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The Wrasslin' thread


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Your favourite matches? Some of my favourites. Different matches have different qualities. For a hardcore wrestling. You should look no further than Mick Foley.. Can you seriously imagine THIS match happening today?

Best hardcore match:


For pure wrestling Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, Bret hart, Chris benoit and Kurt angle used to always produce the goods. This is a pretty awesome shawn michaels match and one that is easily forgetten.


Best ladder match:

The first Tlc of course :D


SOOO many classic matches to even list here.

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I've been flicking throught "The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin" DVD, one particular match vs HBK was decent. Both of them got DQ'd because both hit finishers on the referees. You don't see that these days.


Stone Cold had that persona that everyone loved, a swearing beer drinking bad-ass employee. Stunning referees, McMahon and anyone who got in his way. Loved when he kidnapped Scott Hall back in 2002, loved his beer truck (re-done in 2001 with Kurt Angle delivering Milk).


In particular, this match needs a special mention. There has only been 1, and it hasn't been seen in 11 years. The Cell has.



Anyway, some of my top matches i've ever seen are.


The Rock vs Triple H - Judgement Day 2000



Undertaker vs Kurt Angle - No Way Out 2006



Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 21



Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 12


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Royal rumble 2001 was fantastic and then no way out and then wrestlemania... I consider that the end of the attitude era though. After that the whole alliance stuff started happening which was very hit and miss..


In particular, this match needs a special mention. There has only been 1, and it hasn't been seen in 11 years. The Cell has.


Anyway, some of my top matches i've ever seen are.


The Rock vs Triple H - Judgement Day 2000


Undertaker vs Kurt Angle - No Way Out 2006


Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 21


Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 12


I'm enjoying talking about classic wrestling again actually thanks to the return of the rock.

The rock vs triple H was amazing. the ending might have ruined it a tab bit though. I mean it was absolutely chaotic but before that you really got to see the rock and HHH do moves i've never seen them try before. HHH trying a piledriver? Cool :) I actually prefer the judgement day iron man to the Bret hart and shawn michaels one.


Lol that armagadon hell in a cell pissed meoff a slight bit at the time. It's nowhere near as good at foley's hell in a cell matches, but maybe i'm just a sick twat or wants people to fall off stuff for my amusement :D. I'll watch it again now though.

Edited by mcj metroid
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So, Cena won the Elimination Chamber and will face Miz at Wrestlemania. It was interesting to hear both Miz and Cena's retorts to the Rock's promo last week. As much as I hate Cena, I actually kind of enjoyed his "rap" especially where he compared Witch Mountain to Brokeback, and that he should go and "blow me". A return to slightly edgier TV which I hope will continue.


As expected, the Undertaker made his return last night. A great segment I thought, with the returning HHH coming out straight afterwards - no words, just great drama with a strong hint at a Wrestlemania rematch. Wonder if HBK will get involved...


A great Smackdown Elimination Chamber match, an early contender for match of the year. Rey and Edge were superb. And seeing Christian return at the end was the cherry on the cake.


I think it was the right decision to not have the Rock at Raw last night, as much I'd loved to have seen another promo from him - if he isn't going to be wrestling, he should be limited to the occasional appearance between now and Mania.


And Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole...? I love Cole's current character, but he should not be the lead announcer. Would rather see Josh Matthews take that role, seeing as JR will likely not be back, with the King as colour commentator. Cole should either be unveiled as the mystery GM, or maybe as a heel manager to a new stable


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  • 1 month later...

So, Rock, Cena and Miz were finally in the same ring last night




They gave away a little more physicality than I expected, but I think it sets up Rock costing Cena the title leading to a match between them, hopefully at Summerslam.


I actually preferred the HHH/Taker/HBK segment. That's the way to sell a match!




So, anybody ordering Wrestlemania this year?

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Iv ordered it, i actually though HHH and Taker cut a great promo. Rock/Cena/Miz.... not so much. Sorry but the Rock we all remember would never have been taken down by Miz and A Ri like that, however i think they are trying to feed the Miz some credibility and he is one of the best performers on the mic in the WWE atm.


That said i can see another horrid "hand over" coming up. Remember Rock v Hogan, yeah. Cena v Rock coming up to pass on the current "great one" of the generation.

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To be fair, even though they were hyping Rock, Miz and Cena more throughout the nght, i thought the Triple H-Taker promo was done 10x better. I honestly didn't expect HBK to come out either, just goes to show that these two guys (Triple H and Taker) know how to do things right.


However, the Rock, Miz and Cena promo. Meh really. I was expecting Rock to take it to Cena, but i guess WWE are saving that for Mania. I know they are giving Miz credibility, but that was a bit too much to be fair. And they buggered up with A-Ri, wasn't he fired/no longer allowed to be with Miz?. Unless i missed something, which i probably did.


It was as i guessed with Cena and Rock. Cena gets booed, Rock gets cheered. Should have heard the boo's coming when Cena hit the AA, and the cheers with the Peoples Elbow hitting Miz. It's setting up for either Rock to hit both Miz and Cena with Rock Bottoms at Mania, or for Rock to either cost Cena the title/attack him after the match. I believe WWE know it makes sense to have Cena Rock bottomed at Mania, it will be more electrifying.


Sorry, i should have modded Cena's name with "Homeless Power Ranger", classic!!.


And Esequiel, i hope they don't do another one of them hand-over matches. I would love Rock to beat Cena and show he still has it, even though he ain't wrestled in years. Would be a sell-out, and would keep long-time fans happy.

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And they buggered up with A-Ri, wasn't he fired/no longer allowed to be with Miz?. Unless i missed something, which i probably did.


Was re-hired at a raw event (one of the non-monday night ones).


