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Just finished watching Money in the Bank pretty good PPV.


Surprised Daniel Bryan won the Smackdown MITB match, he doesn't seem like World Championship material to me at all. Maybe he'll be the first person to cash it in and not win the the title.... though I thought the same about Miz last year.


Was actually a little dissappointed he didn't cash it in on Christian after Orton beat him up. I think that match was the only disappointing one for me, the Orton match, hated the worked ending of Orton getting DQ'd thought it was such a poor way to go about... though a little happy Christian is champ again :)


The Raw MITB match was awesome though it was a little obvious Del Rio was gonna win. From the fake #1 Contenders match he won on Raw and from him doing near enough nothing during the match obviously trying to make sure he didn't get injured before he could win the match I guess. Loved the end though with him ripping Reys mask off, and then all the ladders falling down which obviously not part of the plan haha.


The Cena/Punk match was great, little slow to start but got going after a bit and the crowd really gave it that bit extra. Loved the "If Punk Loses We Riot" signs, haha. Loved some of the counters too. There was one Cena going for FU (no I will not call it by the PG13 name) and Punk counters to GTS then Cena counters to STF and Punk counters to Annaconda Vice. Lovely. Was great seeing Vince come out giving shades of the Bret Hart incident fully exptected it to be over there. Then Cena leaves go of the hold to stop it. Only to get hit by a GTS, haha.


Thought Del Rio would rush the ring instantly and was fully expecting him to then cash in MITB and win. But when Vince called him out I had a feeling it might not go like that.



Looking forward to watching Raw tomorrow and seeing where this goes, best storyline they've had in a long time.

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Just seen last nights Raw, was starting to wonder where they were going with that championship tourney, was expecting Punk appear during the Rey/Miz match and cause a DQ. Surprised when Rey then had to defend the title later in the show. But was fully expecting Punk to appear either during or after the match. Love his new music bit of "Cult of Personality" is an awesome choice.


Be interesting to see how they resolve this two champ thing? Hopefully with Punk beating Cena again and becoming the rightful champ.


Feel sorry for Rey though... will his 1 day title reign even be recorded/valid?

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Just seen last nights Raw, was starting to wonder where they were going with that championship tourney, was expecting Punk appear during the Rey/Miz match and cause a DQ. Surprised when Rey then had to defend the title later in the show. But was fully expecting Punk to appear either during or after the match. Love his new music bit of "Cult of Personality" is an awesome choice.


Be interesting to see how they resolve this two champ thing? Hopefully with Punk beating Cena again and becoming the rightful champ.


Feel sorry for Rey though... will his 1 day title reign even be recorded/valid?

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Yeah it was valid, he's only the second person from WCW to have the WWE title, the first being Eddie Guerro.


I'm disappointed with punk being back so soon, they could have kept this going till Summerslam atleast, and had him ruin the title match or something!

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Undisputed championship doesnt count apparently, the WWE title has only been held by 2 WCWers!


I'm pretty sure it does, Undisputed is both titles. Regardless, Steve Austin and Mick Foley have also come from WCW. And Benoit, Booker, Goldberg and others have been World Heavyweight Champions (which is the old WCW belt, I know)


Also, I am liking the direction the WWE is taking. I eagerly anticipate what comes next.

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Yeah, Undisputed Champ don't count, unless you count it when they were 2 belts. Then Jericho was a WCW star holding the WWE title. Reverse being, Triple H, Kurt Angle and The Rock held the WCW Championship. Singular title Undisputed i think doesn't count.


Just a thought mind you.


Anyway, WWE bringing CM Punk back so early i think was a mistake. Could have waited until Summerslam, made it more interesting then. Don't get "Super Cena" to win both titles, leave the strap on Punk.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone else watch Summerslam last night?


I thought it was decent though not spectacular.


Seamus vs Henry I enjoyed, loving that Seamus quickly became a crowd favourite and all he had to do was fight Mark Henry. Very dissappointed though the match ended in a count out.


Orton vs Christian was great, loved seeing Edge do a promo as the start, though disappointed he turned aggainst Christian and didn't help him. The match itself was great fully enoyed that one... though again disappointed Orton won it in the end. Thought they'd let Christian get the retain to silence all the flack he's been taking for how he won the title last month. Christian is much better than what the WWE are at the moment allowing him to be.


