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Fallout 3


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Haven't quite got into this yet. Only at level 3 or something and have only done one side quest in Megaton, but for some reason I'm struggling for motivation to get into it. Last night I was bored and instead of going to play Fallout for an hour I found myself playing Minesweeper.


I know once I get into it I'll love it but I'm struggling to. Maybe fatigue from Fable or something, who knows.

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Yeah I felt the same as you when at that level, but things begin to develop quickly.

Basically I had one mammoth session of doing stuff and now I don't want to play anything else.


Just played this again for a bit, I have completed the Lucies message quest as well as the Big Town one - managed to save both Red and Shorty. Thing is once I complete this I always have to ask for a reward, which feels stupid but something that'lh help.

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i thought i still had a good bit to go since theres still plenty of "quest" achivements still locked.


level 17 :)


o by vault 92 i went to a town FULL of deathclaws...then in the sewer there was more of them!! got good rewards i think i got the best armour in the game now...it talks to me quite strange.


basically just exploring now got ninja gaiden 2 on hire so will start that later or tomorrow.


getting gears 2 on monday me thinks.

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Just got this today and blow me, the sheriff is dead. The fool that I am, I told him about the bomb blowing plot, he goes all sheriff, turns his back on the plotter and gets some shots in his back. Damn. The bigger fool I am to run through the door after him, only to realise that the autosave is my most recent save! *Sigh* not a good start

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Just got this today and blow me, the sheriff is dead. The fool that I am, I told him about the bomb blowing plot, he goes all sheriff, turns his back on the plotter and gets some shots in his back. Damn. The bigger fool I am to run through the door after him, only to realise that the autosave is my most recent save! *Sigh* not a good start


You cannot save the sheriff. I killied burke before he could kill the sheriff and the sheriff hightailed it out of the building. I found hin lying dead elsewhere in town.

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Haven't quite got into this yet. Only at level 3 or something and have only done one side quest in Megaton, but for some reason I'm struggling for motivation to get into it. Last night I was bored and instead of going to play Fallout for an hour I found myself playing Minesweeper.


I know once I get into it I'll love it but I'm struggling to. Maybe fatigue from Fable or something, who knows.


Same here at first, loving it now it's got going a bit.

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You cannot save the sheriff. I killied burke before he could kill the sheriff and the sheriff hightailed it out of the building. I found hin lying dead elsewhere in town.


Ah thanks for that. Is a MASSIVE weight off my shoulders (I know its a game but still, his son runs up to you and acts as a constant reminder. His coat looks good on me though :P)

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I'm now up to level 8 and 1/4. Just did the Ant-Agonizer quest, haven't dealt with the Mechanist, but may do if it bags me XP. The ant-agonizer was crap, I thought it would put up more of a fight but I guess the quest may hae been intended for true beginners.


My character is a bit of a gun-nut. I don't really sneak and I've got lots of points on 'small guns'. When levelling up I improve most things, but a couple of skills I upgrade more. My barter is pretty low for my level.

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