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Bioshock 2


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The detail in the special edition is wonderful. My only dissapointment is that the game case is a standard one. Although I suppose it's so it can fit alongside your other ones.


Ah right. Would have been nice if they did a tin case (ive got a thing for gaming tins atm, i thought the mass effect 2 one was ace!).


EDIT: Although if the other stuff in their is ace as u say then i cant really complain!

Edited by Mike1988uk
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Had a quick blast before, got the rapture edition from Zavvi, the lil book you gets nice lil hardback thing, lotsa nice art in there, sorta wish I'd gone for the special edition with the bigger book.


Anyway, played a bit online (not startin story till im on me own, in a dark room) for about 30 mins, its pretty fun, not fun enough to get addicted to (aka cod), but a good time waster, ill enjoy gettin me achievys on the online modes woop!

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Just has a quick blast at this, it's fantastic! I'm not sure if it'll live up to the greatness of the original yet, but it's still damn fun and that's all that matters right now. There's already been some excellent set-peices too, although it does feel a bit too familiar. It's not really a bad thing, but hopefully that samey feeling will die off later on. However, one problem; the game just crashed on me, which is worrying, so I'll leave it for a few mins before continuing...

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Right, so this is rad. Some of the audio diaries are bloody fantastic, the combat mechanics feel more empowering, but its lost some of that overwhelming feeling of grandeur and overall world structure.


The series looks to establish itself basically as a sort of dog-fighting arena for different branches of utopian philosophy to fight it out against each other, and this looks to be no different. Objectivism vs Collectivism now, apparently, which should be fucking hilarious, since they're about as opposite in polarities as you could imagine. Ryan was always far more charismatic than Lamb is though.

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I'm getting serious dejavu from the first hour of so of this game. That first zap of conveniently placed splicers, that first whack of something blocking the door, the small room I'm trapped in while splicers furiously fire at the glass...


Not that I'm complaining. I'm quite happy to play Bioshock 1 again. Plus this time I don't know what to expect in the next room again.

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Just played for a bit, only chance iv had to play it without people about, i love it! xD I've been searchin everywhere, findin some crazy little rooms. A woman in a toilet made me shit myself, iv missed bioshock :P


Im playin it through on hard, and it isnt that bad, had 2 health vials left after a big daddy, is there an even harder difficulty? I cant remember if bioshock 1 had one after hard?


Bah wish i didnt have work tomorow, i could get lost in Rapture all night :'(

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It's a bit like coming home. Comforting, warm, fuzzy,... and perhaps a little bit too familiar at times. The element of surprise and wonder is somehow lessened if you've been through Bioshock 1, but all the rest remains intact.


There is never too much of a good thing, but it feels more like an expansion pack. Then again, Bioshock was so full of awesome, like me, you probably won't mind at all. It hits the right spots, unlike e.g. RE5, which is more or less RE 4.5... only not so good.


It has a SMB: Lost Levels feel to it: familiar, but a continuation of something great. If it ain't broke...


I can't help but wonder if newcomers to Bioshock (those who, for whatever reason, skipped BS1), can fully comprehend what's going on exactely. New year 1958, Andrew Ryan, Big Daddies, Little Sisters, etc.

Edited by Strange Cookie
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Wow Crash Course in Utopian Philosophy: The Game, continues on schedule with the unveiling of "Dionysis Park" (or something like that, with Dionysis in it). It's starting to get a bit...whats the opposite of subtle? Not quite that, but close. Still brilliant fun, but not quite as sublimely told as the original.

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Mechanically it's a better game than the first, although personally I don't think it has quite the the same level of theatric flair; once you've finished the game you won't be able to point to as many 'moments'.


It's actually the inverse of the first BioShock in that the opening of this is the worst part whilst the finale is really good. For the first few hours I wasn't really feeling it as the game just dumps you into Rapture after a badly encoded CGI intro, expecting you to care about characters you don't really know anything about whilst lacking the shock of the new that helped the original game out considerably.


Oh, incidentally I keep seeing people say the game is short which I find rather odd. I think it took me around 15 hours to finish it, being fairly thorough in my exploration, which is about on par with the first game.

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Finished this today. The last two levels were fuck awesome. Good to see that the choice you make with the Little Sisters has a much bigger effect on the ending this time, though I was expecting some kind of repercussion for my decision on whether or not to kill a few people.


Nice setup for a sequel also.

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Got this on Saturday, been playing it pretty solidly since. I'm enjoying it though I think it's a lot more action packed than the original. There are some great set pieces but the atmosphere seems to have taken a step back. Just doesn't seem to be many moments that have actually freaked me out. The stories pretty good though I miss Ryan. I basically started it on Hard and jesus it really is. Mainly because there's so little ammo and money around the place. I had to give up fighting the Big Daddies in one section simply because there was no point getting the little sister as i'd never have been able to defend her. That's something which I was concerned about when I first heard it and it has proven to be quite annoying at times. The online portion was fun but lag city. Shame really as it has a lot of potential. Overall not bad, considering I traded in 4 shitty games for it.

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Got this on Saturday, been playing it pretty solidly since. I'm enjoying it though I think it's a lot more action packed than the original. There are some great set pieces but the atmosphere seems to have taken a step back. Just doesn't seem to be many moments that have actually freaked me out. The stories pretty good though I miss Ryan. I basically started it on Hard and jesus it really is. Mainly because there's so little ammo and money around the place. I had to give up fighting the Big Daddies in one section simply because there was no point getting the little sister as i'd never have been able to defend her. That's something which I was concerned about when I first heard it and it has proven to be quite annoying at times. The online portion was fun but lag city. Shame really as it has a lot of potential. Overall not bad, considering I traded in 4 shitty games for it.


what 4 shitty games?

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