WWE Champ vs WWE Champ, Cena vs Punk. Great match almost on par with the MitB match they had. Loved that HHH called it down the middle, espeically when he almost counted both men out and then decided to toss them back into the ring himself.


Was very happy CM Punk won the match, though they bloody couldn't let Cena lose without some bloody controvesy could they? (foot on the rope)


Was shocked what happened them with Kevin Nash returning and attacking Punk. Knew at the point Del Rio would come down. Didn't like that was hoping Punk might still fight back and win (someone needs to be the first to cash that thing in and fail).


Sure Del Rio was gonna be Champ eventually but Punk should have had a longer title reign. At the least though maybe this will mean Cena will take a back seat away from the Title picture and it'll be Punk and Del Rio feuding for a bit... hopefully with Punk winning it back.


Also hope this doesn't mean the end of Punks awesome promos

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Didn't watch it, but checked the results. Hmm, pretty interesting...Some thoughts:


-Kevin Nash? Yes! Been waiting for him to be used in some capacity. After all, the guy has plenty of charisma, even if he's getting a bit old... ;)


-Punk / Cena / ADR: Ok, at least Cena didn't win, but Punk losing the title so soon? I hope their motivation was to give Punk more ammo for his promos...


-Christian losing: Ugh, and here we go again. Yes, I have to admit that Captain Charisma has been a bit underwhelming as a champion...I don't know if it's the writing or himself, but there's just no spark. Boringly vanilla promos etc...Whatever it is holding him back, I hope they figure how to fix it and he gets some real energy going...Written promos suck anyway, get rid of those! Why do you think Austin, Rock, Punk get such huge responses in the first place? Because they're either writing their own promos or making them up on the spot...and not spouting some memorised cookie-cutter garbage! This is why TNA does have an edge over WWE, more open promos...


-Beth losing to Kelly Kelly? Wtf...now how credible is that? :/


-US championship in dark match: Yeah, tells you everything about how important that title is...sigh.


Ok, then onto TNA:


-Andersson face turn: ...ok, now that's too soon! I get they wanna push both Bully Ray and Andersson, but the point of a heel run is to stick with it and see what comes out, and not flipflop all the time!


-Knockouts: Yeah, they really put the divas to shame. These gals actually are sexy, and can wrestle too! WWE, pay attention...one reason why guys watch wrestling is the chick division, but not if it's pure garbage! Hope the whole Beth / Natalya -angle can beat some sense into that...


-Samoa Joe: they better be going somewhere with this losing streak, the guy is friggin' badass!


-Chavo? I do hope so...


-More crazy Sting, less boring Immortal promos!

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Nice to see Kevin Nash make a return, long over-due after his pittance appearance at the Rumble. Hope they use him in a better capacity now. I did read somewhere that WWE are looking to use more "known" names in the brand once more. Perhaps this is the beginning.


Think they have finally learned that using new stars without much promotion was a bad move.

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loved seeing Edge do a promo as the start, though disappointed he turned aggainst Christian and didn't help him.


I think they did this because they wanted to keep Edge as a face. Because he was at fan axxess he had to appear in the event, but it's probably too early for him to come back and do something heel-ish.


Didn't like that was hoping Punk might still fight back and win (someone needs to be the first to cash that thing in and fail).


One thing that bugged me about this bit was that they rung the bell while Punk was still laid out on the mat. Normally, the ref would check on him, see if he wants to compete, then ring the bell when he's standing.


Also, the first cash-in to fail will be Daniel Bryan's. Despite being clearly one of, if not the, best wrestler on the roster. (If he can make Tyson Kidd and Dolph Ziggler look good in a match, then no doubt he is a top wrestler.)


Also hope this doesn't mean the end of Punks awesome promos


Punk has always been a master on the mic. Though it's only with the worked shoots has he made full use of his potential.



I didn't think it was that bad a PPV. I've only seen two other PPVs this year, so I can't really say. It had a hard act to follow in MITB and it was never going to match it.

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One thing that bugged me about this bit was that they rung the bell while Punk was still laid out on the mat. Normally, the ref would check on him, see if he wants to compete, then ring the bell when he's standing.


Didn't something similar occur back in 2004/05.



Yup, i didn't recall Taker getting up before the bell rang. But at least he got up, before being knocked down again.


