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Left Brain Vs Right Brain Test


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Just by looking at it now I can 'change' the direction it goes without blinking when the two legs pass each other and imagining them spinning the opposite way. Took a while since I was convinced it was only anti-clockwise. Kinda like that book illusion, if your facing at the spine or inside the book, just depends how you look at it.

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Here's a tip. When you see the leg at the top when they cross, aka 12 o 'clock, imagine the leg actually being at 6 o'clock and moving towards 3 o'clock, then 12 etc. Imagine it going in opposite direction your watching when the legs cross and you might see it a bit.

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At first I saw it as clockwise, and no way of it being anti.


Then I folder my laptop screen a bit and looked at it from a high angle. Then I could see it going anti if I tried. But then when I slowly open the screen and look at it from an even level, it goes back to being logical clockwise!


EDIT: I've managed to suss for myself that it depends which leg you perceive as being on the floor. If it's her right, she's going anti-clockwise. If it's her left leg, she's going clockwise.

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I tried everything you guys are saying, can't do shit, though


She's always moving clockwise to me


Wait, now i can see her going anti clockwise.


This is no Optical Illusion, its a Share GIF, nothing else

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Yep, i got the trick now.


As D_Prodigy said it, it all depends on our interpretation of the image.


If we think the foot moving is the right one, it will go on one direction, if we think its the left, it will go on another.


The reason why this image does that is because the gif is not going neither direction, its just going left and right, left and right, and the legs are changed.


A great mind crush trick, i loved it

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I tried everything you guys are saying, can't do shit, though


She's always moving clockwise to me


Wait, now i can see her going anti clockwise.


This is no Optical Illusion, its a Share GIF, nothing else


Of course it's an optical illusion. It is an image that tricks the mind into believing it's seeing something that it isn't. Our minds are telling us that the image is actually a silhouette of a 3D girl spinning around - when it's actually just an image of a 2D girl. For some reason, different people's minds see the girl spinning in different directions, but in reality she isn't spinning at all, which is why she can be percieved by some people as spinning both ways.

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The reason why this happens is that our Brain is made to watch in 3D.

But this is a 2D image trying to be a 3D one, so try saying this to a guy.

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