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I know, saying 'Shut up' in a nice way backfired. I've learnt my lesson, don't worry :heh:


Glad you have now.


I sometimes think why people just lurk on N-E and don't register up. I mean, its an awesome community full of great members and laughs.

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Has anyone considered that some of the lurkers might be bots?


N-E comes up on google searches for common things, quite a lot, so I imagine there's also a lot of people who are just here for a few moments also.


Personally. generally log in to N-E right after I clear my Cookies, so I never lurk when not signed in. But I do occasionally not bother posting after reading a thread if I have nothing interesting to say.


I've noticed recently that the forum does seem a little bit un-active. We need some more interesting threads. There hasn't really been a really popular thread in the general board created for a while now. We need threads just to get people talking, and keep people talking too. Not just the kind of thread that people post once to state their opinion and leave, but something that starts an on-going discussion, like the How Was Your Day thread.

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