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What Would You Call Your Spawnlings?


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I agree. Chair needs to choose a name that's Somewhere In Between. I AM aware the name of his Mother Stands For Comfort, but I'm against the same names as family members generally...hmm.


I once met Kashka. That's a lovely name.


She was from Baghdad. And loved her coffee unbelievably homeground.


I like Kashka...reminds me of Kafka.


I'd prefer a joke twist on the ancestral names.


My Grandfather was called George, and I have a great uncle called Alexander and my dad named my younger sister Georgina Alexandrina after them.


And my dad's name is Alistair, and my youngest sister is called Alison.


And my oldest sister is named Sheelagh (technically a lovely twist on the well-known Sheila), named after some family member from ages ago - my dad's grandmother's sister or something. And then my other sister is called Helen(a), which was picked just because my parents loved the name/ Helen of Troy is lovely.


Hmm a variation/different spelling of a 'classic' name is good. Kinda...postmodern.


(lol: N-E in 25 years time with 'the next generation' whereby all our kids are members...because this is a disney direct to dvd sequel of course)

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I like Kashka...reminds me of Kafka.


Me and Paj's band is going to be called Kashka From Bagdah (if we ever get round to actually writing music)


Hmm a variation/different spelling of a 'classic' name is good. Kinda...postmodern.


(lol: N-E in 25 years time with 'the next generation' whereby all our kids are members...because this is a disney direct to dvd sequel of course)


To be fair to everyone, Sheelagh is much older than Sheila, since it's like anciently Scottish/Celtic or something.


But yeah, I do love Melissa, the Littler Mermaid.

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Me and Paj's band is going to be called Kashka From Bagdah (if we ever get round to actually writing music)




To be fair to everyone, Sheelagh is much older than Sheila, since it's like anciently Scottish/Celtic or something.


But yeah, I do love Melissa, the Littler Mermaid.


Thats what makes it postmodern though. Even though its older people will presume its a new take on it. Its ironic. And my point doesn't make much sense but im going to argue it anyway. So yeah, boo yah!


Anyway yes, im sticking with Lilly and Stosh (lol thats almost Lilo and Stitch!). Even though I am determined to just have one the other day the thought 'well, maybe 2 wouldn't be so bad as long as theres a few years between them' did cross my mind. Certainly at least five though.

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Referring back to post a few pages back about the Latin "Amanda": Yes, it's quite correctly the Gerundive. I believe it could both be "she who must be loved" and "she who should be loved". I think "loveable" covers it well as far as I have understood the function of the Gerundive.


Oh, and Molly: Unfortunately, my surname isn't "Hugandkiss". My parents chose a more discreet surname for me, "Grabandfuck".


I jest, of course.

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I like Theo (for a boy) and Cleo (a girl) too. Not sure I'd use both for both my children though, bit odd.


Going back to Shakespearean names I like; Claribel, Dido, Adrian, Sampson, Stephano (Or Stephan, but it would be pronounced as such, not "Steven", which ranks alongside "Dave" and "Mike" in terms of being no fun at all),, Tybalt.


For girls, Valentine, Phoebe, Iris, Hecate, Adriana and Cordelia.

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Hecate was the goddess of the Underworld - slightly morbid to name your child that.


Yeah but let's be fair, gods and goddesses aren't real, they're just fun.


And by that logic, calling a child Myra, Harold, Lucifer, Madeline, etc is really morbid too, as they're related to generally dark matters.

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Yeah but let's be fair, gods and goddesses aren't real, they're just fun.


And by that logic, calling a child Myra, Harold, Lucifer, Madeline, etc is really morbid too, as they're related to generally dark matters.


Well yeah, but name someone you know actually called Harold/Lucifer...


Both sound really bad when you say them. Myra is lovely, I'll give you that.

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Why not just not have children?


(No offence to Chair, who is called John)


See now thats quite cheeky, whats wrong with those names? Just because they aren't as weird and ''wonderful'' as the names you've picked..although considering the amount you have picked you'll have a mansion full of the buggers!


People are so set nowadays on different names that by the time Dante has kids his names will be unique anyway!

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Oh, and Molly: Unfortunately, my surname isn't "Hugandkiss". My parents chose a more discreet surname for me, "Grabandfuck".


I jest, of course.






I adopted a child called Madeline....well I say adopted...


you'll have a mansion full of the buggers!


Don't you mean castle. ;p

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See now thats quite cheeky, whats wrong with those names? Just because they aren't as weird and ''wonderful'' as the names you've picked..although considering the amount you have picked you'll have a mansion full of the buggers!


People are so set nowadays on different names that by the time Dante has kids his names will be unique anyway!


Yeah, but you can have "normal" names that are still interesting.


At least a joke variation on the norm. For example; Rory becoming Ruaridh. Both of those are common up here. Like neither, but even so, it's having a joke with it.

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How could you not with names like that? And Vada-Ray's dad is a complete cunt so she and her two brother's will most certainly end up like that. I feel really bad as my cousin is a really nice lady but she seems attracted to these pricks.


Well it's not like names TRULY affect what we turn out as.

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