(Sorry, could only find it in Spanish)


Also, the first cash-in to fail will be Daniel Bryan's. Despite being clearly one of, if not the, best wrestler on the roster. (If he can make Tyson Kidd and Dolph Ziggler look good in a match, then no doubt he is a top wrestler.)


Best not fail with Daniel Bryan. Yes, i know he doesn't suit the Heavyweight Division. At least let him win the belt once.

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With Daniel Bryan I can so see him being the first to fail at cashing it in. Though I hope not.


I'd say chances are he will cash it in before Mania though, can't see him holding it for that long and it's bad enough we already know one match for Mania months in advance, don't like the idea of knowing half of another match too. Would also mean whoever wins next years rumble will likely be from raw to fight for the WWE title at Mania.


Did anyone catch last nights Raw yet?


I can't frakking believe it looks like it will be Cena feuding with Del Rio for the title. WTF.

Punk is the more recent former champ, are they gonna ignore his rematch clause?

As it looks like they are to set up a Punk vs Nash feud now?


Also the whole thing with HHH saying he didn't know Nash would attack Punk and then Nash saying HHH texted him to do it "whoever won". I think it's pretty obvious that either John La....whathisname or Stephine will be the one who texted Nash. I'd say John is more likely as both Cena and Punk gave him grief ("Whoever wins"). If it was Steph she would have asked for just Punk to be "stuck" I don't recall her having any issue with Cena.

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  • 5 months later...



Anyone watch the Royal Rumble last night?


Wasn't the best event overall, the first match, Triple Threat Steel cage was oddly fairly borning, but the Punk vz Ziggler match was really good. I was honestly expecting Johnny Ace (can't spell his real last name) to cost Punk the title at the end so surprised he didn't.


The rumble was good, though not the best, but it still had it moments. Towards the end I almost thought they were gonna make Miz the 3rd person to enter as number 1 and win. Thank god he didn't. Haha.


Some good funny moments too, like all the 3 of the commentors taking part. Though it really could have done without Cole. And that spot could have been given to Drew MacIntye or Brodus Clay... I was really surprised given the push (and character change) Clay was given that he wasn't given a Rumble spot.


Laughed my ass off at Kofi Kingston doing a handstand to prevent being eliminated, that was good :D


And the return of Karma too... I was actually expecting Beth Phoenix to reappear like last year didn't expect Karma to be returning till nearer or after Wrestlemania.


So glad Seamus won it though. After Big Show entered at 30 I was thinking maybe he was gonna win it, kinda like a consolation for making him drop the World Heavyweight Title 45 seconds after winning it maybe they told him if you do that we'll give you the rumble. So was surprised then when he went out. But Seamus was (obviously) my fav for the winner looked like maybe Y2J was gonna pinch it in the end though but awesome to see an Irishman win the Rumble, haha.


I was also expecting Undertaker to make a return during the Rumble, thought he'd be number 30 which left me more surprised when that turned out to be Big Show.


But just finished watching last night s RAW and unexpectidly Untertaker is finally back.

Though it looks like they are gonna go with Taker vs HHH again at Mania which'll prolly mean he'll get his head done in again and be injured for another year after it :heh:


I kinda would like to see Taker vs Y2J at Mania though

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Is it Rock V Cena at WM28? I'll be tuning in for that if so! The last thing i watched was when Rocky teamed up with him a few months back. Legendary stuff.


Jav that match has been set since the day after WM27, how did you not know till now :heh:


I'm actually hoping Bryan loses the title at the Elimination Chamber and Seasmus fights whoever wins it. Not liking Bryan heel character, he's not pulling it off well and is not a convincing champion and he's become boring. As I said the Triple threat with him, Show and Henry at the Rumble was such a bore for me. So I'm hoping Bryan is nowhere near a title at WM28 :heh:


I also think Punk/Y2J for the WWE title will be likely too : peace:



I'm just surprised they didn't add Cena to the Raw Elimination Chamber match. I thought they might make him champ before Mania and turn his match vs Rock into a championship one just to add more hype on it.

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Jav that match has been set since the day after WM27, how did you not know till now :heh:



Really? haha, no way. I never get round to watching it anymore. I still think it is awesome, but i'd have to watch it every week to get back into the storylines and get to know the new people i havn't seen. It's crap if you dont know what's going on. I did try and series link record it on Sky a few months back to motivate me to watch it, but it kept clashing with other stuff :shakehead

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