto pay per views.


If Batista is contracted for a year, do we know how many appearances that covers? Probably two a month to cover PPV's and a Raw appearance each month right?

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Where are you guys getting these rumours from out of interest? I love the speculation leading upto pay per views.


I'm the opposite. I try to avoid the speculation because often it's as good as spoilers, but it's often hard to avoid. Especially the run up to Wrestlemania, people will talk about the planned Mania card well before it's announced, like the title match, spoiling the winner of the Rumble and the Chamber match, plans still do change but if Meltzer or whoever says Wrestler X is in the Mania main event for the belt then it does effect how you watch them in the Rumble or whatever. I think it's better to watch wrestling with as few expectations as possible.


And the dirt sheets are such a joke in general, with all their non-stories, misleading attention grabbing headlines, copy and pasting and just using each other as sources, and their smark-bait WWE/HHH bashing.


I like the inside gossip as much as anyone but not if it spoils the show. I'll read about it afterwards.

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Where are you guys getting these rumours from out of interest? I love the speculation leading upto pay per views.


If Batista is contracted for a year, do we know how many appearances that covers? Probably two a month to cover PPV's and a Raw appearance each month right?


I actually dont see a lot of rumours, the Hogan one was just from an article on Digital Spy.

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Where are you guys getting these rumours from out of interest? I love the speculation leading upto pay per views.


If Batista is contracted for a year, do we know how many appearances that covers? Probably two a month to cover PPV's and a Raw appearance each month right?


Batista is contracted a minimum of 2 years, and is working a near-full schedule once again. So that's most RAW's, most PPV's etc. As far as i'm aware with Hogan, it's strongly put in that he's signed and agreed to do Mania 30.


The site(s) i use for my wrestling news are NoDQ and Wrestling News Source.


Latest rumours (again, these happen same time every year) regarding Sting coming to the WWE. They keep saying he's strongly considering coming over. But again, take that with a pinch of salt.

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tling news are NoDQ and Wrestling News Source.


Latest rumours (again, these happen same time every year) regarding Sting coming to the WWE. They keep saying he's strongly considering coming over. But again, take that with a pinch of salt.


It would be great to see Sting in the WWE but he is in terrible shape these days.


They would really have to push him to get back in shape.

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It would be great to see Sting in the WWE but he is in terrible shape these days.


They would really have to push him to get back in shape.


If he did go to the WWE, then it may only be for 1 match at Mania vs Undertaker. If he signed now, he's got a few months to get into shape and get match ready for Mania 30.


But they are just rumours, probably won't happen.

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I was listening to one of Giant Bomb's Power Bombcast episodes and they were talking about who could possibly be the one to end Taker's Wrestlemania streak. They thought it either has to be someone just as big and respected as Undertaker or a wrestler who was worth the big push it would get them and who would actually stick around afterwards. I think they were talking about how you wouldn't want someone like Lesnar who got a massive push straight away then just left.


Anyway back to the actual question. Who do you think should/could end the streak or do you think it will end at all? Personally I could see them having him retire soon with the streak intact.

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I don't think anyone will beat the streak and I'm not sure anyone should.


If somebody had to I'd probably lean towards somebody already fairly established but could use the prestige of breaking the streak, I think Daniel Bryan breaking the streak would give him that final main event shove. And I think Cena breaking it would give him a defining moment, solidifying this as his era. It would also be a great way for him to turn heel if they wanted to go that way.

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A lot of wrestling fans don't want to see Taker lose at Mania, and i'm one of them. And i also believe that Mania 30 should be his last, i mean he wrestles once, maybe twice a year. He's looking more and more like a shell of his old self. Think he's closing in on 50 now as well.

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