And Esequiel, i hope they don't do another one of them hand-over matches. I would love Rock to beat Cena and show he still has it, even though he ain't wrestled in years. Would be a sell-out, and would keep long-time fans happy.


I agree, infact i'd love to see cena turn heel. I think he would be great as a heel, Rock has recently said he wants to wrestle again so Cena heel V Rock babyface would work. They are making it glaringly obvious that the Rock has no respect for Cena and the only way a face v face match works is with the stars talking about how much respect they have for each other, ala Taker v HHH.

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I agree, infact i'd love to see cena turn heel. I think he would be great as a heel, Rock has recently said he wants to wrestle again so Cena heel V Rock babyface would work. They are making it glaringly obvious that the Rock has no respect for Cena and the only way a face v face match works is with the stars talking about how much respect they have for each other, ala Taker v HHH.


I agree, Cena would be great as a heel but I can't see WWE turning their top babyface considering the amount of charity work (Make-A-Wish etc) he does and the kids who love him/merchandising etc.


They could temporally change Cena to heel like they did with HBK before his match with Hogan. Turned HBK back to a babyface the night afterwards. Worked then, could work again.


Not that it matters, Cena gets boo'd anyway.

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Does anybody watch TNA?


I've tried to get into it a few times, but find it horribly awful. The strange backstage candid camera, the constant talk about ratings and the TV network and their attempts to give nods to the "smart" fans who know about the backstage politics and such, really turns me off.


And after the Sting vs Jeff Hardy shambles at their last PPV, I don't think they'll be winning over many new fans any time soon.

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Does anybody watch TNA?


I've tried to get into it a few times, but find it horribly awful. The strange backstage candid camera, the constant talk about ratings and the TV network and their attempts to give nods to the "smart" fans who know about the backstage politics and such, really turns me off.


And after the Sting vs Jeff Hardy shambles at their last PPV, I don't think they'll be winning over many new fans any time soon.


I'm actually very surprised that TNA still employ Jeff Hardy, that was the second time he was sent home due to not being in a fit state. Concerning that match vs Sting, TNA could have and should have prevented Jeff from coming out for the match, but they decided to send him out anyway. That is what annoys the fans with Jeff at the moment. His court-case still gets continuances each and everytime as well.


And, i believe TNA have lost quite a number of fans since that disaster of a main event. They spent more time coming out for the match than actually wrestling.


And i've tried countless times to "get" TNA, but time and time again it doesn't work. Yes, the action itself is better in places, but everything else sucks. That includes the storylines, the commentators and everything.

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Got Mania ordered.


Only just copped this, but there is no Money in the Bank Ladder match this year. That is a shame. Likely due to it having it's own PPV now. Don't like that, they should have kept it as a Mania tradition, having it's own PPV with a "Mr. Money in the Bank" for both Raw and Smackdown dilutes it an awful lot.


Still looking forward to see what happens :)

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Disappointed so far, lawler v cole was dreadful and the 8 man tag match lasted.... 1 minute 37 seconds. It took longer to come to the ring.


So yeah, at the minute it's hugely disappointing. Also only 2 titles on the line both of the world titles, it just devalues all the other titles. The intercontinental and tag titles could have been included in the 8 man tag.

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Yeah just finished watching it.


Not the best Mania but was better than the standard PPV's at least, I guess.


THe main downer as mentioned above was the stupid amount of time given to the Cole vs Lawler match. All they had to do was have King beat up cole for 30 seconds, pin him, win, the for Stone Cold to stun everyone in sight, that's all anyone wanted to see from that match anyway. God how frakking awkward was it watching Cole try to wrestle... hell even his walking/running in the ring was embarrassing. Then the stupid thing with the GM overturning the decision and giving Cole the win by DQ. I was half expecting to see a backstage shot of Cole at a laptop revealing him to be the GM.


Guess this means we still have to put up with Cole's crap on Raw tomorrow :mad:


Again as mentioned above, the 8 man tag only got barely 2 mins, and they gave so much to this spoof match, nonsense.


Taker vs HHH was good, not as good as the 2 HBK ones though but still the best fight of the night. 3 Pedigrees on Taker and I was certain HHH was going to win. When he then hit the tomestone on Taker surely that must have been it but Taker still kicks out. Odd to see it end on a submission though... I wonder did the 2nd pedigree frak up Taker as it looked like he landed full on the top of his head, some neck damage for sure. Maybe he actually couldn't get up. Hell he had to be karted off which I doubt was part of the plan.


The Cena vs Miz was a bit of a let down and the worked ending didn't quite work. When they were both counted out I knew The Rock would come out and restart the match. Was awesome seeing Rock work teh mic again though both at the start of the event and that point at the end, funny when he was going to read the GM's email. And liked the face to face he had with Austin in the middle of the show, oddly I didn't expect that to happen. Also didn't expect Rock to cost Cena the title. I was expecting for Cena to win first then the Rock to attack him. Especially considering that The Miz attacked Rock on the last Raw I felt for sure if he was gonna cost either man the title it would have been Miz.


Event really seemed to lack the Money in the Bank match, that always brought a little something extra to the event since they first did it. And it gave them a way to get more superstars into the event. They tried that with the 8 man tag but they had it end stupidly fast.


And the titles, they would have had the tag titles on the line at least. 3 way, Corre vs Big Show & Kane vs Santino & Kozlov/Kofi.


And what happened to the US Title match? Guess they did it a dark match before it started?

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I've not watched it myself, but from what I've read and heard the Taker vs HHH match was the most entertaining of the night. And I guess that's to be expected.


Really glad Undertaker kept his record. 19-0.


on the WWE website the writeup for the match implies that each year Taker wins, but it's getting increasingly more difficult to do so, and again it implies that next year perhaps the Taker's streak will end.


personally I think he should keep his record and work it up to 20-0.

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