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EPUC = Eat Poop U Cat is a game that mixes the elements of chinese whispers and pictionary. Typically you play with an odd number of people, with Dude writing a sentence then the next person, Dudette, trying to draw the sentence.


Then, before passing it on, Dudette folds the paper so that only the part of the EPUC she added is visable to the next person. Then the next person, Dudley, must attempt to write a sentence based upon the picture.


Now, obviously we can't fold this thread and pass it on, so I'm going to attempt to do it thusly;

Can you smell something?


then the next post puts;



then the next poster puts;

Hey grandma. Are my whiskers attacking that poor man's phoenix?


... then the next person does what? Draws a picture! ... yeah. Give it a go?


SO you can feel free to look at the previous entries, or just the latest one.


We should have a new starting sentence every seven posts - so that's four sentences and three pictures.


If the game takes off, then I can attempt to keep some sort of gallery in this OP.


First sentence

Y'know, back in my day, if you did that you'd be strung up to the nearest tree.



... please play?


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